Ai Li didn't go out these few days, but stayed at home researching something,

Wanda also has her own mission, she has to get familiar with the outside world,

She has been in the HYDRA base for too long and she has been slightly out of touch with the current technological development,

And only then did she know what kind of company Stark Group is now,

Know what Tony's current personality is like

Although Ai Li did not follow his promise and took revenge on himself the next day,

But she also knew from the corner that Ai Li was going to leave the earth to find trouble with that Ego,

Now I'm busy again, I should have something to deal with,

So it's understandable that he doesn't have time to take care of his own revenge.

until noon a week later,

When Wanda returned to the villa and opened the door, she found that Tony Stark was hanging in the living room...

"woo woo woo woo!"

"Woo woo woo..."

Tony hung in the air with some grief,

His current image is really a bit embarrassing,

When the whole person is tied up, the ropes up and down the whole body seem to have some characteristics,

how to say,

Tony tried this on those cover ladies,

Tortoise shell binding.

A very authentic bundle,

He didn't even know how the other party was so familiar!

Seeing Wanda come in, I felt that my face was completely lost, and I cried out in grief.

"Tony Stark!"

When Wanda saw the other party, her anger rose instantly, and she wanted to kill the other party.

Although she didn't know why, she didn't want to do anything so much in her heart,

The rest of what drives her is entirely an impulse accumulated over such a long time.

"Are you going to stop me?"

Seeing Ai Li standing in front of her, Wanda spoke with some difficulty,

She doesn't want Ai Li to be an enemy.

"Don't worry, I've already caught him, and I'm still afraid of you doing it?"

Ai Li smiled, then turned to look at Tony Stark.

"Since it's an enemy, could it be that "Four Five Three" said that you don't want to be tortured, and talk to him by the way?"

"It can't be that he doesn't know why he died, so what pleasure do you have for revenge?"

Listening to what he said, Wanda felt that it made sense,

It's too boring to let him die like this,

What's the point if the other party doesn't know why he killed him?


With Wanda's consent, Ai Li knocked the rag out of Tony's mouth with a wave of his hand.


Tony, who breathed fresh air again, was very refreshed,

"You have today too!"

Seeing his panting in embarrassment, Wanda spoke happily.

"We have a grudge?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"You killed my parents, my family! Ruined my family..."

Wanda's complexion was a bit ugly, and most of them were the sadness of memories.

Seeing this expression, Tony was a little dazed.

"No, when did I kill your family, it's impossible!"

"Although I used to be a playboy, I never killed anyone!"

"As for the recent words, I have also fought with many people, but I am sure that I will never kill an ordinary person, or a good person. Unless it is from the enemy's side.

He can accept things like being playful, but killing people...

Tony said that he did not take the blame.

"You still want to quibble!" Wanda immediately became angry,

She thought about many possibilities,

When the other party begs for mercy, the other party will cry bitterly and reflect on himself.

But I didn't expect that the other party would refuse to admit it!

"Your weapon killed her parents. When it exploded, she saw your company's name on the missile..." Ai Li reminded.

"Huh?" Tony froze, he didn't expect it to be because of this.

But it seems possible.

When I was a playboy, I taught the company how to buy and sell weapons,

That is to say, Obadia Stan, his recognized family member, did not expect that the other party sold weapons to terrorists without telling him

That is...

The group of terrorists who killed Wanda's family.

"No, this matter"

In Tony's hasty explanation, Wanda also knew the cause and effect,

A dystocia problem arises,

Does the person who makes the knife take responsibility for killing people with this knife?

Some people say that the two are different. One is a thermal weapon, which is used against the enemy.

You make guns and sell them to the gunner, he kills definitely you the one who pays for the guns are responsible.

But Tony is the manufacturer. He didn't know that it would be sold to terrorists, and it was operated by other people in private.

With a mess in her mind, Wanda fell powerlessly to the ground,

She didn't know what to do with herself, everything was not in line with her ideas...

"Or, kill it." Ai Li said suddenly.

"What?" Wanda stared blankly at him, wanting to kill him?

Ai Li saw her bewildered,

Knowing what she is thinking now, what has been driving her to live,

One is for the safety of his younger brother Quicksilver, and the other is to avenge his family,

But now my younger brother is safe, and my enemy is not my enemy,

With no goals, no motivation, and nothing, she will definitely collapse suddenly.

Ai Li walked to Wanda's side, and then picked up a knife hidden behind him at some point and gave it to him.

After taking it tremblingly, Wanda was still a little dazed.

