American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 241 Negotiations Completed Successfully, Planting Mysterious Seeds

"Since you are not talking, let me break the silence. Our goal is peaceful coexistence, but I make it clear that the mineral resources on Pandora are our indispensable resources, so if we want to coexist peacefully, we must Dr. Augustine said, "We must freely explore mineral resources."

"No, if you want to coexist peacefully, you can't dig ore, because your digging has affected the environment of our planet, and I can't let you continue to dig ore."

"Then there is no need for us to continue talking." Colonel Quachi said directly when he saw this.

Li Qingyue, who was the referee on the side, was speechless. Unexpectedly, just three sentences directly brought the entire negotiation scene to a deadlock.

"Hey, please help me." Li Qingyue touched the trunk of the soul tree and whispered.

The next moment, several pan lemurs grabbed a few red fruits and jumped down from the soul tree and stood directly on the negotiation table. When Colonel Quachi saw them, he subconsciously pulled out his pistol, but Connor just made a casual move. , the pistol flew directly into their hands.

"At this negotiation site, we will ensure the safety of both parties, so don't get excited, and eat that fruit. This is a gift from the Soul Tree to human representatives." Li Qingyue said.

Colonel Kuach and Dr. Augustine looked at the red fruit handed over by Pan Lemur. After hesitating for a moment, they decided to take the fruit. Then they held their breath, stuffed the fruit into their mouths, and put on their masks again.

But I have to say that the fruit is very delicious, with a lot of juice and sweetness. Especially the pulp has a refreshing fragrance. After eating, they are still a little unsatisfied and even have a clear mind.

Just as they were still reminiscing, Li Qingyue suddenly took off their masks, which frightened Colonel Quaqi and Dr. Augustine into panic. However, after a while, when they discovered that they were not dead yet, they completely Discovered that they could actually breathe the air on Pandora.

"This is the gift that the Soul Tree gives you. Breathe the air of Pandora freely, so that you can truly fully experience Pandora and empathize with it."

The two of them breathed in the air. This was an unprecedented feeling. Smelling the strong fragrance of plants and some kind of creature in the air, the mentality of Dr. Augustine and Colonel Quachi changed.

"Okay, it's time to continue the negotiation." Li Qingyue woke the two of them up.

The two of them sat back down. Colonel Quaqi was silent for a moment and said: "Let's see, we only have three hundred and sixty-five days and nights to dig a certain amount of minerals every year. Do you think this is okay? Don't think that we don't have anything." Dig, the reason why we arrived at Pandora is because your planet is rich in mineral resources. If we are not allowed to mine minerals, then why did we spend so many resources to come to this planet?"

The old chief did not speak, but looked at Li Qingyue, because he did not know how to negotiate.

"Let's see. Old Chief, your knowledge is not as extensive as theirs. Negotiations can easily become passive. For the sake of fairness, why not let me negotiate with someone else."

"Who should I replace?"

"Dr. Augustine, are you willing?" Li Qingyue looked at Dr. Augustine. Everyone was dumbfounded, especially Dr. Augustine, because she didn't understand why Li Qingyue chose her.

"After my scan, your body has been diagnosed with cancer, and it is in the late stage. It's just because the air on Pandora is special and can suppress the expansion of cancer cells, so you have no symptoms. But once you return to Earth, Then the cancer cells will proliferate crazily, and it will only take two days before death. If you don’t believe it, you can go back and check it with instruments, Constantine.”

Constantine, who was teasing Tom, heard Li Qingyue calling him, and immediately opened the portal. Dr. Augustine walked in, and then used the medical equipment to check himself in a panic, and found that he was really suffering from the same disease as he said. He has pancreatic cancer, which is at an advanced stage. Even with today's technology, Augustine doesn't know what to do.

"How about it, let's find out. Do you still remember what I said about the soul tree that allows your soul to enter the Avatar's body forever?"

Dr. Augustine seemed to have thought of something, and quickly entered the consciousness transfer device, transferring her consciousness to the Avatar she controlled. Finally, she let the Avatar hold her body and come to the negotiation site again, and then she She placed her body under the soul tree, and then she controlled the avatar's body to lie on the ground. As the soul tree emitted a long white light, Dr. Augustine's human body gradually turned into a point of light and merged into the avatar's body.

"From now on, the human Dr. Grace Augustine is dead, and the one who appears in front of you is Avatar Grace." Grace said looking at Colonel Quachi, and then she sat opposite Colonel Quachi.

Colonel Quaqi helplessly raised his forehead, but he didn't expect that she would be on the opposite side so soon.

With Grace's help, the Na'vi tribe gained the upper hand at the negotiation table. Although Colonel Quachi tried his best, he was still a little behind in the end. In the end, they finalized a peace contract, and humans can mine a certain amount of minerals every Earth year. And as this amount of minerals needs to be reduced every five Earth years, as a price, the Earth needs to help the Na'vi tribe develop technology.

Not only that, the Na'vi tribe can also sell special products on Pandora to humans. After all, with Grace here, they can trade according to human preferences. At the same time, in order to develop peacefully, unless the other party takes the lead, humans, Na'vi will The Wei tribe, creatures from the planet Pandora, are not allowed to attack the opponent first. If attacked, the opponent will be allowed to fight back.

In the end, there was a series of various treaties, some of which were beneficial to humans, and some of which were beneficial to the Na'vi people. Generally speaking, both parties were very satisfied. However, in the end, in order to allow this treaty to continue smoothly, Li Qingyue also Deliberately visit the Earth again and let the Earth use their most powerful weapons to attack them.

The result is conceivable. Neither a nuclear bomb nor a laser that requires the entire earth's electricity for a whole year can completely kill Li Qingyue. In other words, Li Qingyue is invincible. With him on top of their heads, what will happen to human beings? They don't dare to break the treaty, and the same goes for the Na'vi people.

After solving these problems, everyone returned to the Marvel Office. At the same time, Li Qingyue obtained a magical seed. He planted it in the open space to the left of the castle gate, and then followed everyone to the "Pacific Rim" world.

Little did he know that after he planted the mysterious seed, it began to take root and sprout at an extremely fast speed, and soon became a large tree more than ten meters high, and this tree looked like a miniature version of the soul tree.

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