American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 214 The Hard Battle in the Hong Kong Temple Part 2

Walter and the others came to the battlefield on Sol's side. They were about to help, but Sol refused because he wanted to wash away his shame, so no one could interfere in this war.

When Walter and the others saw this, they didn't know what to say. Looking at Thor who was so stubborn, they could only go to the battlefield between Hulk and Baimon. At this time, Baimon was holding a Malek Lix. The sword fights with the Hulk.

Although it seems that Hulk has the upper hand, if you observe carefully for a period of time, you can see that Hulk is actually being consumed all the time. Baimon used the weapon in his hand to attack Hulk, and then retreated, which caused Hulk to The illusion of gaining the upper hand.

In fact, Hulk didn't even hit Baimon, but as others joined the battle, Baimon's attack target also changed from Hulk to others. His every move was very elegant. After all, he had a long hair. It has a woman's face, but its body is that of a man, but its feet are similar to those of a frog, both are webbed.

"Weapon flying!" Hermione used the flying spell on the weapon in Baimon's hand, but Baimon only used a slight force to grasp the weapon tightly. Hermione saw that the magic spell had no effect, and she immediately used the transformation spell. Make the ground beneath his feet uneven, hoping to make him fall.

But Baimen is a demon who has lived for thousands of years or even longer after all, so these little tricks are useless.

Seeing that all the magic spells were ineffective, Hermione put on the hanging ring and started fighting with him. However, because Baimon had a weapon in his hand, Hermione was almost scratched several times. She had no choice but to use the weapon. The Sword of the Mountain Emperor, but here comes the problem. Her strength is far inferior to that of Baimeng, and she can't even catch one of his blows.

So when Hermione wanted to rush forward, she was stopped by Tony.

"Your strength is too weak and you are no match for him. Just use magic to cover Hulk outside. It's enough to leave the melee combat to Hulk."

Hermione nodded in agreement, and then began to use the brilliance of magic to block Baimon's vision from the outside. Baimon was indeed very annoyed, so he directly put away the Malay Kliss sword, punched the wall, and then grabbed He took a huge brick and threw it towards Hermione and the others.

But they dodged with a slight dodge. Seeing this, Baimen could only deal with the Hulk first, and then deal with them.

For some reasons, they were unable to reveal their true bodies, but they were able to reveal part of their true bodies to enhance their energy, and Baimon did the same. His lower body gradually turned into dark red skin, strong thighs and hoof.

The changes in his lower body directly doubled his speed, and the strength of his lower limbs was also significantly improved. The most obvious thing is that Hulk's attacks are gradually unable to keep up with Baimon.

In order to allow Hulk to better attack Baimon, the remaining people had to start limiting Baimon's speed, but he was fast unless someone faster appeared.

"It seems you need my help!" Pietro rushed to the battlefield. He had just put all the people who could no longer fight into the temple and rushed over.

"Put these on his body, and then put these on the ground, do you understand?" Tony took out a pile of red and blue disks and said, the red disks were attached to Baimon's body, and the blue disks were placed on the ground. on the ground.

Pietro took these disks and disappeared with a "whoosh", and then reappeared with a "whoosh". Even Paimon didn't have time to react. When he saw so many red disks appearing on his body, he Feeling bad, when he wanted to take off these discs, Tony pressed the button, and a strong current was generated between the red and blue discs. This current suction was so strong that Baimon couldn't break free for a while. Come.

Hulk took this opportunity to start a close-quarters fight, again targeting his lower half.

"Ah!!!" Baimon screamed in pain under Hulk's blow. Stimulated by the pain, he broke away from the current and began to fight with Hulk, but after all, Hulk's power was stronger. On the first floor, I saw him kicking one of Baimen's legs off, making him unable to walk. Then he pinned him down and punched him in the face one after another.

Baimon wanted to block with his hands, but Hulk just pulled him away, and then he continued to beat Baimon's head. Finally, he punched with all his strength and smashed his head open. coming.

Tony, Hermione and the Four Tianlin Generals came to Baimon's body. In order to prevent Baimon from resurrecting again, they worked together, pouring a lot of energy down, directly smashing Baimon's body into ashes.

Finally, everyone found a place to sit down and rest, and Hulk turned back into Dr. Banner. He was really tired.

Now everyone is sitting together watching Sol's battle. At this time, the battle between Sol and Beelzebub has entered a fever pitch, and it seems that Sol has a slight advantage over Beelzebub, but only by one step.

A pair of crow wings grew out from behind Beelzebub, and then slowly flew into the air. Upon seeing this, Thor also flew towards him with Mjolnir. However, due to the special nature of Mjolnir, he could not levitate, so he could only choose Fly, either keep flying or land.

And Beelzebub naturally knew about Sol's weakness, so he kept teasing him in the air.

"Don't hide if you have the guts!!!" Thor roared angrily. He hated the feeling of being played with.

Beelzebub just smiled and said nothing. Upon seeing this, Thor returned directly to the ground, holding Mjolnir high. With the blessing of divine power, Mjolnir exploded with all its strength, and a large amount of lightning struck down from the air. Under Thor's guidance, the lightning continued to shrink the space in which Beelzebub could move. In the end, Beelzebub had nowhere to hide. Thor rushed towards Beelzebub with Mjolnir in hand.

Beelzebub did not dodge or dodge, allowing Thor's hammer to hit him.

Beelzebub was hit and shattered like glass. At this time, he finally spoke: "I am not your opponent at all, but even if you defeat me, you will only defeat my human body. , my true body is much more powerful than the human body, if you really want revenge, come to hell in person to find me, Prince of Asgard, God of Thunder, Guardian of the Earth."

After saying that, Beelzebub disappeared completely, and Saul did not show the joy of victory, but stood there blankly.

"Don't think about it. Sooner or later we will enter hell. Don't forget, we still have to deal with Satan and Lucifer." Tony walked over and comforted.

"Yes, I still have a chance. Can you help me enter hell?" Thor looked at Hermione and asked.

"Okay, but do you really want to go? It's very dangerous over there."

Thor nodded heavily, and then Hermione opened the portal to hell. Thor walked in without saying a word. As the portal closed, Thor saw Connor who was fighting not far away.

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