That being the case, Ai Li is here to help her.

Supporting her body step by step forward,

Then he stood in front of the hanging Tony, waved his hand, and the pair fell in front of their eyes,

The distance between the two sides was very close, and Tony Stark's feet were just about to hit the ground.

"Poke in."

Ai Li held her hand, let her hold the knife tightly and sent it forward.

Wanda didn't know what to think at this time, she flinched a little,

Subconsciously, he resisted with his hands back, trying to block Ai Li's power.

But it's useless, Ai Li is still working harder,

Under his hand, Wanda's blade moved forward bit by bit, and soon it was attached to Tony's skin.

According to this intensity, and then according to the movement of backing and stretching just now,

The next time he will stab into the opponent's body.


Ai Li, it's not like that!"

"You weren't..."

Tony Stark was stunned seeing this scene,

His eyes showed a look of horror, with fear and anger.

All this is different from what he said when he came,

Ai Li assured him that he would not be in danger, so he agreed to give it a try.

Because he knows very well that if he refuses, with Ai Li's strength, he doesn't need to think about it at all.

He can tie himself here directly, and asking for opinions is just a process.


Under Tony's terrified eyes, the blade stabbed into his chest.

Wanda's eyes widened, she looked in disbelief at the blood-spitting Tony Stark in front of her, and then at the knife in her hand,

She also became a little scared, her fingers trembling involuntarily.

Ai Li's hand has left her wrist, making the following movements all at her own will.

Wanda couldn't help trembling and didn't know what to do,

Looking at Tony Stark who vomited blood in front of him and the blood on his chest flowed down the blade,

She took a step back, and then involuntarily pulled out the blade,

At this moment, she had the idea of ​​running away.


Tony, who had already been hurt once, felt the pain in his heart again,

Subconsciously wanted to stop the opponent's movement, but it was still a step too late,

The blade had already left, his heart began to tingle,

His whole body slowly turned cold, and his brain involuntarily emptied out.

Marquee? It seems to be flickering.


Wanda, who was almost in tears, subconsciously apologized,

I don't know if I'm apologizing because I don't think I should have killed Tony,

Or she apologized for the inappropriate action of drawing the knife,

should be the latter,

Because while she was apologizing, she stabbed the blade in her hand again,

The position just now was not bad at all, and it happened to perfectly fill up a cut.


There were screams from upstairs, a lady's voice shouting Tony's name,

Da da da high heels ran quickly, and then hugged Tony Stark who was hanging in the air.

"I'm sorry...I love you Pepper."

Tony looked at the little pepper in front of him, and confessed with a difficult smile.

Pepper nearly broke down, catching Tony crying.

At the same time, Ai Li looked at Wanda in his arms and was a little confused,

After the stabbing, she rushed into her arms like this, trembling all over as if she was a little scared.

"What are you doing! You said he wouldn't die!"

"You liar!"

Pepper turned his head and cursed at Ai Li, because Ai Li asked them to come here today,

And under the guarantee, Little Pepper playfully tied Tony up, using a tortoise shell tie,

But I didn't expect to become the culprit,

Letting Tony die in that position broke his heart.

"Have a good time, if that's the case, you're getting revenge." Ai Li ignored Pepper, but said to Wanda.


"I have no idea.."

Wanda cried, pear blossoms with rain aroused pity.

"Let's put down the hatred, it's good to be yourself in the future. Find what you want to do, and then complete your mission.

"Wanda, you don't live for anyone, and you don't live for any hatred or anything like that."

"You are only for yourself."

Ai Li helped her up, then held Wanda's chin with both hands, raised her head, and spoke to her.

"But...I killed him..."

"I probably shouldn't have killed him..."

"It's okay." Seeing that Wanda was still feeling guilty about killing Tony, Ai Li hugged him directly.

How should I put it, feeling the woman in front of him, Ai Li suddenly felt a little evil.

Wei Wu's legacy, Jian'an's strength of character, Meng De's ambition, dare not forget it.

Ai Li doesn't intend to marry someone, but he really can't refuse this kind of little girl.

Especially if the opponent is still an existence like Wanda.

bah! i'm a scumbag!

After cursing himself secretly, he straightened Wanda again,

Then a smile appeared.

"So if you were given another chance, would you consider him your enemy?"

"No..." Wanda said affirmatively, she already knew that her enemy was not Tony Stark,

but the dark side of the world,

It's the darkness that makes these things happen!

"That's right, but I still let you kill him, because only in this way can you recognize your heart..."

