American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 200 The Powerful Super Skrull (1 supplement, 6 missing)

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Li Qingyue fell from the air and looked at the ten people in front of him. Li Qingyue actually felt his own breath from them.

"What did you do!" Li Qingyue asked.

"What did you do? Don't you already know? If you want to save those people, you can't save them unless you kill us." One of the ten Super Skrulls came out and said calmly.

"It seems that you are the Grave they call you. If I guess correctly, you are not the Skrulls of this universe, right?"

"That's right, we come from the Earth in another parallel universe. In that world, we almost succeeded in acquiring the Earth. If it hadn't been for an undercover agent within us, the Earth would have been ours long ago. We were unwilling to give in and paid hundreds of With the lives of ten thousand compatriots, we successfully broke through the barriers of the universe and came to this brand new universe, and the timeline here is still later than our universe. But what I didn’t expect was that you actually exist in this world, but I I think your strength should be weakened now."

Looking at the confident Glaive, Li Qingyue shook his head. Then he appeared behind one of the Super Skrulls and kicked him out, but he rolled to avoid it. Then the remaining nine people launched Captain Marvel. The laser shot directly hit Li Qingyue's body and blew him away.

"Hey~ This thing still hurts a little, but it doesn't matter!" Li Qingyue roared and rushed towards the ten of them again. The ten people were not afraid and surrounded Li Qingyue from all directions. In order to better display their abilities, he and the others Everyone has returned to their original state.

And Gaia used the Stark Group's satellite to directly transmit the battle footage. It can be said that everyone on earth was watching the battle. Li Qingyue was like a god of war, fighting one against ten at an extremely fast speed. The ten people were fighting back and forth, and their figures could no longer be seen clearly with the naked eye.

Everyone could only see an afterimage that collided with ten radiant figures. The most outrageous thing was that they were all fused with the Extremis virus. The self-healing ability of this thing was really outrageous. Li Qingyue had just cut off their body, in just a few seconds, they can grow their lower body again.

"Zhuo, how should we deal with them?" Li Qingyue separated from them again and muttered.

"Teacher, can you really not let me help the boss?"

In Karma Taj, Constantine looked directly at Ancient One and asked.

"He can handle it alone. Now we have to deal with Casillas. My time is up. Constantine, you can only rely on yourself from now on." Ancient One said standing side by side with Constantine.

When Constantine heard this, he was a little surprised, but soon a look of relief appeared on his face: "Then first of all, congratulations to you, teacher, you are finally free."

"Yes, we are finally free." Gu Yi said with a smile.

The two of them looked at the duel between Mordo and Strange below. Now, under the guidance of Constantine Gugen, Strange's combat power is not weaker than Mordo, and even vaguely surpasses him. His signs.

"It's time to start our show. You need to protect the three temples while Strange is negotiating with Domo, because I guess Lucifer and Satan may take this opportunity to invade the earth."

"I understand, teacher."

Constantine then took Hermione to the London Temple in England, where she sat in charge.

"Teacher, why do I have to sit here!" Hermione asked with a pout.

"Because your current strength is not weaker than Master Modu, it is enough for you to sit in a temple. Also remember, protect yourself. If you encounter an opponent you cannot resist, don't force it. Leave when it's time. I understand. ?"

"I understand, but teacher, are you concerned about me?"

"Of course, you are my only student, I don't care who you care about?" Constantine rubbed Hermione's hair and turned to leave.

Hermione sighed slowly as she watched the figure entering the portal, and then wandered around the London Temple.

Modu stayed at the New York Temple, while Wang went to the Hong Kong Temple. So far, the three major temples have experts in charge.

At this time, Strange had also noticed something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he continued today's training.

Constantine was sitting in the hall, holding a tablet in his hand, which was playing the battle between Li Qingyue and ten Super Skrulls.

Now they are still in a stalemate, because no matter how Li Qingyue attacks them, they still heal themselves in a short time, which makes Li Qingyue very distressed.

At this moment, the first-generation Avengers and the second-generation Avengers appeared. With their help, Li Qingyue's pressure was greatly alleviated, but they were not their opponents. After all, they integrated various genes, including There are genes from Captain Marvel and Hulk, and even Thor’s genes.

Don’t forget that the Phantom Prison, Pietro and Wanda in the second-generation Avengers are the main force, especially Wanda’s chaos magic, which can modify reality.

"You hold them back while I go and come back!"

After Li Qingyue left these words, he flew towards the office. When these super Skrulls saw Li Qingyue leaving, they immediately burst out with great strength. The Avengers members were suppressed at once. After all, they You need speed and strength, you need strength and power, you need defense and defense, you need self-healing and self-healing, you need flying and flying, you need to completely crush them in all directions.

Soon the members of the Avengers were beaten and suppressed, unable to lift their heads. If it weren't for their tacit cooperation, they would have all lost by now. The most important ones were Natasha, Steve, Bucky and Gram. Lint and the others all used equipment made of impact steel, and with the steel armor customized by Tony, their strength could be said to have improved to several levels, but they still could not withstand such a high-pressure battle.

Even Hulk felt unprecedentedly aggrieved. He was equivalent to fighting ten of himself. Even though he was extremely angry, the increase in strength could never reach the level of one against ten.

"Why hasn't Boss Li come back yet?" Tony shouted anxiously.

"I don't know, but it should be soon." Natasha dodged the attack and threw two darts with her backhand that could release high-voltage electricity.

The dart hit the Super Skrull, but he used the high-voltage electricity to remove the dart and attacked them again.

Seeing that everyone was unable to resist, two orange lasers appeared above their heads. The lasers directly hit the Super Skrulls and forced them back. Everyone looked up and found that the person coming was actually Li Qingyue.

"Everyone, it's round two now!"

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