American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 105 Preparing for the Clearance

Everyone took the elevator to the top floor. When the elevator door opened, they went straight to Director Fury's office.

"Fury, we're here."

"Please sit down. Would you like tea or coffee?"

"Tea, but are you sure we can chat here?"

"Don't worry, I've checked. They are now convinced that I don't know their existence, so they won't install those gadgets here. After all, I am the king of agents. Once discovered by me, it will only cause trouble." My alertness.”

Li Qingyue nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's get down to business."

"Okay, I think Coulson should have told you that I have two plans here. The first one is to directly kill all the heads of Hydra and retain the low-level members, so that your god At least the Shield won’t collapse to the point of being unable to function.”

"The second option is to carry out a massacre directly to ensure that no one is left. But you also know the consequences, that is, SHIELD may be paralyzed or even unable to operate, and the speed will be much slower. , I can’t say whether Hydra will die together at that time, of course you are a guest, you make the choice.”

After Li Qingyue finished talking about the two plans, Director Fury fell into silence. At this time, Agent Hill brought a few cups of tea and handed them to several people. Director Fury looked up at Agent Hill and waited. After she left, he raised his head and said, "Kill the leaders and make sure they cause chaos. I will handle the rest."

"Won't you discuss this with the others?"

"Forget it, let me discuss it here, and you guys will follow." Director Fury said.

"No, we just sat down."

"It's an emergency, please forgive me."

However, they did not need to take the elevator down, but went directly to the rooftop outside. A helicopter was parked here, and everyone took the helicopter to a certain building in the city.

"Wow, there are so many people staring at us. It seems that they have noticed something is wrong."

A few people walked to the street, and Li Qingyue felt the surveillance eyes in the dark and said.

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't come to you. It's just because I feel like they noticed something is wrong, so I can only speed up the pace."

Then everyone entered a safe room in SHIELD, where Fury took out a machine, put it on the table and pressed it, and then an invisible energy covered a ten-meter radius. , any machine will lose its original function.

"Wait a minute, they're on their way."

After almost half an hour, Steve, Natasha and Clint finally appeared, each of them wearing a certain disguise.

"You're here, hurry up."

Then Li Qingyue told them the two plans. After a while, Steve said: "I feel that the second plan is good. It will be solved once and for all, so that SHIELD will not have such a situation."

No one expected that Steve would agree to the second plan, but after thinking about it, they felt that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, Steve had been frozen for seventy years to eliminate the Red Skull and Hydra and end World War II for him. It feels like he did it yesterday. His mentality has not completely broken away from the World War II period, so it is reasonable for him to choose the second option.

"What do you think?"

"The second option. Although SHIELD may be paralyzed by this, it is better than giving them a second chance. But I am curious how you can tell who is from Hydra and who is from us?" Nata Sha asked curiously.

"Walt, show show."

Walter smiled and immediately took out a small bottle of transparent liquid and placed it on the table.

"What's this?"

"Truth agent." Walt replied.

"Truth Serum, is it the same as Veritaserum?"

"It's different. The main mechanism of action of Veritaserum is to interfere with people's judgment and advanced cognitive functions, so that people can tell the truth. And if the willpower is strong enough, or there is special training, such as you agents , I think the effect of truth serum is very small, and it can damage the brain, but my truth serum is different."

"Why is it different?" Director Fury asked. After all, they are agents, and this thing is still very useful to them.

"My truth-telling agent works by blocking the part of the brain that controls the lying area, making it impossible for people to lie, so that every word they say is guaranteed to be the truth, without any lies, and without any side effects. The most important thing is Yes, it must be used while the person is awake." Walter said confidently.

"What if they won't talk?"

"Then just shoot them. What are you waiting for? If they don't speak, it means there is something wrong in their minds." Walter said matter-of-factly.

"Do you have enough?"

"Well, this vial is enough. This thing is actually a bacterial virus. It does no harm to the human body. It will die after being left in the petri dish for a day. It can be spread through any known means such as air, water flow, blood, etc., so it is not recommended. Release too much, otherwise, you will understand." Walter said angrily.

When everyone heard this, they immediately put down their hands on the truth potion.

This thing is just like a nuclear bomb in this world, no, it is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb. A world without lies is enough to drive these politicians crazy.

"Can you control this amount?"

"Don't worry, I've already calculated it, and the area around your three-wing building is quite empty, so it should be fine."


"Cough cough cough." Li Qingyue coughed twice, and Walter quickly changed his words.

"Absolutely no problem. Let's see when we start taking action."

"Wait until our agents from other branches arrive, and then we can start taking action." Director Fury said

"Approximately how long will it take? You know, we haven't been open for a long time, and we have a lot of backlog of commissions that need to be processed."

"Don't worry, one day is enough."

"Okay, let's wait for a day, but before that, let's go through the process."

Then Li Qingyue took out the parchment scroll. Director Fury looked at the amount inside and made sure there was no problem before starting the process.

------Dividing line--------

At the same time, Luke in New York City received the news. He did not expect to need to take action so soon. Luke directly contacted everyone, put on their respective suits, and then came to the designated location and boarded the Quinjet and headed towards Fly to Washington.

"Are we going to take action so soon? Are you sure they are ready?"

"It should be done, they have no reason to fight an uncertain battle, don't worry." Luke comforted.

But everyone's expressions were not so good-looking, but after all, they had boarded Luke's pirate ship, and they had no right to refuse.

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