American Comic World of Martial Artists

Chapter 537 Excited to break Donghe Wu

Inside Qingshi Peak.

The Lord of Penggong, the Lord of Desolation, and the Lord of Darkness are all excited.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, Luo Hua is extremely dazzling in my human race, he can be called the first genius since hundreds of millions of epochs, and now he is still so perverted in studying the ancient civilization's rhinoceros bureau, hahaha, this is my human race Good luck to the clan!"

"It's a great blessing, one step is fast, one step is fast, now Luo Hua is so much ahead, as long as he keeps going, he will definitely get the inheritance of Duan Donghe Wu!!"

"Didn't read Donghe and Wu Du said that Luo Hua's innate understanding is a genius even in ancient civilizations!"

The three couldn't hide their excitement, but in order not to disturb Luo Hua, they tried their best to endure.

"Tell the news to the founder of Giant Axe and the Lord of Chaos City first." Soon, the three of them passed the news to Giant Axe, the Lord of Chaos City and others through the virtual universe.

Outside the boat of the tomb.

The battle between the founder of the giant ax and the strongest in the universe of the God-eye clan, the Purple Moon Holy Land, and the Holy Land of the East Emperor has ended, and the result is that the founder of the giant ax only slightly lost the wind.

"It's a pity that this spear is not suitable for me, otherwise my strength will skyrocket again." The giant axe's rough face was full of calm, he stroked the dark golden spear, and shook his head slightly.

However, the three major forces and the strongest in the universe guarding the hatch gate of the boat of the tomb were all shocked.

"The strength of this giant ax is too strong!"

"Although the strongest in the universe of the three major forces did not really join forces due to their face and inner pride, but they cooperated with each other, and their strength definitely surpassed that of the First Allah, but they only suppressed the giant axe!"

"If there is no accident, I am afraid that the human race will give birth to another original ancestor!"

Many of the strongest in the universe communicated with each other, looking at the giant axe with fear in their eyes.

"Happy event, great event!!" Suddenly, the City Lord of Chaos, who was sitting cross-legged in a palace treasure, couldn't help shouting.

Others, including the founder of the giant axe, were all comprehending and studying the Rhinoceros Bureau. Hearing this cry, they couldn't help opening their eyes and looking at the Chaos City Lord.

"Chaos, what's the matter, so happy?" Giant Axe asked.

"Luo Hua has broken through the second bottleneck and solved the 2000th endgame." Chaos laughed.

hear this.

Giant Axe, Qing Dong, Xu Jin and others stood up one by one, surprised and said: "What? Luo Hua, he solved the 2000th round so quickly?"

"Yes." The Lord of Chaos City recounted the narration of Lord Peng Gong and others.

"Hahaha, Luo Hua is amazing!"

"Good job!"

"As expected of the first genius of my human race!"

The Lord of Void Gold and others were all excited. They were all comprehending and studying the Rhinoceros game. Naturally, they knew the difficulty of the 2000th game. Luo Hua was able to solve it in such a short period of time, which undoubtedly shows that his talent is terrifyingly high. .

"Chaos, tell Peng Gong and the others not to disturb Luo Hua." Juxue hurriedly said.

The Chaos City Lord was dumbfounded, "Don't worry, Peng Gong and the others have a sense of proportion."

The giant axe nodded, and suddenly clenched its fists, looking at the Chaos City Lord and the others, "If, if Luo Hua can get the inheritance of Duan Donghe Wu, even if everyone in my human race sacrifices, I must protect Luo Hua!"

Chaos City Lord and others all nodded, their expressions were serious. They understood what the giant ax meant. The inheritance of Duan Donghe Wu was related to the hope of reincarnation. Once Luo Hua got it, one can imagine the first reincarnation era and the second What kind of crazy actions will the forces of the age of reincarnation make?

"Of course, since Duan Donghe Wu started the inheritance, there must be a way to protect the inheritors, so I don't have to be nervous." Juxue grinned.


virtual universe.

In front of the three-dimensional phantom of the simulated stone pillars.

Luo Hua's eyebrows were full of thought, "No, the composition method is wrong again. This is the 3,000th composition error. As expected of the Rhinoceros game, I have the basic operation rules for reference, and they all failed in the 3000th endgame." So many times."

shake your head slightly,

Luo Hua couldn't help sighing, the Rhinoceros game is the most test of understanding, and there is a bottleneck every 1000 games, if the will and understanding don't break through, it will be difficult to overcome it, like most masters of the universe, the 1500th game is their lifelong bottleneck If there is no unexpected opportunity, they are afraid that they will never be able to untie the bottleneck.

