The stronghold of the Brotherhood of Mutants, in the Brotherhood Bar.

A mountain of meat was walking quickly towards Li Qingyue. Seeing that the two were about to fight, a majestic voice sounded: "That's enough, meatballs!"

The mountain of meat then stopped, looked back at the speaker, reluctantly returned to his seat, and sat down to drink beer again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know the people under my command." Magneto walked out from the side with a smile.

"It's okay. What you want is ready. Should I give it to you now or..."

"Come with me."

Then the two came to a room one after another. At this time, there were two other people sitting in the room, namely the Red Devil-Azazel and the White Queen-Emma Frost.

The current White Queen has not yet joined the X-Men and is still a member of the Brotherhood. After all, her status is not low, second only to Magneto.

"Who is this?"

"He is the boss of the office I told you about. Please sit down, Boss Li."

Li Qingyue was not polite and directly found a place to sit down. At the same time, he picked up the wine on the table and poured himself a glass of wine. He raised the glass to signal to the White Queen and the Red Devil.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, then came to their senses and greeted Li Qingyue.

You must know that the Red Devil in the Almighty Universe is not the Red Devil in the X-Men universe who can only teleport. The Red Devil in front of you not only has an extremely long lifespan, but he can also freeze people and objects in time and space. He is not weak in teleportation ability and strength, and has the ability to manipulate the thoughts of others. Moreover, he has a close relationship with Mephisto, Satan and Lucifer, the three all-powerful hell lords of the universe, and they seem to be colluding secretly.

"This is what you want." Li Qingyue took out the potion. Just when Magneto's hand touched the potion, the door was blasted open, and then the X-Men appeared on the scene. They acted quickly and had clear goals. , that is the life-extending potion in Magneto's hand.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the X-Men, Magneto seemed to have expected it. With a wave of his hand, the wall of the room was immediately pulled out. The X-Men were blocked for the first time. Then Magneto immediately pulled out the stopper and took a sip. Drink the potion in one gulp.

When they broke through the metal barrier, they found the empty bottle in Magneto's hand, and everyone also noticed Magneto's expression of enjoyment.

"Huh~ Thank you very much, Boss Li."

"Hey, don't say that, we just each get what we need."

Magneto nodded, but when he looked at the group of X-Men, his eyes became cold. With a slight movement of his hand, countless metals surrounded them. Seeing that the two parties were about to During the war, agents sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared on the scene, holding guns and aiming at Magneto and the others.

When he saw the firearms in their hands, Magneto's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he snorted coldly and said, "I will ask Charles to compensate you for the losses you caused. Now get out of here!"

After speaking, Magneto waved his hand, and a whole metal plate crashed into them, pushing them directly out of the bar.

"Sorry, I made you laugh. I want to ask, if we want to turn all humans into mutants, what price will we have to pay?"

"All mankind? That's not a small number. One person ranges from one million to one hundred million. There are about seven billion people in the world. Do the math yourself." Li Qingyue said, pretending to think.

"Forget it, I don't have that much money now." Magneto thought about it briefly and couldn't help but sigh that the money it would cost was completely beyond what he could afford.

"Actually, you shouldn't insist on changing all mankind."


"Let's go through the process and I will tell you my opinions. What do you think?"


Anyway, one hundred thousand US dollars is just a small amount of money to him, so he might as well listen to Li Qingyue's opinion.

Soon after the two went through a process, Li Qingyue said: "Why are you so determined to turn all humans into mutants? Let me ask you a question first, which one has more mutants or humans?"

"Human, do you still need to ask this?"

"Since you also know that there are more humans, then why do you want to turn humans into mutants? There is a saying that is good, scarcity is more valuable, and humans around the world have become mutants, then there will definitely be one or two A mutant ability that restrains all mutants, you admit it."

Although the three of them didn't want to admit it, he was right, so they nodded.

"Right, you also admit that once the base of mutants increases, there will always be mutants who can restrain mutant abilities. Let's not talk about anything else now. What is your status? Humans are afraid of you, and mutants are also afraid of you. But if there are more mutants, and there are mutants who can restrain you, do you think they will still be afraid of you? I can tell you for sure, no, so why do you want to turn all humans into mutants to reduce What about my status?”

"Then what should I do?" Magneto asked.

"You should improve the status of mutants among humans, just like those English nobles, high castes in the White Elephant Kingdom, etc. Of course, the prerequisite for completing this is that you live in harmony with humans. Then you can improve the status of your mutants. , instead of making humans fearful, you can also spread some rumors, such as that children born from mutants can more easily awaken and become mutants, but remember, the premise of all this is that humans are no longer afraid of mutants people."

After listening to Li Qingyue's words, Magneto could be said to be enlightened, and he even fantasized about the day when mutants would become human masters.

But there is still a long way to go before mutants can become human beings, especially Magneto himself, who is a terrorist or something like that. It is really difficult to change their reputation.

However, Magneto has already thought of a way, and that is to cooperate with Professor The identity of a terrorist, but before that, he needs to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D.

There is also the "Superpowers Control Act". If this bill and SHIELD are not resolved, the X-Men will never allow the Brotherhood to join.

At the same time, on the other side, SHIELD has received news that the mission failed, and now they have activated an early warning plan, fearing that Magneto will suddenly retaliate against them.

But after waiting for a long time, Magneto didn't come, and the satellite showed that Magneto had not gone to Washington, D.C., Fury was relieved.

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