American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 282 Consciousness Manifestation

Everyone returned to the office, and Li Qingyue then remembered the commission reward from "Doctor Who", and his consciousness became concrete. Because it was getting late today, Li Qingyue did not receive it, and planned to wait until the next day.

The next day, Li Qingyue woke up from sleep and arrived at the office. He first received the reward and looked at the six light groups in front of him curiously. He slowly stretched out his hand to touch one of the light groups. In an instant, the light group seemed to What he received sank directly into Li Qingyue's body. Soon Li Qingyue understood what this embodied consciousness was.

In fact, it is like the ability of Green Lantern, but the embodiment of consciousness uses the soul and consciousness. The stronger your soul and consciousness, the stronger the defense and attack power of the objects you manifest, and this thing is There is no upper limit. In other words, as long as your soul is strong enough, even TOAA can be killed.

Li Qingyue opened his eyes and saw golden consciousness beginning to gather behind him, carrying a strong wind.

Such a big movement also attracted other people to come, and everyone saw it. They saw a figure that was 100 meters tall appearing behind Li Qingyue. This figure could be said to be a combination of a true devil and a superman.

"Incarnation outside the body, the law of heaven and earth? I feel really comfortable." Li Qingyue opened his eyes and shouted excitedly.

Now, relying on the combination of his soul and consciousness, his figure can reach up to tens of thousands of meters, which can be regarded as the law of heaven and earth. This incarnation is not only extremely intimidating, but also has strong attack power, especially In terms of strength, as long as Li Qingyue wants to, he can almost explode stars with one punch, which is no less than his physical strength.

"Boss, is this your new ability?" Walter swallowed and asked.

"That's right, you all have a share, just touch this ball of light."

Seeing this, everyone stopped talking nonsense and directly touched the light ball. However, when Constantine touched it, the light ball actually avoided him, and everyone was a little surprised.

"This is related to the soul and consciousness. Has anything changed in you, Constantine?"

Speaking of the soul, Constantine seemed to already know what was going on. He scratched his head and said: "I no longer have a soul. To be precise, my soul and body have become one. How should I say this specifically? What? I don’t know how to explain it. Let’s put it this way, because I am a dimension lord, my body has been upgraded. Now I am a four-dimensional creature. In short, I have no soul now. "

Constantine didn't know how to explain it for a moment. At this moment, the soul appeared. It came to the light ball, opened its mouth, and swallowed the light ball in one gulp. Suddenly, its body emitted a dazzling light. Not only that, its body also emits a dazzling pink light.

After the others awakened, the soul was still wrapped in pink light.

"What happened to Hunhun?"

"It is also awakening. Don't worry about it. You can get used to this ability first."

Everyone nodded, and then came to an open space and began to exercise this newly acquired ability.

I don’t know how long it took, the pink light disappeared, and Hunhun appeared in front of everyone again. Compared with before, Hunhun not only looks more beautiful now, but his eyes are also more agile.

"How's it going? Has there been any change?" Gil picked up Hunhun and asked.

"You smell so good, and holding you seems to make me feel very warm, very warm." Jill hugged Huhun and smelled the faint floral fragrance on her body and said softly.

"I haven't changed much, but my body seems to have undergone a few changes, that is, my body has a fragrance. If you smell this fragrance for a long time, you can grow your soul."

"I'm going, really?"

"Yes, and the soul fruit seems to be mature."

When everyone heard this, they immediately carried the soul to the soul tree. Just watching from a distance, they all saw the ten fruits emitting bright purple light.

"Hunhun, how many of these fruits can one person eat?"

"A person can eat unlimited food, but only the first fruit can grow his soul. Every time he eats one, he has to wait a year to eat again before he can grow his soul again, and the soul he adds will not exceed the soul he gained after eating it for the first time. "Hunhun explained word by word. Seeing how cute it was, Jill couldn't help but bury her head in its belly and twist around.

Li Qingyue looked at the ten fruits, flew to them, and picked six fruits. Just when he was about to come down, Hunhun quickly shouted: "Boss, pick them all. The fruit has only one day to mature. If it takes more than one day, it will mature by itself." It falls and turns into the nutrients of the soul tree.”

"How long can these be stored?"

"It can only be stored for ten days. Even if you pause time, it can only be stored for ten days. But boss, don't worry, as long as there are nutrients, I can ripen the soul fruit at any time."


"Yes, it is pure energy." Hunhun explained.

"Can the energy in my dimension be used?" Constantine stretched out his hand, and a pool of purple liquid appeared in his palm. After Hunhun sensed it, he hurriedly hid in Jill's arms.

"Yeah! Take it away, this energy is too scary!"

Constantine didn't expect that Soul Soul would be so scared, and then he turned his hand and the destructive energy disappeared.

"What's wrong? Doesn't this work?" Constantine asked in confusion.

After sensing that the destructive energy disappeared, Hunhun popped up his head and looked at Constantine with longing eyes.

"It can't be used. At least I can't absorb it now, because that energy is too advanced for me, and that energy seems to have certain characteristics. If I absorb it, I may be killed. When I change It takes a little bit of strength to absorb it.”

"What about this kind?" Walter took out a micro reactor and asked.

"This is okay, but it takes about a thousand of these to ripen one fruit." Huhun said as he looked at the miniature reactor in front of him.

"A thousand!" Walter shouted in surprise.


"I'll go, it's too much."

"What about this?" Li Qingyue took out the power gem obtained in the multiverse and asked.

"This can ripen five." Hunhun replied.


"Yes, because its energy is as violent as the energy provided by Constantine just now, but the damage is much lower. When I absorb it, I will lose a lot. The lost energy can almost ripen five fruits."

"Does that mean that one gem can ripen ten fruits?" Li Qingyue said with a frown. Although he knew that the effect of the infinite gems would be greatly reduced after leaving this universe, he did not expect that the reduction would be so outrageous.

But it doesn’t matter, let’s increase our own strength first.

Li Qingyue buried the power gem under the soul tree, and then everyone ate the soul fruit one by one. Then everyone clearly felt a warm current pouring into their bodies, and then disappeared.

Putting aside the growth of the soul, the taste of this soul fruit is really good. How good is it? It is dozens of times more delicious than the most delicious fruit among all the fruits that everyone has ever eaten.

Richard was the first to finish eating and the first to finish digesting. The next second a pair of wings appeared behind him. With a wave of the wings, he broke through the speed of sound and reached the air.

"It's so cool!" Richard couldn't help shouting.

Seeing everyone's strength improve to varying degrees, Li Qingyue slowly let out a breath.

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