American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 150 Superman vs. General Zod (Update 1)

Li Qingyue grabbed the Sniff in the room, lifted it by its hind legs, turned it upside down, and shook it hard twice. Suddenly a lot of shiny things fell down, including coins, lamps, glass beads, etc.

"Well, you little guy, you actually came here to steal something. Let me see if you are a male or a female. If you are a female, then you will be fine, but if you are a male, it will be embarrassing. I'm going to make your six roots clean." As he said this, Li Qingyue grabbed the Xiu Xiu in his hand, and when he was about to see if it was a male or a female, Jill snatched the Xiu Xiu away.

"Okay, don't bully it. Aren't they just worthless things? Let him take them if he wants."

Xiu Xiu seemed to know that the woman in front of him could protect himself, so he jumped directly on her.

"Look at you, this little guy is so scared."

"Aren't I worried about you? Who made you scream suddenly?" Li Qingyue said helplessly.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to tell you, wait for me to change clothes, little guy, you can go out by yourself." Gil put Xiu Xiu on the ground, but even so, Xiu Xiu still had to pick up the shiny things on the ground, and then put them down. Into his own little belly pocket.

Looking at Xiuxiu who was desperate for something, Li Qingyue didn't know what to say for a moment.

"By the way, what is your awakened ability?"

"Transform matter." Jill said as she picked up the glass ball on the ground, and saw that the glass ball began to appear a little golden. As she continued to play with it, the golden color became more and more, and finally the whole glass ball turned into The golden ball is still a golden ball with 100% purity.

"Let me go, with this thing, won't you be able to worry about food and drink for the rest of your life?"

"If there is too much gold, it will be worthless. Moreover, my ability is very useless. I cannot transform humans or other creatures. I can only transform stones, plants, soil, etc." Jill said with a regretful look.

"Haha, there is no useless ability. If you use this ability well, it will be very useful in battle. However, your conversion speed needs to be improved. It is too slow now. The battlefield is changing rapidly. Your speed is too fast. slow."

"Didn't I just gain the ability? What are you in a hurry for?" Gil rolled his eyes at Li Qingyue angrily, and then placed Xiu Xiu at the door.

With a "bang" sound, Jill locked the door, changed into a set of clothes, and walked out again.

"Let's go and see the kittens." Li Qingyue said while holding Jill's slim waist.

The two held hands and arrived at Cat's territory. They saw Simba and Tom sitting high on the tree trunk. They were condescendingly watching the battle between Cat's and the cats below.

"Ah, so cute!!"

Looking at the cubs and cubs below who were constantly waving their cat fists, Jill's eyes instantly turned into loving words and she shouted because they were so cute.

Hearing Jill's voice, Tom and Jerry immediately jumped down from the tree and started complaining. What they meant was that they no longer wanted to be nannies. It was really tiring.

"Okay, if you don't want to be a nanny, just don't do it. Let's take a rest and prepare to go to the next world to complete the commission." Li Qingyue patted Tom's head. Seeing this, Jerry ran to Tom's shoulder jealously and asked Li Qingyue He also patted his own head. Li Qingyue had no choice but to pat its head.

"Simba, watch them, we are ready to go."

Simba stood on the tree trunk and nodded gently, and then Li Qingyue and the others came to the office. After notifying the others, everyone gathered together five minutes later.

"Boss, are you ready to go?" Constantine asked.

"Yeah, do you have anything to do?"

"Oh, no, I just promised Hermione that I would take her to see this world. But since we are ready to set off, we should first deal with the two remaining commissions from other worlds," Constantine said.

"Okay, then I'll go give some instructions to Wick and then we'll set off immediately."

Then Li Qingyue found Wick and told Wick some things. Then he returned to the office. With a flash of white light, they appeared in a city alley.

"Gaia, figure out where this is."

"Yes, boss, we have found out. This is Metropolis. Not long ago, a special signal hijacked the screens all over the world. It should be what the Kryptonians you said boss did. After all, except for the Kryptonians, I can't think of anyone on Earth. What technology can do this?" Gaia said.

"Okay, now we just need to wait until the Kryptonians arrive." Li Qingyue and others walked out of the alley and said.

"Then let's change some money first." Gil picked up a stone on the ground, turned it into a gold nugget, and walked towards the gold shop on the roadside.

Soon, Jill changed out a wad of banknotes and handed it to Li Qingyue. Li Qingyue and the others first booked two presidential suites, and then distributed the remaining money to others, and everyone went shopping in the metropolis together.

"By the way, boss, you still don't know how strong our opponent is this time?" Walter suddenly said.

"Very powerful. How powerful is it? Their physical defense, strength, and speed are far greater than ours. However, they are still quite weak in terms of magic resistance. But this is only compared to their defense. For us, it should be only Constantine’s magic can break defenses.”

"Is it so powerful?"

"Yes, but we are not without helpers. It's just that our helper is a novice and his abilities have not been developed at all. But as long as he develops his abilities to their peak, his power can at least affect dozens of planets at the same time. And that’s not the limit.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard that it could affect dozens of planets.

"Boss, to be honest, if I explode with all my strength, I can still drag dozens of planets, but I can move them, but the complete performance of the planets cannot be guaranteed, so I am not sure."

"Okay, now it will take a lot of time for that person to reach his peak. There is no point in saying this. Let's find a place to eat first."

Soon they arrived at a Mexican restaurant, each ordered their favorite food, and then waited for the food to be served.

Not long after, the food was served. Several people were also hungry, so they started eating without even saying anything.

Even Tom and Jerry were frantically eating the food on their plates. While they were eating, a spaceship fell from the sky and landed in front of a military base.

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