new york times building

When the newspaper where Walt interviewed was published again, the whole of New York became a sensation again. When some newspapers saw that the New York Times was so popular, they secretly found some trolls to start smearing them. The most common sentence among them was: This is really the firm. Exclusive interviews with employees? Why are there no pictures?

The New York Times didn't bother to explain one by one, and directly wrote on Twitter: Did you see that the gentlemen of the office have accused us of random reporting?

Just this sentence made all the sailors confused about what to do. In the end, they could only refund half of the money. After all, this involved a person with super powers and the most powerful existence known on the earth. They did not dare to mess with it. Come, otherwise they will be targeted by him, and there will definitely be no good fruit for them.

Seeing that there was no way to discredit them, other newspapers had no choice but to follow suit and began interviewing various superpowers, but most of them were false.

"Editor-in-chief, are you looking for me?" April said as she entered the editor-in-chief's office.

"April, you're here, sit down."

Now April is equivalent to a cash cow. Many newspapers and even TV stations want to poach her, but April refuses because the terms they offer are very good, but April is not a fool. She saw the pitfalls of these conditions, and now she has almost as much power as the editor-in-chief, so staying at the New York Times is the best choice.

"It's like this, April, you have interviewed the employees of the office twice, and I think you can't continue the interview, so I plan to ask you to interview the Avengers. Do you think you can do it? "

"Editor-in-Chief, you think too highly of me, but I can give it a try," April said.

"Okay, let's interview them as soon as possible. The best thing is to interview the first generation Avengers." The editor said with a smile.

April looked helpless, but she had no choice but to give it a try.

On the other side, Walter was still monitoring April's every move, and suddenly Gaia appeared behind him, making a "tsk tsk" sound.

"What are you doing here?" Walter asked angrily.

"You are not the only one here. Don't forget, I also want to assist you in your work. Isn't it normal for me to appear here!" Gaia immediately retorted.

Walter snorted angrily, then turned around and continued looking at the phone.

"If you really like her, why don't you go after her directly?" Gaia asked curiously.

Walter seemed to be touched by someone, but he still said stubbornly: "Who told you that I like her!"

"You don't like her, and you don't know that spying on others every day is like a pervert."

"What did you say!" Walter shouted angrily.

"OK, OK, I won't say anything anymore. It's up to you."

Gaia hummed "Love Story" and left the laboratory. After she completely disappeared, Walter breathed a sigh of relief and continued to look at April on the screen.

------Dividing line------

Asgard, Thor returned to his homeland again after solving the crisis on Earth.

Because he learned about Ragnarok from some older Asgardians, Thor worked hard to prevent the arrival of Ragnarok. During this period, he visited the nine major kingdoms, including Asgard.

But the word "Twilight of the Gods" seemed to be blocked. Even though he searched the nine major kingdoms, he found nothing. Of course, it can't be said that he gained nothing. He also found the "Twilight of the Gods" recorded on the earth.

He also tried to find the so-called Fenrir, but he searched the entire nine realms but could not find the so-called giant wolf Fenrir.

Looking at Thor who was so persistent, Odin sighed slightly. In fact, he had always known what Ragnarok was, but he couldn't tell Thor the truth, at least not now.

"Father, you really can't tell me the ins and outs of Ragnarok!"

"Thor, you are still young."

"Father! I'm not young anymore!" Thor immediately retorted.

"Thor, it's not time yet, I'm sorry." Odin closed his eyes and said calmly.

Seeing Odin's appearance, Thor angrily smashed the ground in a circle, with such force that a crater was created.

"Thor, that's enough!" Queen Frigga came out and when she saw her mother, Thor immediately turned into a good boy and followed her away.

After arriving at Queen Frigga's dormitory, she pulled Thor to sit down, patted his hand gently and whispered: "Thor, don't force your father. It's not up to you to know the gods yet." At dusk, when the time comes for you to know, your father will tell you the whole story in person."

"When will it be the time?" Thor couldn't help but ask.

Queen Frigga shook her head and said no more. Thor stood up and left in despair, while Queen Frigga looked at his back and sighed slightly.

Thor actually walked to the cell and stopped at the door of Loki's cell.

Loki inside opened his eyes slightly, filled with long-lost emotions. Thor suddenly realized something was wrong, raised Mjolnir and pointed it at Loki, and asked: "Who are you!"

Loki stood up in front of him, smiled slightly, and appeared in front of Thor in an instant. He looked at Thor carefully, and Thor was infected by his eyes, because there was endless loneliness hidden in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Thor's tone became lighter and he asked again.

"Long time no see, brother." Loki hugged Thor and whispered in his ear. After speaking, Loki returned to the cell again, and Thor saw a green light leaving Loki's body.

After a few seconds, Loki opened his eyes again and looked at the Loki in front of him. Thor knew that this was his Loki.

"My good brother, what are you doing here? Just to see me in despair?"

Thor didn't speak. As he turned and left, he was thinking about who the person who possessed Loki just now was and why he called him brother.

When Loki saw Thor leaving, he immediately knocked on the cell angrily, but Thor had no time to pay attention to him now.

When Thor came back to his senses, he found that he had arrived outside the cell at some point. He looked at the sun in the sky, and suddenly Li Qingyue's appearance flashed in his mind, and he immediately decided to go to Earth to seek Li Qingyue's help.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Thor directly rode the Rainbow Bridge to visit the Earth again. However, he never expected that when the Rainbow Bridge was about to enter the Earth, a red light suddenly flashed, and Thor was taken into the crimson universe.

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