American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 165 Strange’s choice (supplement 1, owe 9)

"Supreme Mage, won't you send them away?" Wang couldn't help but ask as he looked at the apprentice mages who appeared again.

"No, let them go down and fight."


"Let them see the devil's methods. Go ahead and keep an eye on them. If danger occurs, remember to protect them." After Constantine finished speaking, he came directly to the rear and took away all the humans in the form of demons with a wave of his hand. , trapped it and placed it in Kama Taj.

Then all the apprentice mages were kicked out. Looking at the approaching humans, they didn't understand why Constantine was letting them out even though he had already taken away all the demons.

"They are demons, attack them!" Constantine shouted from the city wall.

But no mage took action, except for one person, and that was Strange, because he noticed that although these humans seemed to be controlled, he saw a flash of intelligence in one of them's eyes, so he Knowing that Constantine didn't say anything wrong.

But it was his first day learning magic, and he didn't know how to fight at all. Seeing these humans getting closer and closer, forced by this sense of crisis, Strange put his hands together and then pulled them, and suddenly two palms Five lines composed of orange energy appeared in between. These lines did no harm and were simply used to block sharp attacks such as swords.

But Strange did not take the usual path and rushed over directly, using these energy lines to tie up one of the humans. However, because he entered the group of demons too much, he was suddenly surrounded by demons.

Constantine shook his head helplessly and sighed, and then he transformed and took him back to the city wall again.

"Remember, the first element of fighting is not to put yourself in danger. Only in this way can you have a chance to turn defeat into victory. Continue."

At this time, other apprentice mages dared to confirm that there was indeed something wrong with these humans. When these demons in disguise found out that their secrets had been exposed, they stopped hiding and began to reveal their true identities. There were actually demons at the level of demon kings among them.

"Leave those demon kings to me," Connor said.

"Richard, Jill, use your gun to help them, and remember not to worry about them until it's a life or death situation."

"I understand, teacher."


The two men each stood under the city wall with a gun. When they saw someone in danger, they fired to drive away the demons. After all, ordinary bullets could not effectively kill these demons, but the impact of the bullets was enough to drive them away. Give those apprentice mages a chance to adjust.

In this way, what was originally a scene of demon siege turned into a scene of military training.

"Hanging the golden bell upside down!" Li Qingyue suddenly took action and hung up the demon who was about to kill Strange.

"I can't see it anymore. Your people, hurry up and teach them how to fight." Li Qingyue shouted to Modu and the others.

When Mordu saw this, he looked at Hamil and Wang. In the end, he went down and fought directly with a demon. He asked the apprentice mages around him to pay attention. When they saw that Magister Mordu only used a Raggador After killing a demon with the Ring and Weishan Emperor's Sword, these apprentices followed suit and quickly eliminated the demons.

After all, all the demons at the Demon King level were eliminated by Connor alone. Now only Strange is left. He has not learned any magic yet. In the end, he still tried his best to tie the demon's neck with magic lines. After pulling hard and tearing off his head, the battle was over.

After that, it was time to clean up the battlefield. Wang directly opened a portal and threw these demon corpses into the dimension of destruction, just to repay the destructive energy they had used recently.

As for the other apprentice mages, they returned to their rooms to calm down. This was their first time fighting a non-human creature, especially Strange. He originally just wanted to heal his hand, but he didn't expect to fall into it. In a melee.

"What's wrong? It feels like the world has suddenly changed so fast."

Suddenly a voice sounded in Strange's ears, which made Strange jump. It turned out that the person who came was a bald woman wearing white monk robes and holding a wooden fan in her hand.

"Who are you!"

"My name is Ancient One, and I am the Supreme Mage here."

"Impossible, I have met the Supreme Mage here, he is a man."

"He's just a temporary substitute. Let's go, go for a walk, and relax." Ancient One stood up. Strange hesitated for a few seconds when he saw this, and finally chose to follow.

The two of them were walking in Kama Taj, looking at the mages around them who were constantly sending comatose humans back to their homes. Gu Yi suddenly said: "Do you have any ideas?"

"What, what's the idea?"

"Having seen the other side of this world, do you still just want to heal your hands and return to your position as a doctor?" Ancient One turned to look at Strange and asked.

"I don't know." Strange didn't know how to answer.

"The world will become more and more dangerous in the future. Isn't the reason why you become a doctor just to save people? If you can become a qualified Supreme Mage, then you can save more people."

Strange stopped talking and lowered his head.

At this time, Wang saw the two people and ran over quickly.

"Master Gu Yi, you are back."

"Wang, it's time for you to lose weight." Gu Yi teased.

"By the way, Strange, the library is open to you. If you want to learn more magic, go to the library and read more books. Wang is now the current library administrator."

"I understand."

Then Ancient One left here and found Constantine. When Constantine saw Ancient One, he knew that Ancient One was about to leave.

"Are you really leaving?"

"You don't have to worry about me. This is a relief to me."

"I know, but this is human nature after all." Constantine handed the Eye of Agamotto to Ancient One, and then he left here.

Ancient One looked at Constantine's back and showed a wry smile. Then she inserted the Eye of Agamotto into its original position, and then began to check what was wrong with the temple, so that there were so many demons.

On the other side, Strange still didn’t know what he wanted, whether to become a mage or to go back and become a doctor again, but no matter what, he came to the library and borrowed many books here .

The most outrageous thing is that Strange actually looked out of his body, because after his soul leaves his body, the flow of time will slow down, so that after he finished reading the borrowed book, only ten minutes have passed in the real world.

At the same time, in a certain city in the United States, an Asian female scientist was kidnapped by a group of mysterious people on her way home.

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