American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 232 Arriving at Attilan (1 supplement, 1 missing)

Stark Group

Tony began to search for all the information about Pioneer Technology, but Pioneer Technology seemed to be a technology organization that worked for and benefited the people. The technology they developed did not seek wealth but fame. Many countries already knew about the existence of Pioneer Technology. , and want their assistance.

Pioneer Technology is also very generous in giving money. As long as they think it can improve their reputation, they will do it, which naturally includes supporting some poor countries.

This has led to Pioneer Technology's reputation being very good, and it even has special privileges in some countries.

As Tony searched for more and more information, Tony felt that this pioneering technology was a bit difficult to deal with.

Just when Tony didn't know what to do, Coulson actually came to the door.

"Hello, Mr. Stark."

"Colson? Why are you here? There is no need to be so polite between us. Come in and sit down."

"Then I'm not welcome. Tony, I came to you this time to ask for your help."

"My help?"

"Yes, with your help, we need you to bring some technological products with us to the moon to meet the Inhumans."

"Inhumans, haven't you already incorporated them?" Tony asked in confusion.

"Well, they are not the aliens on the earth, but the aliens on the back of the moon. They have migrated to the moon many years ago, so they have no idea what is happening on our earth. In order to recruit them, the director sent me You are invited to go to Attilan, the alien city on the moon."

After hearing this, Tony thought for a while and said, "It's okay to go with you, but when I come back, your SHIELD information database needs to be open to me. I need to investigate the intelligence about Pioneer Technology, okay?"


Afterwards, Tony and the others tidied up, put on their armors, and flew towards the moon in the space version of the Quinjet. Due to technological obstacles, the space fighter they created can only carry out space missions for a short period of time. If the flight lasts for a long time, the fighter plane is likely to disintegrate or face various other situations.

But flying to the moon's surface is enough.

Soon the two of them saw Attilan. Tony directly enlarged the picture, then pointed in a direction and said, "Let's land there."

Colson nodded, and then stopped the fighter plane at the location designated by Tony. Then Colson put on a spacesuit and approached Attilan. Because Tony was wearing the suit, he could breathe freely in space.

However, when the two of them got closer to Attilan, they discovered that there was an invisible membrane around it. Tony reached out and touched the membrane. Just when he was about to break through it violently, a voice came into their heads. sounded.

"Don't move. This is the energy shield that protects Attilan. If it is destroyed, Attilan will be completely exposed to space."

The two looked around, but still found no one speaking.

"Don't look, I'm talking to you telepathically. Now follow my command. There is an elliptical frame one hundred and fifty meters to your left. You can just enter Attilan directly from there."

The two looked at each other, and then walked to the left. Sure enough, they found an elliptical frame suspended in the air. They carefully walked across the frame and found that they had actually entered Attilan very smoothly, and then a A huge bulldog appeared in front of them, and beside the big dog stood a girl with blond hair.

"Hello, I am a member of the royal family - Crystal, are you from the earth? You can take off your weird clothes. Ordinary humans can breathe here." Crystal said to the two of them. .

However, Coulson took off his spacesuit, but Tony did not take off his suit. Seeing this, Crystal did not continue to say anything, but led the way.

Along the way, many strangers noticed Colson and the two strangers. They all cast curious glances, but no one dared to stand up.

Soon they saw a luxurious palace. After the guard at the door saw the crystal, he immediately opened the door. Then the crystal took the two of them into a hall. They saw two thrones in the hall, and one sat on them. A man in a black suit and a woman in a purple suit with red hair.

"Hello, His Majesty King Blackkard Botagon, Queen Medusalis Amaquiline Boltagon."

"Don't be so polite. Just call my husband Black Bolt and me Medusa. Are you negotiating with us on behalf of the Earth?"

"That's right, but to be precise, it's not a negotiation, but for your safety. Why don't you take a look at the current development of mankind first." After speaking, Colson took out a tablet, and Medusa saw it. , immediately controlled his hair, rolled up the tablet, and took it into his hand.

"Just tap the screen above with your finger."

Seeing this, Medusa gently tapped the screen, and the tablet immediately started playing a video. This video was edited by Friday. It used superb editing technology to condense the development of human beings and various electronic products into one video. .

After the two of them watched the video, their expressions suddenly became ugly. They did not expect that human technology has developed to such an extent.

"Are you threatening us now?"

"No, no, no, Your Highness Medusa, we are not threatening you, but with the development of human technology, it is only a matter of time before Attilan is discovered. We don't know how they will deal with you by then. , so we want to quietly integrate you into human society without disturbing the majority of humans. This is also a good thing for you and your people, isn’t it?”

"We need to discuss it. You just stay here for forty-eight hours and we will give you an answer after we have discussed it. Do you think that's okay?"

"Of course, Your Highness Medusa."

After the two said goodbye to Black Bolt and Medusa, they went to their respective rooms under the leadership of Crystal. Tony gently tapped the reactor on his chest, and the armor on his body instantly turned into running water and entered the reactor.

"This is?"

"Nanotechnology, doesn't SHIELD have it?"

"Yes, there are, but they are not as mature as yours." Coulson said with an envious look.

Tony smiled, turned around and entered his room. Coulson saw this and followed him back to his room, but the two of them did not expect that not long after, a person came to them.

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