American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 228 Mutated Peter (1 supplement, 1 missing)

While Richard was picking out the Uru metal, he was observing Richard with his peripheral vision. Suddenly a stone flew in from outside the door, and Peter actually dodged the stone at an extremely fast speed. His move was seen by Richard.

"Where did this stone come from?"

"Sorry, Richard." Mikey's voice came, and several people looked outside the door. They saw Mikey being carried by Tom and running quickly towards the dormitory building. Behind them were a group of gang members armed with various firearms. .

"Hey, this Tom only cares about eating and not fighting." Liya said with a helpless sigh.

At this time, Richard suddenly shot at Peter, and Peter turned his back to Richard and dodged so fast that even Richard couldn't react.

Upon seeing this, Richard directly used his X ability. Black material covered his body. His speed and strength became faster, and Peter was beaten back again and again.

"Stop it, Richard!" Ned shouted quickly, stepping between them.

Richard paused, his substance returning to his body.

"Who are you!" Richard raised his gun and pointed it at Peter.

"I'm Peter Parker." Peter gasped.

"Impossible, Peter is just an ordinary person, how could he have such reaction and strength as you." Richard pointed to the ground and said.

I saw deep pits appeared one after another on the ground where Peter had just avoided. The thick floor tiles were actually broken by Peter's feet. Everyone distanced themselves from Peter and looked at Peter warily.

Peter smiled bitterly and said: "That me is really Peter Parker. The reason why I became like this is entirely because a colorful spider bit me, and then I fainted. When I woke up again, I found My body has mutated."

"Are you really Peter Parker?" Ned asked in disbelief.

Peter nodded, and also told a few things about what happened between him and a few of them. These things were either very secretive, or they were the only ones present at the time, and no one else knew about them at all.

After confirming that Peter was really Peter, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you know what that spider that bit you looked like?"

"I don't remember. This spider bit me and died. I didn't take it seriously and threw it into the toilet and flushed it." Peter said helplessly.

"How about I take you to find Walter. He should be able to know your situation and see if your mutation is for the better or for the worse. I'm really afraid that you will suddenly turn into a giant... spider."

Peter was also afraid, but because the power brought by the spider's mutation made him so addicted, he forgot about it for a while, but now Richard reminded him.

Then everyone entered the office space under the leadership of Richard, and then they got on the maglev car, which they used to travel in the office space.

"Gaia, are you there?" Walter shouted.

"I'm here, Richard, yo, there are so many little guys, come in quickly and have something to eat first."

"Don't eat. I have something to talk to Walter about. My good brother's body seems to have mutated. See if you can study it and see if this mutation is good or bad." Richard pushed Peter behind him. Said to Gaia.

Gaia looked at Peter, her eyes suddenly fired blue lasers, and scanned his whole body. She found that Peter's body had indeed mutated, and then reached out and took off Peter's shirt, pants and shoes, leaving only a pair of underwear. , and then let him lie on the operating table in the laboratory.

Then Gaia attached some sensing metal pieces to his body, which were used to monitor his body data in real time.

As Gaia kept typing on the computer keyboard, the data map belonging to Peter's body soon appeared on her tablet.

"OK, come on down and put on your clothes."

Peter nodded and quickly put on his clothes and other things.

"Your brother's body has indeed mutated. If I guess correctly, he mutated because he was bitten by a special spider."

"Wow, Gaia, how did you know that?"

"Oh, I heard it."

Everyone rolled their eyes at Gaia angrily, thinking she had guessed it from somewhere.

"Your ability mutation comes from a spider that was exposed to radiation of a specific frequency. The radioactive compound mutant enzyme in its blood mutated his body. Your current body density, reaction speed, strength, etc. are all different from Ordinary people, you also have a special sense that allows you to sense danger in advance, like now! "

Gaia suddenly took action, and her hand turned into a sharp blade and stabbed Peter's temple. It was so fast that no one could react, but Peter was different. The spider sense made his body move, and he directly grabbed Gaia's wrist. , preventing the sharp blade from approaching again. At this time, the tip of the sharp blade was only about one centimeter away from his temple.

"Did you see it? It's this kind of induction. You need to be familiar with this kind of induction, so that even if someone has ill intentions towards you, you can still sense it." Gaia said while retracting the blade.

"Then your hands and feet have also changed. You can now mentally control the inter-atomic interaction force at the molecular boundary, such as static electricity, so that your body, mainly your hands and feet, can be attached to the surface of the object to move quickly. In other words, you can It’s like walking on a smooth surface at 90 degrees, you can try it now.”

After hearing Gaia's words, Peter carefully came to the wall of the laboratory and put his hand on the wall. After discovering that his hand was indeed adsorbed on the wall, he began to use his hands and feet, and soon he was hanging upside down on the laboratory.

"The rest is basically gone. Your strength limit is about twenty-five tons to thirty tons. Of course, if it explodes, it may be stronger, so remember to exercise your control ability more often, and at the same time, your The body still has self-healing factors that can repair damage, but not very quickly. Is there anything else you don’t understand?”

"Is this change in me good or bad?"

"Of course it's good. If it were other people, it is very likely that they would become a humanoid spider, but you are different. The genes of that spider are perfectly integrated with your genes, just like a completely new race."

"I understand, thank you, Sister Gaia."

"You don't have to be so polite. By the way, can I take a tube of your blood? Because I feel that Walter should have a way to make you stronger."

Peter nodded, and then Gaia drew a small tube of blood and placed it in the refrigerator. After everyone returned to the office, they found Tony coming, and several people rushed to greet him.

"Mr. Stark, you are here."

"Yes, where are your metals?"

Richard pointed to the Uru metals in the corner. Tony ran over with shining eyes, and then looked at the metals carefully.

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