Earth, Li Qingyue returned here, only to find that Fu Lian, Defiant Lian and everyone else on Earth had all disappeared.

Even Strange in Karma Taj has disappeared. Not only that, some wild anti-heroes such as the Punisher, Ghost Rider, etc. have also disappeared.

When Li Qingyue returned to the office, what worried him most happened, and Jill and others all disappeared.

Li Qingyue also tried to find them through the dimension of destruction, but the scary thing was that all the mages said they could not connect to the dimension of destruction, as if the dimension of destruction had disappeared.

Just when Li Qingyue was about to use the temporary recruitment card, an orange stream of light passed by his eyes, and he chased after him without saying a word. Although Hyperion's speed in the universe was also the speed of light, Li Qingyue had already reached super-light speed, so Soon Li Qingyue caught up with Hyperion, and with a heavy punch, Hyperion was knocked away heavily.

"I want to let you go, why do you do it to me!"

The two landed on a planet, and Hyperion said to Li Qingyue.

"Where are they!" Li Qingyue ignored him and asked coldly.

"Who are you talking about? You have no idea who you are facing." Hyperion slowly stood up and said.

Li Qingyue's figure flashed in front of Hyperion. Hyperion threw out a backhand punch, but Li Qingyue ducked his head and hit a knee with his backhand. The severe pain forced Hyperion to bend his waist, as if he was being cooked. Shrimp-like.

"You shouldn't attack them!" Li Qingyue grabbed his collar and lifted him up, punching him in the face one after another, and soon he almost fainted.

At this moment, a white stream of light entered Hyperion. Hyperion was like an explosive seed, and its powerful momentum directly forced Li Qingyue back.

"I said, you really don't know what existence you provoked." Hyperion slowly floated into the air, so much energy that it even escaped from his body.

Feeling the changes in Hyperion, Li Qingyue knew that the people behind him were really strong, but this was not the reason why he attacked Jill and the others.

Li Qingyue rushed towards Hyperion and swung his fist hard, but Hyperion easily caught his fist, which could break the stars, and he hit Li Qingyue to the ground with his backhand.

Li Qingyue fell to the ground and hit the ground, directly creating a huge crater with a diameter of 100 meters. But before it was over, Hyperion shot out atomic rays from his eyes.

Li Qingyue, who was lying on the ground, also shot out heat vision. The orange and red lasers collided. The two were in a stalemate for a while, but as golden lightning flashed on the surface of Li Qingyue's body, Li Qingyue entered the true devil state.

The heat vision he shot had a slight golden light, and as Li Qingyue stood up, Hyperion was actually unable to resist the heat vision shot by Li Qingyue.

In the end, Hyperion had no choice but to admit defeat, took the lead in putting away the atomic ray, and quickly avoided Li Qingyue's heat sight.

Li Qingyue also put away his heat vision when he saw this, but he summoned the Magic Spear of Hope. Hyperion felt the intimidation brought by the tip of the spear. He swallowed, but when he thought of the person standing behind him, he He rushed towards Li Qingyue again.

With the weapon and Li Qingyue entering the true demon form, he completely crushed Hyperion. After a while, Hyperion had dense wounds all over his body. The most terrifying thing for Hyperion was that he was hit by the magic gun. The wounds caused have a strange energy, which can inhibit the self-healing factors in his body, making the wounds on his body unable to heal on their own.

"Tell me, who is that person behind you!" Li Qingyue asked, looking at the wounds all over his body, especially Hyperion, whose chest had been pierced by several holes with his magic spear.

Hyperion raised his head and looked directly at Li Qingyue, his chest heaving slightly, he smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

After saying that, Hyperion rushed towards Li Qingyue again. Li Qingyue also felt that Hyperion seemed to be seeking death. Although he did not understand, in order to find Gill and the others, Li Qingyue could only rush over with the magic gun in his hand, and the last shot penetrated him. heart.

Hyperion spat out a mouthful of blood, with a relieved smile on his face, as if death was his destination. But when Li Qingyue threw him to the ground and continued to question the person behind him, that familiar white stream of light appeared. , Li Qingyue shot out heat vision from his eyes, trying to prevent the white light from entering Hyperion's body.

But this white stream of light does not seem to have an entity. To be more precise, this white stream of light is not in this dimension. As this white stream of light enters Hyperion's body again.

Hyperion exploded again, and all the injuries on his body were repaired in just one second. Seeing this, Li Qingyue could only rush forward to fight again. Although Hyperion was still suppressed and beaten by Li Qingyue this time, he was not as passive as before. Well, at least he can fight with Li Qingyue.

But as Li Qingyue exited the true devil state, Hyperion seized the opportunity to start his counterattack, and Li Qingyue fell into passivity for a while.

Seeing this, Li Qingyue could only leave here temporarily and fly towards the solar system.

Why did Hyperion allow the sheep he got to escape, so he followed it, but he didn't know that it was just a trap. The two quickly arrived in the solar system, and directly crossed the earth and came to the vicinity of Mercury.

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, so fighting in such a place, Li Qingyue will only become more courageous as he fights. After all, Hyperion does not know Li Qingyue's special characteristics.

After Hyperion beat Li Qingyue for a period of time, Li Qingyue had adapted to the current intensity and began to turn his back on the guests. Li Qingyue even resorted to attacking rather than defending. After all, under the sun's rays, his injuries even just appeared. Just heal.

To put it bluntly, even if the heart is broken, it will immediately grow back. With such a speed of self-healing, Li Qingyue does not need to defend at all.

Coupled with the physical strength that was almost like a perpetual motion machine, it didn't take long for Hyperion to realize that something was wrong, but when he wanted to escape, it was already too late. Li Qingyue entered the true devil state again, and this time he directly cut off Hyperion. Dragon's arm.

"Tell me, the person behind you!" Li Qingyue asked again.

Looking at the squirming wound on his arm, Hyperion smiled bitterly and said, "You can't be his opponent, and you can't defeat him. Just pretend that nothing happened today."

"Tell me who he is and where my people are!"

Hyperion shook his head helplessly: "I used to be like you, thinking that I could compete with them with my own strength, but when I really faced them, I realized that I was in their eyes. So small, I’m asking you once, do you really want to face the person behind me?”

Li Qingyue said nothing, Hyperion laughed, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

At this time, a portal appeared behind Li Qingyue, and Li Qingyue stepped into the portal without saying a word.

Hyperion was still laughing, and then the familiar white stream of light appeared again, but this time it entered Hyperion's body, not to make him stronger, but to eliminate Hyperion's power. His body dissipated little by little, and finally nothing was left.

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