American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 295 The decisive battle begins

New York City, sewer system

Batman led a group of people to divide their troops and go to the place where the Atlantean warriors and the Amazon female warriors were fighting. They were originally at a disadvantage, and the sewers were relatively narrow, which was not suitable for their type of cold weapon combat, so they It can be said that he was defeated step by step.

Until the reinforcements led by Batman arrived, especially Li Qingyue, whose strength made all the Amazon female warriors present admire him.

"Follow me, it's not safe here anymore." Batman said to Mera.

Mera nodded, and then everyone came to the shelter. However, after this battle, Superman had determined that Batman's hiding place was in the sewer. However, the problem was that even after sending so many demons, they could not find it. The location of the shelter puzzled Superman.

In the end, he flew directly to the sky above New York City, and with his super vision, he scanned bit by bit, and finally determined a strange place, because he could not see through it, which meant that a large amount of lead was stored here, and he knew that he could not see through the lead. There were not many people, but Batman was the only one alive. For this reason, he was already sure that this was where Batman was hiding.

He came to an industrial area, casually pulled up a chimney that was a hundred meters high, and then came to the top of the shelter. Li Qingyue had already seen Superman's every move and said directly to Walter: "Start the machine! Quick!"

Then Li Qingyue flew over the shelter, lifting his hands upwards. When everyone was still wondering what Li Qingyue was lifting, a huge chimney came in from above the head, and Li Qingyue was in the right position to lift the chimney.

The moment the two collided, there was a loud noise. Li Qingyue resisted the chimney, and not only that, he also threw the chimney away with force.

Others in the shelter looked up and saw the figure that looked like a god and demon.

This figure that once represented hope has now become synonymous with despair.

But it was different now, because another figure slowly rose into the sky, and then Walter's voice came from below.

"Boss, stop pretending, there are only nine minutes left!"

Hearing Walter's shout, everyone couldn't help laughing. Even Li Qingyue turned around and rolled his eyes at Walter angrily. Superman took this opportunity to rush towards Li Qingyue, but what Superman didn't expect was that, Li Qingyue turned around and caught his incoming fist, and then Li Qingyue punched Superman to the ground.

Superman still wanted to get up, but Li Qingyue punched Superman in the face one after another. The powerful force even broke Superman's defense, especially since the battlefield he chose was underground and the sun could not shine down. It made him feel even more uncomfortable.

He roared and tried to struggle out, but in the face of absolute strength, the explosion only made himself more resistant.

Everyone looked at Superman who was being unilaterally abused, and hope finally ignited in their hearts.

At this time, some strange runes appeared on Superman's face. Li Qingyue knew that this was the anti-life equation. The next thing he had to do was to remove Superman's anti-life equation.

But after all, this thing belongs to the top energy of the DC universe. Even Li Qingyue cannot eliminate the effects of the anti-life equation in a short time.

"Boss, there are only seven minutes left!"

Li Qingyue then grabbed Superman's neck and threw him into the air. Batman was about to stop him, but was still a step too late. Superman opened his eyes after being exposed to the sun's rays, and his eyes gradually turned red. At this moment A huge fist slammed it into the ground.

Everyone in the shelter looked at the huge avatar behind Li Qingyue with horrified eyes. They saw the avatar holding a spear high, and then pointed the tip of the gun at Superman on the ground. With Li Qingyue's finger, he The huge avatar behind him suddenly thrust his spear forward.

Seeing the spear getting closer and closer, Superman also roared and raised his hands to prepare to withstand the blow. However, how could he be able to withstand the blow? The spear was directly stabbed to the ground, and was continuously washed away with huge energy. Wrapping his body, the pain made Superman couldn't help but scream. It wasn't until the avatar disappeared that Superman's figure appeared in front of everyone.

I saw him lying quietly in the pit. After a while, he actually started to move.

He staggered to his feet and walked step by step into the sun. Under the rays of the sun, all the wounds on his body disappeared.

He then opened his eyes, glanced around, and looked at the horrified eyes of humans. Superman smiled bitterly, and finally took a deep look at Batman and Li Qingyue, and then left the earth.


"He has released the control, but maybe because he did too many wrong things when he was controlled, he has no face to face you."

Batman sighed.


The sound of the explosion came, and everyone looked at the location where the sound came from, and found that the explosion was actually a device that suppressed the sonic boom channel. This meant that Darkseid and the others had been able to enter the earth through the sonic boom channel.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge sonic boom channel appeared above everyone's heads. To be precise, it appeared in front of the earth. On the opposite side of the sonic boom channel, everyone saw a dark red planet approaching the sonic boom channel. , if this planet appears in the solar system, it will affect the gravitational force between the planets, which will lead to errors in the trajectory of the actions between the planets, and may even evolve into a situation where you bump into me, and I bump into you. picture.

For this reason, they must not let the dark red planet pass through the sonic boom channel. Li Qingyue flew directly into the air, and a 10,000-meter-tall avatar appeared. The creatures on the planet seemed to have seen Li Qingyue's avatar, and then stopped. When it came down, the sonic boom channel also disappeared.

However, a large number of small sonic boom channels were opened, and then Darkseid led a large number of demonoids to destroy the sun, ordinary demonoids and dark elites descended on the earth. Li Qingyue and the others also knew that the final battle was about to begin.

"Everyone, the decisive battle is about to begin, let's go." Li Qingyue said towards Batman.

The others followed Li Qingyue and the others, but when Batman saw their team of less than a thousand people, he didn't know what to say for a moment. At this time, Walter took out his portable communication device. Qi Lai said: "Take it, I think you need this thing."

Looking at the portable communicator in his hand, Batman hesitated for two seconds, and finally took it, and then Batman's voice came out from radios and walkie-talkies that could still be used around the world.

And they also knew the location of the upcoming decisive battle, but even if they wanted to come, it was still almost a few hundred kilometers away from the decisive battle location. It was even on the other side of the earth. How could they possibly make it there.

Just when Batman didn't know what to do, Walt took action. He took out a tablet and handed it to Batman.

"Enter the coordinates to open the sonic boom channel, but try to hurry up. After being discovered by Apokolips, they will close the backdoor."

After Batman got the tablet, he was stunned. He didn't expect that Walt had such a hand.

"Don't be stunned, find someone quickly."

Batman came to his senses and started looking for reinforcements, and Li Qingyue chose the ruins of New York for the decisive battle. After all, there were very few cities left, and he would fight wherever he could.

As for the humans in the shelter, they left here in an orderly manner, because they had no time to take care of them in the upcoming decisive battle.

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