American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 206 No title (supplement 1, owe 4)

In the New York Times Building, Li Qingyue was suspended in front of the still-lit window. Looking at the people working hard inside, Li Qingyue came to the window and knocked gently on the window. When the staff inside heard it, they were confused at first, and then Looked towards the window.

When they saw Li Qingyue, their eyes were full of enthusiasm, and they immediately opened the window and subconsciously asked: "Are you an Earthling who will fight against the Skrull aliens?"

"it's me."

"Excuse me, can you accept an interview? We want to interview you!"

"Sorry, I'm not accepting interviews, and I'd like to find your editor-in-chief."

"Our editor-in-chief is upstairs, do you need us to take you there?"

"No, thank you." Li Qingyue said politely. At the same time, he gave his business cards to them and then went upstairs to a door with the editor-in-chief's sign hanging on it. Then Li Qingyue opened the door and walked in.

"Who is it? Didn't I tell you to knock on the door first?" the editor-in-chief of the New York Times shouted angrily without even raising his head.

When the editor heard that the person didn't make any move, he raised his head. When he found out that the person was someone he didn't recognize, he frowned and slapped the table. Just when he was about to curse, Li Qingyue gently poked the table with his finger. A hole was made, and the editor immediately shut his mouth.

"You don't seem to recognize me?"

"who are you?"

"Do you know what's the latest news all over the world?"

The editor seemed to recognize Li Qingyue, and was so frightened that he backed away and finally sat down on the chair.

"How did you come?"

"do you have a wife?"


"Do you have any photos? I'm afraid I've found the wrong person."

"Yes, yes." The editor-in-chief tremblingly took out a photo. Li Qingyue looked over and after confirming that the woman was indeed his wife, he sat opposite him.

"Your wife insulted my employees and said she wanted you to publish the insult in the newspaper, so I wanted to hear your opinion."

Looking at Li Qingyue leisurely and leisurely, the editor-in-chief broke into a cold sweat behind his back, and he must have been scolding his wife in his heart.

"Well, don't worry, I will never publish it in the newspapers. We will not publish any information about your firm. Is that okay with you?"

"No, you can still publish it in the newspaper, but it must be positive. At the same time, advertising for us will be regarded as compensation for my employees. Do you think it is ok?"

"Of course, of course."

"That's good, I won't disturb you anymore. Thank you for your cooperation."

"You're welcome, you're welcome," the editor-in-chief said with a wry smile.

Then Li Qingyue opened the window directly and flew away in front of the editor. After Li Qingyue left completely, he gasped for air with a smile on his face, as if he was happy that he could survive.

Li Qingyue returned to the office. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Jerry grabbing Tom who had become a piece of paper and running towards the outside.

"Don't stay out too late, got it?"

Jerry ignored Li Qingyue, grabbed Tom and disappeared around the corner.

Li Qingyue walked into the office and saw Jill wearing only a white long-sleeved shirt.

"Oh, why did you come out just wearing this clothes? It's all gone." Li Qingyue quickly took off his clothes and wrapped them around Jill's waist and said.

"Why are you showing off? I'm wearing shorts underneath." Jill lifted her clothes, revealing the shorts underneath.

"Hey, didn't I see that? By the way, did Richard and the others go back to school recently?"

"We've gone back, don't move your hands!" Gil said angrily, slapping Li Qingyue's hand away.

"Hehe, I just touched it."

Li Qingyue hugged Jill, and the two of them lay on the sofa, watching a bloody TV show on TV. He didn't know why Jill actually liked watching this stuff, but Li Qingyue didn't care, as long as he let himself touch it.

Although Gil kept knocking off Li Qingyue's hands that kept touching him, as the number of times increased, Gil didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore.

Just when Li Qingyue was about to carry Jill back to the room, there was a sudden loud noise, and Jerry ran to Li Qingyue like crazy. The next second, a huge wooden hammer hit Li Qingyue's body. Although Li Qingyue's physical defense It could be said that it was full, but this blow made him take a breath of air.

"Tom!!! Suck~~~" Li Qingyue roared angrily, but the next second he couldn't help but gasp because the wound was pulled.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt that much? Aren't your physical defense points full?" Gil looked at Li Qingyue with suspicious eyes, as if he thought he was just deceiving his sympathy.

But as Li Qingyue lifted up his clothes, his black and blue body let Jill know that Li Qingyue was really in pain.

"Wow, how is this possible?"

"The power of these two bastards is equivalent to the power of rules. Even if my defense points are full, they can still cause harm to me. You two, come here! Suck~Wow, it really hurts, you two Damn it!"

Li Qingyue roared at the two little guys, but the two little guys seemed to know that they were in big trouble. They stood beside Jill one by one, hoping that Jill could help them.

"Okay, you just got hit. I'll rub it for you later. And you guys, you know you will hurt others, don't you know how to restrain yourself?" Gil nodded the heads of the two little guys. The two little guys bowed their heads in frustration, as if to express that they already knew they were wrong.

"Okay, go to a corner and meditate on the wall for two hours, one person per person, got it?"

Tom and Jerry nodded, reluctantly came to a corner and began to think about their mistakes.

------Dividing line--------

Kama Taj

Strange looked into the distance lonelyly, when Constantine came to him.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm a little confused. I don't know if I can really do the position of Supreme Mage. The safety of the entire earth suddenly weighs on my shoulders, making me a little breathless." Strange murmured to himself.

"Since the teacher chose you to be the Supreme Mage, he has his reasons. Believe in yourself. After all, your talent is indeed very good. Look, it only took you a few months to catch up with Modu, Wang. Hamil and other mages, so don’t underestimate yourself, and your time magic talent is even better than mine, you are not that unbearable.”

Strange turned his head and smiled at Constantine, but he lowered his head and sighed.

"Oh~ I know you are comforting me, but I still want to thank you. At least I'm much better now."

"That's good. After all, you are the Supreme Mage. Next we have to face Lucifer, Satan, the two lords of hell, and Dormammu, the dark lord. You must cheer up."

"I know."

And just when Constantine was killing Strange, Satan, Lucifer, Mephisto and Dormammu had already united together and were preparing to carve up the earth. After all, now that the Ancient One was dead, they thought they could do it again. .

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