American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 197 Li Qingyue was defeated (1 supplement, 6 missing)

At the intersection of Hell's Kitchen, a large number of residents drove their own cars and blocked the intersection. At the same time, they held various automatic rifles and pointed their guns at the intersection.

As long as someone appears, they will shoot directly. They want to use this to force the police and the military to take action and annihilate Hell's Kitchen.

Not only that, in a high-end restaurant in Washington, D.C., the place is heavily guarded, and in a room, there is a round table, and there are several people sitting around the round table. The origins of these people are not simple. They are the Prime Minister of England, The Secretary-General of NATO and the President of the White House, etc., all of them have changes from the Skrulls.

But all the Skrulls are in the space station, where did the Skrulls here come from.

"Are you really sure you can force them to leave this way?"

"We have determined that he seems to be restricted by something, and he must always open his office. If the office is closed, or there is no entrustment, then there is a high possibility that his ability will disappear or be damaged. Weakened, then we can defeat him, defeat all superheroes at the same time, completely occupy the earth, obtain their blood again, and create more super Skrulls."

"You are right, but the problem is, can your plan really go ahead?"

"America is your territory, it's up to you." They looked at the Skrull disguised as the President of the White House and said.

"I know, but you should also know that that is Jin Bin's territory. You should know how terrifying Jin Bin's power is, unless you kill him!"

"Leave this to me." A young man said, and he was one of the Super Skrulls. There were not many Super Skrulls in existence, so they had to use them with caution.

After all, according to their existing intelligence, Li Qingyue has the ability to completely kill Super Skrulls. For this reason, they must use it carefully before weakening Li Qingyue's strength.

But if Jin does not die, they will not be able to continue to implement the plan. If the plan cannot be implemented, they will not be able to weaken Li Qingyue. This is an endless cycle, so they must send out Super Skrulls.

The young man stood up and left, and everyone looked at his back. After he left, they also dispersed and left here separately.

Kingpin, who was in the Wilson Building at this time, didn't know that he had been targeted.

"Is Richard okay?" Kingpin asked, standing on a tall building, looking down at the sky.

"It's okay. Master Richard has a very broad mind and doesn't care about these rumors at all. Moreover, Master Richard has entered the office space and is very safe now." Bullseye replied.

"Be careful next time. If I guess correctly, they are probably coming towards me."

"Why do you say that about the boss?" Bullseye asked puzzledly.

"Because their target is the firm." Kingpin replied, and Bullseye was even more confused now. After all, Kingpin had just said that their target was them, but now he said that the target was the firm.

"Don't you understand? Their real target is the firm, because they believe that by closing the firm, Boss Li's strength will be greatly weakened or disappear directly, so they will incite these ignorant people to demonstrate. I even forced the police and the military to die, but now because of my existence, they dare not mess around, but what if I die? Then the empire I created will be destroyed, so they can die, and Hell's Kitchen will disappear. ,Am i right?"

Kingpin turned and looked at Bullseye, his eyes full of fierceness, but at this time Bullseye sneered and said: "As expected of the underworld emperor, he is really smart. You are right, this is exactly our plan, but it is very difficult." It’s a pity that although you saw through our plan, you didn’t seem to be prepared.”

"Who told you I wasn't prepared?"

Jin Bin's size began to shrink, and then he turned into Li Qingyue. It turned out that Li Qingyue had guessed what they were thinking. For Jin Bin's safety, he directly asked Walter to refine the compound soup potion, turning Li Qingyue into He looked at Jin Bin and waited for them to take the bait.

At this time, Bullseye also began to change, directly turning into a strong Skrull. His left hand became the Frost Giant's ice blade, and his right hand became the Hulk's powerful arm. At the same time, his whole body exuded colorful energy. energy.

"Super Skrull, he really deserves his reputation!" Li Qingyue appeared behind him in a flash and kicked him away.

The Super Skrull broke through the wall like a cannonball, but soon he adjusted his body and floated directly in the air. Then Li Qingyue came to the air, and the two began to fight in close quarters. But unfortunately, there is no such thing on the earth today. Which superhero can compete with Li Qingyue in strength, not even the Hulk. Unless it is the extremely angry Hulk, or the Green Sword and the Immortal Hulk, otherwise the normal Hulk cannot even compete with Li Qingyue. To the extent that he had already knocked him unconscious.

So it didn't take long for the Super Skrull to be at a disadvantage. It could even be said that he was beaten. In the end, Li Qingyue punched him into Times Square in New York. Just when Li Qingyue wanted to pursue him, the Super Skrull in front of him unexpectedly He turned into the God of Thunder, and the image of Li Qingyue attacking the God of Thunder for no reason was played again.

In anger, Li Qingyue fell directly into Times Square. He killed the Super Skrull in front of everyone, but he didn't expect that the Super Skrull in front of him did not change back to its original shape. He still died as a thunder god.

"This is impossible!!" Li Qingyue said in shock. After all, after a Skrull dies, he will immediately change back to his original form, but now he still maintains the appearance of the God of Thunder. Even if Li Qingyue really knows that he is a Skrull, he can't It doesn't mean other people know.

In the eyes of others, Li Qingyue killed the God of Thunder. Some fanatic fans of the God of Thunder, especially some children, came out and threw the things in their hands at Li Qingyue.

"You're the bad guy! You killed Thor! We hate you!!!"

Those children threw things on Li Qingyue. Li Qingyue did not dodge. Looking at the crowd surrounding him and the obscene words they kept spitting out, Li Qingyue knew that he could not stay there for a long time, otherwise he would really He couldn't control himself and went on a killing spree, so he flew away from here.

When he returned to the office space, Jill hurriedly came up to him and asked cautiously: "Are you okay?"

Li Qingyue shook his head and said: "I'm fine. Now I really fell into their trap. I didn't expect them to be so good at playing."

As he spoke, Li Qingyue sighed. This time in his confrontation with the Super Skrull, Li Qingyue could be said to have suffered a disastrous defeat. After all, the Super Skrull could be created again, but they only had to pay for one Super Skrull to let Li Qingyue and the office They were completely on the opposite side of mankind. Even those who knew the truth could not help them openly, so Li Qingyue suffered a disastrous defeat.

Not only that, this group of Skrulls who appeared from nowhere also began to divide other superheroes, and they wanted to plunge the entire world into civil strife.

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