American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 204 The guy who stole underwear (make up 1, owe 6)

It has been a month since the Skrulls invaded the earth. This month, almost all the matters discussed by humans on the earth have never left the office and the Skrulls.

Especially Fury, after experiencing the invasion of the Skrulls from the parallel universe, now he just wants to send away the Skrulls on the space station as soon as possible. For this reason, he has to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to help them transform the space station into The spaceship and then watching them leave with his own eyes, Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, because of the firm's popularity, some high-level officials in the country were afraid that someone would announce the assassination of their country's top leaders, so they could only obtain a house near the firm through some money and transactions, and set up surveillance posts here. It can be regarded as surveillance. After all, they are watching those who enter the office openly.

As long as they don't issue commissions to high-level officials of various countries, basically these agents will not mess around. Some agents even directly open stores as a side business. For example, the ones in China opened a restaurant, the ones in France opened a luxury store, and other countries also opened stores. They have opened a shop. Although everyone knows that this is a surveillance office, at least it will look good and will not anger Li Qingyue and the others.

But in fact, they didn't know that Li Qingyue didn't care about this. They saw him lying at the door and continuing to bask in the sun. Then several girls walked in side by side, holding mobile phones in their hands. They also looked at the sign to make sure they were here. After finding the place he was looking for, when he was about to go in, he saw Li Qingyue. He was immediately frightened and did not dare to move. He just stood there, his body still trembling with fear.

"Hello, are you going to issue a commission?" Suddenly a voice sounded behind the girls, startling them.

They turned their heads and saw Leo, which frightened them so much that they fainted. Not only them, but also the agents were so frightened that they almost drew their guns. However, they calmed down when they saw that Li Qingyue was not moving. Come down.

"I told you, we look terrible, we shouldn't come out in broad daylight." Raphael said dissatisfied.

"Stop talking about this, let's put them on the sofa first." Leo said to the three of them, and then the four of them carried the girls into the office and placed them on the sofa.

I don't know how long it took, these girls woke up and found that the surrounding environment was very strange. However, they did not see the culprit who made them faint. Instead, they saw Tom and Jerry fighting.

They immediately walked over and found that the two little ones were not afraid of people, so they picked them up, brushed their fur, and kissed them.

Until the two little guys saw Leo and the others, they immediately struggled, jumped out of the girl's arms, and ran towards the four Leo brothers.

"Hey, don't worry, Tom. Wait until we divide them up. Some of them have chili added." Mikey explained while holding seven pizza boxes while avoiding Tom who wanted to grab the pizza.

"Yeah, you guys are awake. I'm really sorry for scaring you." Leo apologized politely to the girls, while always keeping a safe distance.

"Are you mutated humans?"

"Well, we are not, we are mutated turtles. Because of a certain experiment, we became what we are now. I'm really sorry."

Hearing what Leo said, these girls didn't seem so scared. One of the bolder girls even came to Leo's turtle shell and knocked it with her hand.

"Look, it's a real turtle shell."

When other girls saw that Leo was not angry, they also ran over, either squeezing his hand or touching his turtle shell. Leo was very uncomfortable with such an enthusiastic girl.

"Are you hungry? Do you want some pizza?" Mikey asked, taking out a piece of pizza.

"Eat, eat." the girls shouted.

Then everyone started eating pizza directly in the office. Halfway through the meal, Leo suddenly asked: "By the way, we saw you standing at the door before. Do you want to issue a commission?"

"Yes, because we college students all live in the same dormitory building, but recently we kept losing underwear in our dormitory, so we went to the security and police, but the surveillance videos every night were deleted. In addition, the police and security guards seemed to think we were making a big fuss, so they didn't take it too seriously to help us find the thief. It happened that we knew about Marvel Agency at this time, so we decided to come over and give it a try."

"Oh, so that's it. How much money have you prepared?"

"It's not much, just five thousand US dollars. The students in our entire dormitory building came up with it."

"Five thousand, that's fine, come with me." Leo brought the girl to Li Qingyue's desk, pulled out a box from under the table, filled with parchment scrolls, and then Leo wrote down the commission, When it came time to press the bloody fingerprints, the girl hesitated.

"Why do you need to press bloody fingerprints?" the girl asked in confusion.

"I don't know about this either. This is the process required by the boss." Leo couldn't give an explanation.

At this time, Li Qingyue didn't know when he appeared behind them. He slowly explained: "That's because in order to successfully sign the entrustment, the client's real name and blood are needed. If a false name is used, the entrustment will not be valid." It will be established.”

Seeing this, the girl carefully cut her hand and pressed it. At this time, the name began to glow golden.

"See, this is the successful release of the commission. If nothing changes, it means that the person's name is fake, or the person's blood is not his own blood. If the commission is completed, this sheepskin scroll It will spontaneously combust, and I'll leave it to you to deal with it now." Li Qingyue threw the parchment scroll to Leo, then returned to the lounge chair at the door with a bottle of Coke and continued to bask in the sun.

"Leave this commission to me. Does that thief only act at night?"

"Yes, because during the day we had people squatting there, but we just couldn't catch him."

"Okay, we will help you guard it tonight, but don't spread the news about the commission, otherwise I'm afraid the thief won't dare to come."

"Well, we know it. When you catch it, I will inform our classmates."

Then the girls left the office. Raphael looked at their backs and asked, "Do you want me to protect them from going out?"

"No, in Hell's Kitchen, those people don't dare to mess around as long as they are guests of the office, not to mention those agents are not fake."

Raphael nodded and then continued to eat pizza.

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