Everyone walked through a door and were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

Because there are various statues, sculptures, ceramics, bronze products, iron products, various gold and silver coins and gold jewelry.

"Everyone, this is our goal, let's start moving." Li Qingyue shouted loudly, Bullseye also came to his senses, and signaled his men to start moving.

"Five of you, as your reward, you can choose two items here. Of course, you can choose to ask for the cultural relics directly, or you can exchange them for cash." Li Qingyue said with a smile to the five of them.

"I want cultural relics!" the archaeologist said excitedly.

"We want money." The other four people said in unison.

"It's all fine. You can choose the cultural relics you want. If you want money, I will arrange for someone to transfer the discounted money into your account. Of course, the origin can be checked and no one will ask. As for your cultural relics, I will give you an address. , I will arrange for someone to deliver it safely, if you want to transport it yourself, that is also possible, after you like it, stick it on it and write your name." Li Qingyue gave them some stickers and said.

After hearing this, the five people excitedly went to look for their favorite cultural relics. Of course, most of them still relied on archaeologists to estimate the value, but too many cultural relics here were very rare, and some were not even on the market, so it was impossible to estimate them at all. , they have no choice but to select the cultural relics that archaeologists think are the most valuable, put stickers on them and sign their names.

At this time, Bullseye noticed a door not far away. He came to Li Qingyue with a toothpick in his mouth and asked, "Ed, what's behind that door?"

"An alien. I'm going to liberate it later, and this place will be destroyed, so you leave as soon as you're done."

"Why free it?"

"After all, they have made us a lot of money, so we can't just throw away the trouble and kill the donkey."

"Okay, as long as you like it."

After moving for a whole day and night, everyone finally moved all the cultural relics. If they were just bricks of the same weight, it would only take them a few hours. But these cultural relics are not good, they are all fragile, and the price will be greatly reduced if they are bumped. , can only be moved gently, which is the reason why the speed is so slow.

"Is it true that I don't have to wait for you?"

"No, just go to the meeting place and wait for me. The next scene will be too shocking for ordinary people, so it's better not to let them see it." Li Qingyue said to Bullseye sitting on the helicopter.

Bullseye nodded and led his people away. Then Li Qingyue used the crystal skull to push open the door. Here he saw thirteen crystal skulls, but one skull had no head.

Li Qingyue returned the head to it and said: "If you really want to thank me, please smelt all the gold here and give it to me."

Suddenly a voice sounded in his heart: "Don't you need knowledge?"

"Need not."

"That's as you wish, and thank you for returning my head."

In the next second, all the gold in the room was extracted, forming a huge gold nugget with a length, height, and width of five meters. Moreover, this gold nugget was pure gold without any impurities.

After Li Qingyue took away the gold nugget, he left without looking back. He did not notice that the thirteen crystal skulls behind him began to gather towards one skeleton. As more crystal skulls merged, his original appearance changed. The appearance became clearer and clearer, and finally the real alien appearance appeared. He opened his eyes and looked at Li Qingyue's back.

And after Li Qingyue left, a circle of sparks appeared in the room, and a bald woman in white monk robes walked out of it. He nodded slightly to the alien.

Along with the "boom boom" explosion sound coming from behind, a disc-shaped UFO appeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only the huge pit could prove that there had been traces of this place.

Li Qingyue returned to the town in the Amazon jungle at an extremely fast speed. He first took a car to the city, and then transferred to a plane back to New York.

After getting off the plane, he returned to the office without stopping. At this time, Walter in the office came to the vending machine again. After working with Tom these days, he finally accumulated enough points that could be exchanged for living ingredients.

"What are you doing, Walt?"

Li Qingyue's sudden voice startled Walter. Looking at Walter who shivered, Li Qingyue became even more puzzled.

"Boss, you're back. I'm planning to buy Huosu. Do you have any good recommendations?"

"Where did you get the points?" Li Qingyue asked.

"Hehe, didn't I accept a few commissions and then asked Tom to work with me to complete it?"

"You're really good at it. You can buy it yourself. After all, you can't only use one kind of living element ability. You have to have points. You can redeem them all."

Hearing what Li Qingyue said, Walter directly chose the living element he thought was suitable for him - the killing crow.

As he exchanged the money, there was a "ding-dong" sound, and a bottle glowing with light blue light, with a crow's head on the lid and a pattern of a crow holding a dagger in its mouth appeared.

After Walter took a deep breath, he pulled out the crow's head and drank the liquid inside. Suddenly he felt that the scenery in front of him was spinning. Suddenly, a crow flew onto his arm. This crow had a red beak, and This crow seems to have just been eating, and there is blood dripping from its beak. It looks very scary.

As the crows flew away, Walter came to his senses and also learned how to use the Killing Crows. First of all, the first one is to release a group of Killing Crows to attack the enemy. In terms of intensity, ordinary people would not be able to resist the Killing Crows. Damage, and the summoned killing crows are immune to various attacks. The only way to make them disappear is to wait for the time limit to pass or the enemy has been killed.

The second is to release the crow's nest. If the enemy steps on the nest, the crow's nest will turn into a large number of killing crows to attack the enemy. Overall, he is quite satisfied.

The amount of magic salt in the body is not large, and the skills can only be released about ten times, and the recovery speed is too slow. It takes almost half an hour to recover a skill.

"What's wrong? You don't seem satisfied?"

"The magic salt in my body is only enough for me to use ten times. How can I be satisfied with it?"

"Have you seen the tall, blue bottle of potion in the vending machine? This can increase the capacity of magic salt in your body. If you buy more, you can increase the number of times you can use your skills." Li Qingyue reminded.

Only then did Walter notice the bottle of blue potion. There was no introduction to the potion, just the word potion. At the same time, he also saw the very cheap magic salt potion. It is not difficult to see that drinking this potion can restore one's own magic power. Salt.

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