Constantine looked at Walter's mysterious smile and felt a chill behind him and said quickly: "Don't look at me with such a scary look, if you have anything to say, just say it quickly.

"Haha, you just said that your profession is an exorcist, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Then you are good at dealing with demons, evil spirits, vampires, and werewolves, right?"

"Well, in general, I am good at dealing with demons. As for the last three, I have encountered them very rarely, so I am basically not familiar with them, but I have some experience, right? What's wrong?"

"You know the boss just took over a big business, and the business content is to let us work as security guards in the Dark Parliament. You know the Dark Parliament, right?"

But what Walt didn't expect was that Constantine actually shook his head and said that he didn't know anything about the Dark Parliament. Walt had no choice but to explain it to him once. After learning that he might need to protect a group of such people in the future, Monsters and monsters, this really made Constantine want to curse.

After all, he was an exorcist, but now he had to protect his former enemies, which really troubled him.

"Okay, don't think so much. As our reputation grows, demons may come to our future guests. Don't think so much. The commission we make has nothing to do with right or wrong. No matter who comes, as long as If we can afford the remuneration, we will do things for him, and this is the purpose of our firm.”

Constantine stood there, and after a while he said: "You are right, but I still need some time to change my thinking. By the way, where is my room?"

Walter put down the test tube in his hand, and after placing all the other equipment, he took Constantine to the place where he lived, let him choose a room, and then put a sign with his name on the door.

"Don't you have any quilts?" Constantine asked, looking at the room with four bare walls. In addition to a bare bed, a table, a chair, a wardrobe, a washing machine, an air conditioner, and a toilet with separate dry and wet areas. , there is a balcony at the end, and basically nothing else.

"Um, you need to buy these by yourself. Let the boss take you there, and you can learn the way. I still need to continue doing experiments."


After Constantine said goodbye to Walter, he found Li Qingyue. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Li Qingyue was already teaching Richard. At this time, Richard was already reloading very quickly. While watching the reloading, he could already do it. Six bullets were loaded in three seconds, and the loading was 100% error-free.

"That's right. Next, you can try to reload with your eyes closed. Once you have mastered this, I will officially teach you combat and marksmanship."

"Really!" Richard asked excitedly.

"Of course it's true." Li Qingyue patted Richard's head, and then looked at Constantine beside him.

"What's up?"

"Boss, can I advance my salary first?"

"Yes, I forgot. There is nothing in your room. Come with me, I will take you to buy some quilts, clothes and so on. And since you are not an exorcist, I will give you some commonly used equipment. "

Then the two of them rode the dilapidated motorcycle to Old Jack's grocery store again. Looking at the grocery store in front of him, Constantine didn't say anything. After all, for him, the grocery store was a good place, at least for him. In that world, grocery stores are basically his main source of equipment.

"Old Jack, business is coming, come and pick up the customer."

"You bastard, please keep your mouth clean." Old Jack said angrily.

"Hehe, okay, I won't talk to you about anything else. Give my employee a set of quilts, pillows, toothbrushes and daily necessities, then take him to get a few sets of clothes, and finally give him some equipment and money he needs. It's not a problem, Constantine can choose whatever he wants." Li Qingyue said grandly, sitting on the recliner where old Jack usually sat.

"Then boss, I'm really not polite."

"Buy whatever you want, the boss has money."

Constantine didn't have any special requirements for daily necessities. He just asked Old Jack to help him get them all. As for the clothes, they were pretty much the same. Of course, the fabrics chosen were also very good. In addition, Old Jack's clothes were basically stolen goods. Basically, it's the guys who buy for zero yuan who come and write off their accounts, so the prices are very low.

The last thing is the equipment he needs, such as a cross, holy water, a gold plate engraved with the Bible, etc. Old Jack will know Constantine's occupation just by looking at these.

"Boy, are you an exorcist?"


"Okay, I will introduce some business to you in the future, but I need to take a 10% commission. Do you think that's okay?"

"You should tell our boss about this. I think he won't refuse."

"Okay, if you need anything else, just tell me. I can basically get it for you, even if it's the original Bible. The premise is that you have enough money." Old Jack said confidently. .

Constantine didn't expect Old Jack to have such strength, but he didn't need this thing yet. After all, he didn't know what the devils in this world were like.

"Have you finished selecting?" Li Qingyue looked at Constantine and asked.

"Already finished picking."

"Okay, I'll take you to customize a few sets of clothes. As my employee, you still need a decent set of clothes. After all, sometimes we have to appear in some high-end places. We can't lose our face. Come with me. ." Li Qingyue took Constantine to a tailor shop, which was opened by the same shop that had previously sewn gun belts for Li Qingyue.

"Aunt Yang, help my employees customize three sets of daily wear and one dress."

"Do you need bulletproofing?" A middle-aged woman who looked kind came out and asked.

"They all need to be bulletproof. Money is not bad."

"Okay, come here, kid, I'll help you measure it."

But when the woman saw Constantine, she looked a little surprised, and Constantine also noticed something.

"you know me?"

"May I have your name?"

"John Constantine."

"I don't know you, but you are very similar to a person I know. He is called the Night Devil, but he is retired now." Aunt Yang explained while measuring Constantine's body.

"Night Stalker? Is he also an exorcist?"

"Exorcist? No, no, he is a killer." Aunt Yang was still a little surprised when she heard about the profession of exorcist.

Aunt Yang soon registered Constantine's physical data: "That's it. I'll finish it and send it to your office in two days."

Li Qingyue nodded, and then took Constantine back to the office.

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