In the world of the Black Robe Pickets, Li Qingyue and the others had just arrived in this world, and when they were about to go and settle accounts with the Super Seven, they suddenly saw an afterimage passing by, and then a woman was smashed into flesh by this afterimage. foam.

The woman's boyfriend was confused, but Li Qingyue knew that this was the beginning of the plot.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

"First find a place to settle down, then wait until they start the live broadcast or hold a press conference, and then kill them directly in front of everyone." Li Qingyue said lightly.

After everyone heard this, they immediately agreed with this approach and found a place to rest.

At this time, everyone saw the news on TV. The live news on TV was actually the live press conference given by Locomotive of the Super Seven, because he had just killed a woman not long ago. For this reason, Watt Company , that is, the company that manufactures all superpowers, through their control of public opinion, turned the locomotive into a superhero who chased criminals and accidentally killed a superhero who violated traffic regulations.

"He is the first." Li Qingyue murmured.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qingyue flew into the sky. While flying, liquid-like substances appeared on his body. After these substances wrapped around Li Qingyue's body, they formed a simple suit. This was also the impact steel battle suit that Li Qingyue asked Tony to build for him. Clothes.

Soon Li Qingyue arrived at the place where the locomotive held a press conference. He was seen suspended in the air, and the wind blew his cloak violently.

"Who are you!" Locomotive couldn't help but ask after seeing Li Qingyue.

At this time, other reporters looked at where the locomotive was looking and also noticed Li Qingyue.

Li Qingyue did not speak, but slowly fell down. Finally he looked level with the locomotive and said, "I'm here to kill your Super Seven, and you are the first one."

After hearing this, the locomotive couldn't help but sneer. His figure flashed, and Li Qingyue also disappeared. When they appeared again, Li Qingyue had already lifted the locomotive's neck and was suspended in the air.

The agent who looked at the preparations prepared by Walter Company for them smiled coldly and said: "Remember to inform the remaining six people, I will come and kill them one by one. By the way, I will also tell you that your speed is too slow."

After speaking, Li Qingyue directly broke the neck of the locomotive and threw it down like garbage. Everyone in Walter Company looked at Li Qingyue in horror, wondering when such a powerful superhuman appeared.

After Li Qingyue left, the reporters suddenly became excited. The live broadcast had been transmitted, causing a global sensation. Some people even started to compare the speed of Li Qingyue with the locomotive. They were surprised to find that Li Qingyue's speed was Dozens of times the size of a locomotive, what is the concept? No superhuman in the world can catch up with him, and no one can kill him.

Not only that, netizens who didn't mind the matter even launched a vote on the Internet to see whether the remaining Super Six team or the mysterious person Li Qingyue would win.

At this time, the remaining Super Six team in Walter Company looked at the screen in front of them, which showed the battle between Locomotive and Li Qingyue. It could even be said to be a one-sided killing, because Li Qingyue won too easily.

"What do you think?" Madeline Stillwell, the second in command of the Walter Group, asked.

"This man is very fast. If I can't control his speed, I can't kill him." Queen Maeve was the first to speak.

"People from the motherland, what about you?" Madeline looked at the people from the motherland and asked, because he is the most powerful existence. If even he does not have the confidence to kill Li Qingyue, then their Walter Group will have to use the hidden A trump card for many years.

"I don't know, but I have enough confidence in myself." The motherland said proudly.

"That's good. If that's the case, then we will hold a press conference tomorrow to formally declare war on this mysterious man." Madeline said, and then left here.

After he left, the five people looked at the motherland.

"People of the motherland, do you really have confidence?" the lamplighter asked.

"It doesn't matter if they don't believe me, don't you believe me too?" The motherland slowly looked at the lamplighter.

The lamplighter swallowed and immediately said: "No, I'm not a native of the motherland. It's not that I don't have confidence in you. I definitely have confidence in you, but..."

Looking at the lamplighter who could not speak clearly, the motherland slowly raised his hand, and the lamplighter immediately closed his mouth and sat aside obediently.

Others did not dare to speak when they saw this. The people of the motherland drove them away. Then one person continued to watch the scene of Li Qingyue killing the locomotive. Looking at Li Qingyue in the picture, the people of the motherland had to admit that he was indeed very fast. , so fast that even he was no match, but he didn't want to admit it, which was why the scene just happened.

At the same time, on the other side, Li Qingyue returned to the restaurant where everyone was resting. When he was about to have dinner, he never expected that someone from the Walter Group would come to the door.

Everyone looked at the man who broke in and saw him sitting elegantly opposite Li Qingyue.

"Is something wrong?" Li Qingyue looked at the man in front of him and asked.

"Hello, I am Edgar, CEO of Walter Group."

"I know you, but you are very brave if you dare to come to my place alone."

"I'm here to cooperate with you. I can make you a superhero more famous than the people of the motherland, and you just need to stop targeting the Super Seven. What do you think of this deal?"

"Sorry, I don't have this interest. I just want to target the Super Sevens."

Hearing Li Qingyue's rejection, Edgar smiled, said nothing, stood up and left. At this time, an inexplicable energy invaded Li Qingyue's brain, seeming to want to make Li Qingyue's brain explode, but Li Qingyue's physical fitness was not at all What they can control.

"You shouldn't attack me." Li Qingyue said calmly.

Edgar, who was walking towards the door, stopped and looked back at Li Qingyue. Unexpectedly, Li Qingyue was fine. In his surprised eyes, Li Qingyue broke his neck, and at the same time, he secretly wanted to shoot him in the head. Newman killed them, carried their bodies to the headquarters of Walter Group, and threw their bodies at the door. After doing this, Li Qingyue left in a swaggering manner.

When the two bodies were discovered the next day, the entire Walter Group was immediately alarmed. After all, it was their CEO who died. However, Madeline was very happy. After all, Edgar was dead, and she The rights are even greater.

"Ms. Madeline, do we still need to hold today's press conference?" Ashley Barrett asked.

"Drive as usual. I want to let that mysterious man know that Walter Company is not so easy to deal with. Have you found their location?"

"Already found."

"Then notify all superhumans that as long as they can kill people related to the mysterious man, they will receive 10 million US dollars. The more superhumans they kill, the more they can become a member of the Super Seven." Delin said viciously that she had paid a lot for her current status, so she would never allow anyone to ruin it.

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