Ai Li nodded, affirming her thoughts, and then prepared to continue to appease her.

Unexpectedly, a voice came from beside him at this time.


Not much is enough, it's okay for you to pick up girls, my woman is still crying.

The sound is not small, it can be heard almost in the corner of the living room.

Ai Li didn't respond, but Wanda could hear clearly that it was Tony Stark's voice, and looked suspiciously.

Pepper Pepper heard the same thing, and turned around hastily.

But Pepper couldn't see anything, and looked around inexplicably,

So Wanda seemed to see a little shadow and recognized it as Tony.

"He's not dead?" Wanda asked strangely.

"It's too cold to die"

Tony couldn't help but rolled his eyes, his body was lying there, blood flowed all over the floor,

If this goes on, my fleshy body is almost the same as beef soaked in tomato sauce, which is almost disgusting!

"Then this is..."

"Soul, Tony Stark's soul, there is a soul after death. Ai Li replied,

After speaking, he moved his hand,

The power of time begins to flow,

In an instant, Tony's soul slowly returned to his physical body,

And the body also slowly recovered from the bleeding just now, and finally turned into a normal person,

The pale complexion began to turn red, and the wound slowly recovered.

In the end, it directly became the intact appearance before.

"Ahem." Tony Stark who coughed twice woke up, opened his eyes and looked around,

Immediately after the first thing,

It was about to come straight to Ai Li, he wanted to find a place, and he actually killed himself!

But he was stopped by the little pepper hugging him and crying.

In desperation, he had no choice but to give up looking for Ai Li to settle accounts, and turned around to coax his girlfriend and secretary.

"This is..." Wanda was a little strange.

"With the power of time, I let the time reverse back to when he was not injured, and the soul was kept here by me after he left the body, and it will not dissipate.

Listening to Ai Li's explanation with half understanding,

But she didn't have the hatred for Tony anymore, so she let it go.

Seeing this, Ai Li is also very satisfied, this time the plan is like this, he has already made preparations.

The only difference is that he didn't tell Tony about the following things,

Just say that after explaining everything, I guarantee that he will not die.

The atmosphere of sadness and lamentation slowly dissipates,

Tony also put this matter behind him very face-saving,

By the way, he also said that it was his first time to experience such a feeling of death, especially the separation of the soul, which made him know more mysteries.

Then I ordered a lot of dishes to be delivered to the villa,

A group of people came here for a barbecue party.

After eating and drinking, Ai Li and Tony also buried themselves in the laboratory.

They're going to build a spaceship,


Ai Li originally planned to fly into the universe by himself, and then go to find Yi Ge's planet,

Think it's not appropriate.

Who knows when to find such a big universe, if you are lucky, just ask 4.7 people,

If you are unlucky, I don’t know how long it will take. I’m afraid I’m going to die of exhaustion if I fly around in the universe.

He's not that crazy woman in Captain Marvel, it's not tiring to run around the universe alone.

With that time, why can’t Ai Li stay in the spaceship and drink a little wine, watch a small movie, play a small game,

By the way, how about improving your own strength? Do you have to fly by yourself?

Captain Marvel Carol Danvers kind of idle egg pain,

I can't handle the affairs of the earth well, and I have time to take care of the idle mind of the universe.

The knowledge of the two of them is completely enough to build a spaceship.

Tony originally's scientific research ability is impeccable, and his learning ability is also extremely good.

And Ai Li...

Sorry, God-defying savvy, do whatever you want!

All the content is very simple in his opinion, as long as the problem is still within the acceptable range, he will understand it for you in minutes.

Tony Stark is a little skeptical about life,

He thinks that if Ai Li goes to college and makes some inventions,

The most powerful genius of this century is about to give way.

After everything was fine in theory, Ai Li became the hands-off shopkeeper and taught Tony to make it himself.

Don’t worry about the materials, S.H.I.E.L.D will provide them. This is also one of Nick Fury’s rewards for setting up a HYDRA base last time.

Ai Li and Tony also studied the issue of fuel for a long time, and finally it was directly handled by Tony Stark.

He's fine!

definitely not really nothing to do.

In the eyes of everyone,

Ai Li soared into the sky, heading directly from the ground to the sky,

He has a very serious matter to deal with,

Universe Survival!

Saiyans have a very troublesome weakness, that is, they cannot live and breathe directly in the universe,

And this can be solved for Ai Li, because he is not a real Saiyan, he is a human being who practices Saiyan law,

As for the question of the existence of the universe, one only needs to realize it. .

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