New York City

A group of superheroes stared at the Temple No. 1 and No. 2 in the air in front of them. Clark and Li Qingyue planned to destroy the two spaceships directly at this time, but when the two approached, these spaceships would attack frantically, bombarding with energy beams, and the most important energy beams. This kind of energy beam does not cause much damage, but the thrust is extremely strong.

Li Qingyue even suspected that this thrust could move the earth. If Li Qingyue dodges, then the energy beam will hit the earth and the earth will be slightly displaced, which will cause immeasurable impact.

Clark, who was not far away, was also attacked by the energy beam. The two looked at each other and tried to use thermal vision to rescue, but it was useless. They couldn't leave the beam, otherwise the earth might really be displaced.

"Boss, how are you!" Walter asked.

"Clark and I can't move. We can only rely on you next. You can destroy these two spaceships alive, otherwise we can't act. Thanos is well prepared!"

Li Qingyue understood that Thanos' arrival was not an accident, but a premeditated one.


When Walter heard Li Qingyue's voice, he knew that this battle was dangerous.

"They are coming!" Tony's voice brought Walter back to his senses. He immediately looked up at the sky and saw countless Zetauri soldiers driving single-person aircraft falling from the sky and shooting at everyone crazily. Everyone had to find a place to hide or fight back.

The flying superheroes went forward to fight. Not only that, a large number of Vanguards had surrounded everyone on all sides. There were so many that they couldn't even see the edge of these Vanguards.

America had even prepared nuclear bombs. Once everyone was unable to resist, for the safety of the earth, they could only launch nuclear bombs to let them die with Thanos.

Although this plan was very crazy, it was a solution in the end and the only solution after their failure.

You have to know that New York now gathers almost all the top superpowers on the earth. If they can't defeat Thanos, then they really can't think of any other plan except to perish together, because the nuclear bomb is the most powerful and mass-produced weapon they have made.

"What should we do next?" Spider-Man fell from the sky and stood beside Steve and asked.

"Survive." Steve looked at Spider-Man and said seriously, even though he didn't dare to say that he could survive such a battle.

The same is true for other superheroes. They originally thought that this time was just an ordinary incident as usual, but they didn't expect it to involve the safety of the entire earth.

At the same time, in a store in New York, Ganata was looking at them curiously. At this time, her store was wrapped in a purple energy. Except for Li Qingyue, Connor, Constantine and Clark, no one else seemed to be able to find the abnormality here.

Not only Ganata, in a castle in a border town in Mexico, a group of people were sitting together, watching the pictures being broadcast on the TV in front of them.

"Do you think they can win this time?" A fat man asked while eating pizza.

"The two most powerful ones are tied up. If they can move, I don't think Thanos can win."

"Are we really not going to deal with the traitor?" Another girl who looked like a child said.

"No, our mission does not allow us to do so. You all remember our mission on Earth." A middle-aged woman said softly.

"But if Thanos wins, will it affect our plan?"

"Don't worry, Thanos can't win. Even if we don't take action, Odin, Ancient One and others will take action."

"But the problem is, aren't Ancient One and Odin being held back now?"

"Don't worry, someone will always take action. Thanos can't win." The middle-aged woman said lightly.

Seeing her so calm, everyone knew that this war was not simple, and they continued to look at the TV.

At this time, everyone had already fought with the Vanguard and Zetawi soldiers, because there were too many Vanguard and Zetawi soldiers, so many that everyone needed to fight one against a hundred.

"Constantine, can you ask the mages for help?"

"I'll go ask!"

After saying this, Constantine opened a portal and came to Kamar-Taj, only to find that there was no mage here, which made him completely confused. It was not until he came to the place where the Eye of Agamotto was stored that he saw the message from the Ancient One.

Because of Dormammu's invasion, the Ancient One had to lead a group of mages into the dark dimension to fight against Dormammu. You must know that Dormammu in the omniverse is many times stronger than Dormammu in the multiverse, and Dormammu in the omniverse is more dangerous and more insidious.

After Constantine learned where they were going, he turned around and left, returning to the battlefield again.

"Why, didn't you find anyone?" Li Qingyue couldn't help asking when he saw that only Constantine came back.

"They went to resist Dormammu, and now we can only rely on ourselves."

"Isn't there still Wakanda? If it doesn't work, let those countries send some special forces to help!"

After hearing what Li Qingyue said, Black Panther immediately contacted his country. After obtaining the consent of his subjects, he found Constantine and asked Constantine to open the portal. As the portal opened, a large number of Wakanda soldiers came out. Then Tony contacted various countries and needed special forces to come to help.

After thinking for a moment, the countries agreed to Tony's request. Then Constantine continued to open the portal, and special forces from various countries came out. As soon as they came out, they opened fire, and countless bullets were shot at the Vanguard and the Zetawi soldiers.

But the problem is that although their bullets can make them retreat, they can't hurt them. At this time, Tony's voice sounded: "Quicksilver, go and collect some laser guns for them!"

After hearing this, Pietro immediately replaced the guns in the hands of these special forces with the laser guns of the Zetawi soldiers.

Although they didn't know how to use it at first, they were battle-hardened after all, and they soon figured out how to use the laser gun. With the blessing of these laser guns, their strength can finally be brought into play. With their help, plus the complex terrain here, the Vanguard and the Zetawi soldiers are no match at all.

Thanos saw his men retreating step by step in Temple No. 1, frowned slightly, and then said: "Release the Leviathan beast, and send out all the four vanguard guards."

"Yes, sir." Ebony Maw's voice sounded, and then a large number of Leviathans drilled out from the portal in the sky.

Seeing the battlefield so tense, Fury finally took out his pager and pressed the button. After receiving the news, Captain Marvel, who was far away in several galaxies, immediately rushed to the earth, but no matter how fast she was, it would take some time to come back. Fury could only hope that everyone could hold on until Captain Marvel came back.

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