Avengers Base

Tony and the others sat together, their faces were sad, they didn't look like they had won a victory, but more like they had suffered a defeat.

"Everyone, please talk."

"What to say?"

"What else can I say? This time, Thanos invaded the earth. By the way, you don't seem to know Thanos yet. Jarvis will tell them the news you have learned."

Then Jarvis projected some animations, which described Thanos' life and his obsession. You should know that Thanos in the omnipotent universe is different from Thanos in the movie. Thanos in the movie wishes to kill half of the creatures in the universe in order to prolong the life of the universe.

But Thanos in the omnipotent universe is different. He wants the gems to enhance his own strength, and then kill the lives of the omnipotent universe and even the multiverse, so as to please death and become the only boyfriend of death. For this goal, he can give up everything, including his own life.

But unfortunately, the person Death likes is not him, but Deadpool. For this reason, Thanos uses his energy to curse Deadpool to be immortal, so that Deadpool will never be able to see death, and he can't snatch death from himself.

All this information was provided by Li Qingyue.

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After learning about Thanos' goal, Steve immediately asked a question: "Since you said he wanted to obtain the Infinity Stones to enhance his own strength, why did he launch this invasion but not take away the Cosmic Cube?"

"I am also confused by this. Logically, he should take away the Cosmic Cube while we are fighting, but he didn't do so. The most outrageous thing is that have you seen the figures of the Obsidian Five and Thanos?"

Everyone shook their heads. They have been fighting for so long, and they have only seen four types of enemies: Vanguard Guards, Vanguard Four-Handed Guards, Zeta Warriors and Leviathan. As for the Obsidian Five and Thanos, they don't even know what they look like.

"So I suspect that Thanos has another purpose for invading the Earth. He is not here for the Cosmic Cube. Steve, you have participated in wars. What do you think his behavior is like?"

Steve suddenly heard Tony point at him. He was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and finally raised his head and said: "Feint!"

"Yes, it is a feint. His actions seem to be to delay us, but the question is who is he feinting for? The only alien civilization we are familiar with is Asgard. Thor, go back and see what happened in Asgard!"

After hearing this, Thor immediately ran outside, then raised Thor's hammer and shouted loudly: "Heimdall!!!"

But the expected rainbow bridge did not appear, and Thor was completely panicked.

"Something really happened in Asgard. Thor, can you open the rainbow bridge yourself?"

"I can't. Only the king of Asgard can open the rainbow bridge. I can't do it!" Thor said in a panic.

"Thor, don't forget, you are the heir of Asgard, you should be able to open the rainbow bridge, think about your father, your mother, and your annoying brother Loki!" Tony kept stimulating Thor with words, and Thor's divine power began to surge after hearing it.

"Steve, you stay here, you, you, you, and you go back to Asgard with Thor. If we don't come back in half an hour, Steve, you go to Richards, he should have a way to go to Asgard."

"Leave it to me, be careful."

Accompanied by Thor's roar, he raised Thor's hammer high, and soared into the sky from a rainbow under their feet, and disappeared into the open space with everyone's figures, leaving only a symbol on the ground.

"I hope everything goes well for you." Steve murmured while looking at the sky.

And Thor, after a period of flight, finally landed outside the Asgard Palace. As soon as he landed, everyone noticed something was wrong, because Asgard at this time seemed to be frozen, and the entire Asgard became an ice world.

"Is this Asgard?"

"Yes, what happened here!"

Suddenly, the sound of weapons colliding came from a distance, and Thor rushed over. Tony saw it and chased after it. Soon they came to the place where the sound of metal colliding was heard, and here Thor saw a female warrior fighting with the frost giants.

"Sif!" Thor shouted loudly, and entered the battlefield at the same time, and solved these frost giants in a few minutes.

After rescuing Sif, Thor couldn't wait to ask: "Sif, what happened in Asgard?"

"Hela and the frost giants invaded Asgard, go and rescue His Majesty the God King!"

After that, Sif fainted, and Thor handed her to Tony.

"Help me settle her."

Then Thor rushed to the inside of the palace and saw a building here. This is where books are placed. It mainly records all the history from the first generation of God King to the present, and of course there are some anecdotes and so on.

This library is the only building that is not frozen, and there is a thin layer of golden energy outside the building to protect this library.

Outside, a large number of Frost Giants were surrounding the library and constantly provoking Odin who was hiding inside with words. Among this group of Frost Giants, there was a dark green figure.

Thor saw the group of frost giants and approached them without saying a word. Then, his divine power surged, and a large amount of thunder fell from the sky, hitting the group of frost giants who were not prepared at all. For a time, the frost giants suffered heavy losses.

It took a while for Lao Fei to react, and he immediately turned to Thor. In his hand, a box was releasing a strong icy breath. It was this thing that froze the entire Asgard.

Seeing this, Thor rushed directly to Lao Fei, wanting to destroy the box in his hand.

But Lao Fei was the king of frost giants after all. Although he had lost to Odin, it did not mean that Lao Fei was very weak. So in the face of Thor's attack, Lao Fei seemed to be at ease. Not only did he completely avoid Thor's attack, but he also wanted to use the box in his hand to freeze Thor. If Thor had not been sensitive enough, he might have been frozen.

With the arrival of Tony and others, Thor finally had a chance to breathe.

After Odin in the library sensed Thor's arrival, he forced himself to say, "Thor is back. Get ready and defeat the Frost Giants in one go!"

A group of Asgard soldiers in the library, including Heimdall, Loki, and others, knelt on one knee and shouted.

Then Odin slowly opened a gap and confirmed that most of the Frost Giants were attracted by Thor. Odin pushed open the door and led a group of soldiers to rush out.

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