In the Golden Triangle, Li Qingyue kept dodging the pursuers behind him, especially the armed helicopters in the sky. He kept using machine guns to fire, leaving Li Qingyue with no way out.

It wasn't that Li Qingyue didn't want to fight back, but that he had used up all the bullets during this period. He originally wanted to rescue Vanessa and leave, but who knew that this group of people were chasing after them like crazy. Own.

He had killed almost three to four thousand people, but even this could not scare these people. Instead, it aroused their madness. In this way, Li Qingyue was now completely out of ammunition and food, with only one person left. A Yan Ling knife, but even the specially made Yan Ling knife has cracked.

"Stop, you have no way to escape, right?" Suddenly a voice sounded. While dodging the bullets, Li Qingyue took the time to look back and found a middle-aged man standing on a tank shouting through a loudspeaker. .

Seeing him, Li Qingyue suddenly thought of a way, stopped, and raised his hands to express his surrender.

When the middle-aged man saw this, his eyes lit up and he immediately signaled his men to stop. However, they did not lower their guns. Instead, they pointed their guns completely at Li Qingyue. As long as he made the slightest move, they would definitely pull the trigger. of.

"Are you Misha?"

"Yes, it's me. You must be the God of Death."

"grim Reaper?"

"That's right, maybe you don't know you have this nickname, but you have killed nearly four thousand people, so they all call you the God of Death. I originally thought you were a small team, but I never knew What comes to mind is that you are actually just a person. It's interesting, it's really interesting. Tell me who sent you." Misha asked, looking down at Li Qingyue from a high position.

"Kingpin, he sent me to save people."

"Kimpin? Do you think I will believe it? I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise even if I admire you, I will not be able to stop my men from attacking you."

"I know you don't believe it, but you can just let me meet Vanessa. She knows me."

Misha looked directly at Li Qingyue, and Li Qingyue looked at him timidly. Finally, Misha waved his hand, and a group of people rushed up, tied Li Qingyue tightly with chains, and then roughly threw him in the car and then left. It headed towards the military camp in a mighty manner.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Qingyue got used to the bumps in the car. Suddenly the car stopped, and then he was dragged out. Then he saw an embarrassed woman, through her dirty hair, I can still vaguely see the woman's beautiful face.


"It's me, are you Ed, right? Why did Wilson send you here?" Vanessa took two steps forward and wanted to help Li Qingyue up, but was blocked by enemies on both sides.

"It seems that you are really sent by Kingpin. Isn't he afraid of what I will do to his wife? Ms. Vanessa, I have always treated you well before, but your husband treats me like this. In this case , she will reward you." Misha said with a dark face.

Vanessa shouted in horror: "No! Don't!"

The adjutant and several soldiers walked towards Vanessa with lewd looks. At the same time, the adjutant said: "Ms. Vanessa, don't be nervous, we will make you very comfortable. By the way, after you finish serving us, there will be There are more than 3,000 soldiers waiting for you to serve, it looks like you will be comfortable for a few days."

Vanessa was so frightened that she backed away and finally could only lean against the wall.

Li Qingyue suddenly sneered, and Misha felt something was wrong and shouted: "Shoot at him!"

But it was still a step too late. Li Qingyue didn't know when he had a dagger in his hand. The dagger could be said to cut iron like clay. He cut off the chain very easily, and then quickly inserted the dagger into the throat of the enemy beside him, and then Use the gun on him to shoot.

Fortunately, Vanessa had already fallen to the ground at that time, otherwise she might have been accidentally injured.

Everyone present was killed by Li Qingyue, and after hearing the gunshots, people outside also began to rush here.

"Follow me!" Li Qingyue grabbed Vanessa and threw her on the jeep. Then he quickly collected the firearms and bullets from these people into the storage column. Of course, he put some directly on the jeep. .

"Contact Jin Bin and ask him to send someone over as soon as possible!" Li Qingyue just started the car and threw a satellite phone to Vanessa. After receiving the phone, Vanessa trembled and entered the number. After a while, she contacted Jin Bin. .

"Wilson said it would take ten minutes and asked me to rush towards this coordinate."

Li Qingyue lowered his head and looked at the coordinates, and said to Vanessa: "Sit tight!"

Vanessa grabbed the handguard on the roof of the car, and the next second she felt a strong push on her back. Li Qingyue drove the jeep, smashed the wall, and rushed out of the military camp.

Just when Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief, she saw Li Qingyue with a solemn face. Just as he was about to speak, there was suddenly intensive gunfire from behind, and Vanessa was so frightened that she hid underneath.

Li Qingyue turned the steering wheel sharply to the left, using trees to block the bullets, but there were too many bullets. Even so, the car was still hit by bullets, and one bullet penetrated directly into Li Qingyue's head.

Vanessa looked at the scene in front of her and was so frightened that she didn't know what to say until the car started to drive towards the cliff because it lost control.

"No!!!" Vanessa shouted in horror.

But the car stopped at the edge of the cliff, and a voice came: "Sorry, I scared you."

"You, you, weren't you, were, hit by a bullet?"

"Just think of it as my superpower. After all, people's physiques are different." Li Qingyue joked.

But this was their territory after all, and they were surrounded after a while. After looking around for a week, Li Qingyue stopped the car, put Vanessa into a cave, left her some supplies, and said: "You stay in there. , no matter what you hear, don’t come out, do you hear me clearly?”

Vanessa nodded quickly, knowing that she was just a drag to him.

But what Vanessa didn't expect was that Li Qingyue found a huge stone from nowhere and blocked it at the entrance of the cave. After making sure that no one would find him, he started the massacre mode. This was also the first time he had faced the darkness. Ghosts fight side by side.

Vanessa nervously grabbed the pistol, and suddenly there was a gunshot outside. She was so frightened that she dropped the gun as soon as she let go. At the same time, she covered her mouth tightly with her hand, for fear that she would suddenly make a sound.

I don't know how long it took, but the sound gradually disappeared. At the same time, the boulder shook, and a figure appeared at the entrance of the cave.


"It's me, come out, it's safe."

Hearing Li Qingyue's voice, Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the entrance of the cave, but when she saw the scene in front of her, she was so frightened that she didn't know what to say.

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