He solved the game so fast, firstly because he had the basic operation line of the universe as a reference, and secondly because his soul consciousness was extremely powerful, and he had also watched the network of the core operation law of the universe. From time to time, those regular network fragments will pop out.

So the further back, Luo Hua's speed of solving the game is gradually increasing.

Of course, the speed increase is relative to before.

When Luo Hua was thinking hard about how to perfectly form the basic units into a three-dimensional phantom pattern, a figure in white robe stood beside him.

It is the original ancestor.

"Only five thousand years have passed, and this disciple of mine has actually started to solve the 3000th endgame. No wonder even Duandonghe Wu of the ancient civilization admires Luo Hua's talent and understanding." I am amazed. You must know that he is full of genius, and his realm has reached the level of the true god of the void, and he has created a virtual universe secret method that is incomparably suitable for the original universe. But until now, he has only solved the 4000th game.

"If I'm still the Venerable Universe, I'm afraid I'm far inferior to this Luo Hua." While sighing, his figure disappeared and came to Luo Feng's plane space.

Luo Hua and Luo Feng are all the descendants of the human race that he values ​​very much, so when he comprehends the game of the Rhinoceros Emperor, he will occasionally watch the progress of the two of them.

Compared with Luo Hua, Luo Feng's progress is much slower, and he has only solved the 2500th endgame so far.


The boat of the tomb, in the corridor of life and death.

In the blink of an eye, 5200 years have passed.

During these 5,200 years, hundreds of candidates have broken through to the first bottleneck one after another, but the number of candidates who broke through the bottleneck began to decrease afterward.

Ding, boom, boom.

Countless colorful lights converged, and Duan Donghe Wu's figure appeared again.

The eyes of many candidates moved over in unison. After more than three thousand years, the Lord of the Five Elements of Humanity did not make any movement, which also let them breathe a sigh of relief. All relieved a lot.

"So what if we are leading now, the difficulty is so high later, then the human race will definitely be surpassed by us."

This is the inner thought of hundreds of candidates who have broken through the first bottleneck.

"The blue blood of the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor has reached the second bottleneck." Duan Donghe Wu said with a smile: "Continue to work hard, this time I will break the inheritance of Donghe Wu, the most promising is the Lord of the Five Elements, the Lord of the Galaxy, and you! "

"Yes, my lord." Bi Xue, the holy land of the East Emperor, said excitedly.

Countless candidates looked envious and jealous.

"I didn't expect that the third person who broke through the second bottleneck would be an inconspicuous quasi-universe master in the Holy Land of the East Emperor!"

"That's right, this Jade Blood Lord is not qualified to enter the Cosmic Sea."

"Hey, no matter what, there is finally a non-human race breaking through the second bottleneck!"

Many candidates communicated secretly through sound transmission. The Human Lord of the Five Elements and the Lord of the Galaxy broke through the second bottleneck one after another, which brought great pressure to them.

At this point, the pressure finally eased a lot.

However, just as Jade Blood, the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor, was about to continue studying the Emperor Rhinoceros situation, the figure of Wu Duan Donghe suddenly trembled. He seemed to be ecstatically pointing his finger away.


Countless cyan light spots converged, and then a temperature that made the souls of all candidates freeze fell, and then the cyan light spots floated down to the crystal pillar where Luo Hua was.

in an instant.

The three palaces of gold, red, and blue reflect and collide with each other, bursting out an incomparably dazzling dazzling light.

"Ancestors of all ages, after I set foot on this road of no return, I, Duan Donghe Wu, have always felt guilty and felt ashamed. ...I never thought that in the countless times of reincarnation when I fell, I would be able to find a descendant with such a monstrous talent and understanding."

"It's only over five thousand years, even with the ten-thousand-fold time acceleration of the small universe, only fifty million years have passed, and within five epochs, the third bottleneck has been broken through!! The core geniuses of those superpowers in the civilization of their hometown It can't be done either!"

Duan Donghe Wu was trembling with excitement, and tears flowed even more, "I have broken the vein of Donghe Wu, hopeful rise, hopeful rise!!"

"The Lord of the Five Elements!"

With this low drink.

The faces of the Shenyan race and many other race candidates in the universe sea reincarnation era changed drastically.

"No, no, impossible!!"

"Is this going to completely cut off the hope of my race!!"

"Not reconciled, not reconciled, is the ethnic group destined to perish in this era of reincarnation!"

At this moment, some powerhouses of the ethnic group were terrified, some were saddened, and some were silent and weeping.


I originally went to the hospital today and wanted to rest when I came back, but as I write this, if there is no update, it is estimated that many readers will send blades and continue to write.

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