American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 230 A·I·M Foundation—Pioneer Technology

"Tony, there is no trace of them." Colonel Rhodes found Tony and said helplessly.

"Is it because they can't find any trace of them, or because the military has a deal with them." Tony raised his head and said with a sneer while looking at the video he had searched out on Friday.

"Sorry Tony, I really can't help you." Colonel Rhodes said helplessly, but he left a pure white business card behind when he left.

After Tony picked it up, he looked at the name of only one foundation on it - the A.I.M. Foundation, also known as Pioneer Technology.

Tony immediately asked Friday to collect information about the foundation, and soon he found information about Pioneer Technology.

Today's Pioneer Technology boss is a man named Murdoch, and there is very little information about this man on the Internet. Even Tony doubts whether this man really exists.

However, the existence of Pioneer Technology is no less than that of the Stark Group. To a certain extent, Pioneer Technology is even better than Tony. Pioneer Technology has in-depth cooperation with senior officials from various countries, and many high technologies are shared by them. .

For this reason, he wanted to catch the mastermind from Pioneer Technology, even though he couldn't do it himself, but Tony's character made him unwilling to ask for help, so he could only investigate alone.

Soon he targeted a person who was a member of Pioneer Technology and seemed to have quite a lot of power. The most important thing was that his wife once had a one-night stand with Tony.

And this person is Alderez Killian, and his wife is Maya Hansen. The most important thing is that he understands why those people before did not die.

"It turns out to be the Extremis virus. I asked why this virus is so familiar, but it doesn't matter."

"At this time, Pepper on the side saw Killian's picture and said, "I seem to have seen him. He seems to want to cooperate with our Stark Group. "

"are you sure?"

"I'm sure it's him!" Pepper nodded heavily.

Why Pepper is so sure is because Killian once said bad things about Tony in front of Pepper and also teased him, so Pepper was so impressed by Killian.

"Don't leave the Avengers base during this period. I'll let you know after I've settled everything, okay?"

"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you."

Tony then left the Avengers base and returned to the long-lost Stark Group, where he sat in Pepper's seat. After a while, Happy walked in and said: "Boss, Alderazi... Mr. Killian is here."

"Let him in." Tony said, crossing his legs.

After a while, a handsome middle-aged man with a long back and a white suit walked in, and he was Alderazi Killian.

"Hello, Mr. Alderazi Killian."

When he saw Tony, a trace of hatred flashed in Killian's eyes. Although it disappeared quickly, it was still seen by Tony. He didn't understand why Killian had such hatred for him. He didn't remember that he provoked Been to him.

"Mr. Tony Stark, I have admired your name for a long time. I wonder how you have considered my plan?"

"You want to sell your terminal virus to the military and the Disabled Persons' Federation, right?"

"Yes, you should have seen our introduction. This is definitely a great boon for the military and the disabled."

"You are right, and I agree, but the only problem is its stability. Extremis Virus. I have met its founder. She seems to be named Maya Hansen."

"Yes, she is my wife now. She and I have worked together to improve the Extremis virus. Today's Extremis virus is absolutely safe and stable." Killian said with a smile, as if he really wanted to promote his own Extremis virus.

"If that's the case, then why do you want us to be the middleman? You Pioneer Technology are fully capable of promoting this product on your own, why do you need to hand it over to us for us to promote?"

"Isn't this because the Stark Group has you? You are Iron Man, the world-famous Iron Man. No matter how much money we spend on promotion, it cannot be as good as your words. Are you right?"

Tony sneered and said, "Yes, it's not even as good as what I said. In fact, there is one thing I haven't figured out, and that is, do I have a grudge against you?"

"No, why do you say that?" Killian replied as if he didn't understand at all.

"If you don't have any hatred, why do you want to attack me?"

"Mr. Stark, why can't I understand what you are talking about? What are you doing?"

"Really don't know?"

Tony then showed the scene of the group of people attacking his villa. Looking at the people killed inside, Killian pretended to be very surprised and said: "I know them, they are all the experimenters of our Extremis virus, you are Didn't you offend them, so they came to take revenge on you? After all, as the world's largest arms dealer, it is normal for you to offend others."

Tony heard the word arms dealer and looked at Killian coldly.

"Although I don't know why you hate me so much, I will remember this hatred. Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will kill you personally."

Killian stood up, adjusted his collar gracefully and said, "Then Mr. Stark is welcome to take action."

After saying that, Killian turned around and left. Looking at his back, Tony punched the table hard. In this confrontation, Tony lost. After all, Pepper had just been attacked, which made Tony He was very angry, especially when he found out that Killian was the mastermind behind the scenes. His anger almost made him attack him directly. If his reason hadn't suppressed his anger, Tony would have probably exploded.

So it was normal for him to lose in the first confrontation with Killian. Now Tony needs to investigate why Killian wants to deal with him, and at the same time, he needs to figure out Killian's conspiracy and the evidence that the Extremis virus is unstable. , only in this way can he force the military to terminate the deal with him. This way, without the military as his backer, it will be much easier for Tony to clean up Killian.

And Killian, after leaving the Stark Group, came to the Pioneer Technology branch in Manhattan, where he saw an old man and a bald middle-aged man.

"Mr. Hydera, Mr. Murdoch."

"You're here, Killian, how's the plan going?"

"The planned plan has been implemented. It won't be long before Tony Stark falls into the trap I carefully crafted for him."

"Very good, but I still hope that you will remember that you are here today all because of me. I fought against all odds and got all the directors to agree to this plan. I hope you will not let us down, understand. Yet?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Hydera, I will never let you down!" Killian said respectfully, lowering his head.

"Go and implement your plan. Now you can mobilize all the resources of Pioneer Technology at will."

Killian nodded, then turned and left.

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