After Li Qingyue and Jill left Ollivander's Wand Shop, they went to Mrs. Primpine's Beauty Potions Store. Here, Jill selected many potions that could beautify and improve the skin. Although these items were small in quantity, they were expensive. .

I just bought a bunch of bottles and cans, which cost me five hundred galleons. You can imagine how expensive this thing is.

However, Li Qingyue had a lot of money and didn't care about this at all.

"Look, is that Richard?" Jill asked, pointing to a child pulling a blue and white cat in front of a certain store.

"That's him, go over and see what's going on." Li Qingyue pulled Jill to behind Richard.

"Richard, what's going on?"

"Boss, you're here. Tom and Jerry are having a conflict with me."

"Tom, Jerry, didn't I tell you to listen to Richard?" Li Qingyue shouted with a dark face.

When Tom and Jerry saw this, they quickly lowered their heads and drew circles on the ground with one foot, looking very aggrieved.

"Okay, what can't you say? You have to argue. And you, why are you talking so loudly? It's not like you don't know the character of Tom and Jerry. Come here, it's okay." Jill hugged him Tom and Jerry comforted each other softly.

Li Qingyue showed a helpless look. There was no way that Tom and Jerry were just like the pets of the group. Except for himself who would scold them, others were basically reluctant to beat and scold them, especially Jill. After living with them for a long time, Jill I also like them very much, because they are really good at coquettishness. You know, women generally can’t stand cute and coquettish people.

"They wanted to buy a flying broom, but I didn't have enough money. One broom costs two thousand galleons, so I wanted to ask you to get some money, but they seemed unwilling to leave, so we had a stalemate with them, and then Boss, you are here." Richard explained.

"Okay, why don't you just have a flying broom? Can't I buy it for you?" Li Qingyue gently kicked Tom's butt, which made the already aggrieved Tom even more aggrieved and pounced directly on Jill He started crying.

Tears flowed down from his feet like a stream, but the problem was that Jill's clothes were not wet at all, and the water flow was more like the water flow in the animation, blue and white.

"Hey, stop crying. Didn't Ed say he would buy you a flying broom? Stop crying." Jill and Jerry coaxed Tom together, and finally coaxed him, but he still choked from time to time.

Li Qingyue looked at Tom and scratched his head helplessly. He could only quickly buy Nimbus 2000 and handed it to Tom. Tom took the broom and burst into tears and smiled. Li Qingyue was relieved.

When Jerry saw that Tom had a flying broom, he quickly ran to Li Qingyue's feet and looked at Li Qingyue pitifully.

"This flying broom is too big for you."

After hearing this, Jerry immediately drooped his head and looked like he was crying. Li Qingyue had no choice but to say: "Let's do this. After Walter learns alchemy, let him get you a flying magic carpet. What do you think?" Sample?"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi"

"Of course it's true. How could I lie to you?"

Looking at the smiling children, Li Qingyue felt tired.

"Okay, have you finished shopping?"

"I have nothing to buy, but I heard that there is a village outside Hogwarts called Hogsmeade. There is a shop there called Honeydukes Candy Shop. There seems to be a lot of magic candies for sale there, so I want to go there. Buy some candies and take some to my parents."

"Of course that's no problem. Find the others and gather back to Hogwarts."

"Then let's look for them separately, boss, but where should we meet?"

"Let's meet at Florin's Cold Drink Shop."

Richard nodded, then tugged on Tom's tail, grabbed Jerry and left.

Li Qingyue and Li Qingyue came to Florin Cold Drink Shop, where they ordered a cold drink, and then they drank it together, looking like a couple in love.

After an unknown amount of time, everyone finally arrived.

"The bosses are here."

"Then go back. Professor Snape, is there any faster way?"

"Yes, Floo Network, please come with me." Snape said expressionlessly.

They then returned to the Leaky Cauldron, where they borrowed their fireplace and used Floo powder to return to Hogwarts, where they returned to Principal Dumbledore's office.

"Everyone, we are back. Have you bought the wand?" Principal Dumbledore asked with a smile.

"I bought it. I wonder who, Old Deng, you can find to teach us magic?"

"Teach it to Flitwick. He is the champion of the dueling competition, but you need to ask him for advice in his spare time."

"I know, Lao Deng."

After everyone left the office, Tom and Jerry immediately got on the Nimbus 2000 and flew up. They even screamed in the air.

Looking at the happy Tom and Jerry, they shook their heads and left.

"Boss, I want to learn more about magical animals. Which professor should I find?" Connor asked.

"Fantastic beasts? I think his name is Professor Kettleburn. He lost an arm and a leg because of magical beasts. He is also a professor of Biology for the Care of Magical Creatures."

"I know, boss, I'm going to find him first." Connor waved his hand and turned towards the castle.

"So boss, where are the potions and alchemy?" Walter approached Li Qingyue and asked.

"Alchemy is not available here, but you can find a friend of Lao Deng called Nico Flamel. He is the world's top alchemist. And if you want potions, just ask Snape. He is the master of potions."

Walter nodded and decided to learn potions first, and then learn alchemy.

"You don't need to tell me, I know, just ask Professor Flitwick. He specializes in teaching magic." Li Qingyue stopped Constantine who wanted to ask.

"What about Hua Hua Cao Cao?" Jill asked.

"Professor Pomona Sprout."

In this way, everyone chose the direction of their own interest, and then went to find familiar professors in various fields to learn knowledge from them.

Soon, only Li Qingyue and Richard were left.

"Is there nothing you want to learn?"

"I don't know what I'm interested in, so let's take a look first. Anyway, I'm in the first grade at this age." Richard said nonchalantly.

"Then it's up to you. I'm going to take a walk in the Forbidden Forest. Do you want to follow me?"

Richard shook his head, and Li Qingyue immediately walked towards the Forbidden Forest, while Richard walked towards the castle.

On the way, Richard also met Harry and the others, and the two chatted. When he learned that they were planning to study the History of Magic, Richard said that he would also go. He happened to be interested in the History of Magic and wanted to know more about it. A little history about this world.

In this way, they came to the classroom together. Looking at the ghost above, Richard's eyes lit up slightly, showing an interesting expression.

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