American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 289 The unaligned alliance falls apart

Hell's Kitchen

Richard was having dinner with Vanessa and the others when suddenly Kingpin said, "The Gulf Group was destroyed. Was it your work?"

"It seems that those mutants have taken action.

"Mutants? Why are you involved with them?" Kingpin asked doubtfully.

Richard explained the whole story to them. After learning that Richard was seriously injured by them, Kingpin frowned and his aura changed.

"I'm fine. The teacher came here in time, and I still have life-saving treasures, so there's no need to worry too much." Richard said, showing the totem of immortality he was wearing.

The two of them felt relieved, but after Jinpin heard that the Gulf Group had been destroyed, he took a few mouthfuls of food and left in a hurry. It seemed that he was trying to find a way to take over the Gulf Group's business.

Not only him, but other gang organizations also want to share the cake from it.

After all, the Gulf Group is one of the oldest gangs in Mexico. Their business partners, territory, and connections can be said to be quite extensive. As long as it is related to crime, they will basically do it.

So now every gang organization wants to obtain information about its partners and business partners. Isn't this a good time for them to expand their business? For this reason, groups of mercenaries are pouring into the Gulf Group. The stronghold started fighting over and over again.

In the end, Kingpin's assassination team was superior and successfully obtained the hard drive they needed. They returned to New York with the hard drive and handed the hard drive to Kingpin.

With this hard drive, Kingpin will be able to merge the Gulf Group's former businesses in a short period of time.

After receiving the news, the remaining gang leaders in Hell's Kitchen gathered together, including the five gang leaders of the Mexican gang, the Russian gang, the Hand, the Green Gang and the Mafia.

"Mrs. Gao, what's wrong? You saw that Kingpin got the hard drive, do you want a piece of the pie?" the leader of the Green Gang said with a sneer.

"Your Majesty, now is not the time for internal strife. I think you should also know that the Gulf Group is a behemoth. If his power is really merged by the Kingpin, then who can check and balance him next? To put it bluntly, , our five major organizations may not be able to continue to check and balance Jin Bin. You all know this truth, but none of you dare to say it. Now I will be the leader, what about you? "

Everyone looked at the Hand Club who was sitting in the main seat. After all, no one was a fool to be the boss of a gang. Of course they knew that Mrs. Gao was right, but no one wanted to be the first person, but now the Hand Club wanted to If this person takes the lead, then they can cooperate.

But at this moment, a figure appeared at the door.

"Why don't you guys call me in the meeting?"

Everyone was stunned. They never expected that Jinpin would actually find this place. You must know that this is the territory of the Hand. If Jinpin can come in so easily, it means that someone in the Hand has betrayed Mrs. Gao.

"Jinbin, how did you get in?" Mrs. Gao asked with a cold face.

"You just walked in, what's wrong?" Kingpin pulled a metal stool from the side and sat down.

Madam Gao knew that her men had either betrayed her or had encountered something unexpected. Regardless of the possibility, they were in great danger this time.

"what do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do? Why don't you call me during the meeting?" Kingpin said again.

Now they didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and all of them were silent. Kingpin sneered when he saw this, and then threw out a hard drive.

"This is all the partners and customers of the Gulf Group. It includes all your businesses. I can give these businesses to you, but I need to charge 50% of your profits. Do you have any objections?"

"Is what you said true?"

"Sure, fifty percent, if you agree then get out of here."

At this time, the leader of the Huaguo Youth Gang stood up without any hesitation and said directly: "Jin Bing, you know us. Our Youth Gang doesn't like to fight and kill, so I wish us a happy cooperation."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Then the Green Gang boss left here. With him as a starting point, other gang bosses soon also left, especially the Mafia. Because Kingpin himself was born out of the Mafia, so as long as the Mafia did too outrageous, he would basically Everyone will let them go.

For this reason, a strange and delicate balance has been maintained between the Mafia and Kingpin. In the end, only Mrs. Gao was left. The two looked at each other, but neither one spoke.

"Don't you want to give me an explanation?"

Mrs. Gao ignored him, got up and walked outside.

Jin Bin couldn't help laughing when he saw this. After all, in the face of such huge interests, no one can resist such a temptation. Even if they can really resist it, the Hand Club is not Mrs. Gao's alone after all. There are others. There were four people, so even if Mrs. Gao was unhappy, she could only cooperate with Kingpin.

Just like that, the alliance, which had not even formed an alliance yet, fell apart.

After dealing with them, Kingpin returned to the Wilson Building. As soon as he sat down, Bullseye opened the door and walked in.

"Boss, why do you want to give them all the Gulf Group's business?" Bullseye asked angrily.

"Are you questioning me?" Kingpin raised his head and glanced at Bullseye, which instantly trembled.

"No," Bullseye said in horror.

Bullseye swallowed and then said: "Boss, if you do this, we will make a lot less money, and some of the people below will also complain."

"Complaining? Don't worry, since I can let go of such a big business, I will definitely have other business for you, and this kind of business is very profitable." Jin Bin said with a mysterious smile.

"What kind of business is it?" Bullseye couldn't help but ask.

"You don't have to worry about this. In the near future, you first buy some stores throughout New York City and make sure there is one of our stores on every street."

"What are we selling?"

"You don't have to worry about this. Let's get the store ready first. I need to prepare the supply first." Jinpin said calmly.

"Okay boss, I'll make arrangements now."

Then Bullseye left, and Kingpin also left here after dealing with work matters, and found Walter.

"Walter, are things ready?"

"Ready, but how do you plan to transport it?"

"Tell me first, how many bullets and body armor are there in total?"

"There are 50,000 pieces of finished iron armor body armor, and armor plates are made of one million pieces. The total number of bullets of various types is one billion rounds. Of course, you need to sort out the types of bullets yourself. This is a diagram of the difference between bullets. "Water took out a book and handed it to Kingpin. Kingpin opened it and saw the types and introductions of bullets.

"Then I'll issue the commission directly and ask your boss to help me deliver it to the warehouse. That should be fine."

"Okay, our boss's storage space is only limited by type, not quantity. You can just publish it."

"Okay, but as for the money, it will take some time before I can give it to you."

"It's okay. Half of the money will be put into our account, and the other half will be converted into raw materials and given to Gaia."

"Okay, I understand, then I'll go through the process first." Jin Bin said softly.

"Go ahead."

Then Jin Bin went through the process with Li Qingyue and asked him to deliver the things to his warehouse. Now he only needs to wait until the store is ready before he can start selling magic bullets and armored body armor.

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