"Are you sure this is where the mutants' base is?"

Li Qingyue and Pietro asked while standing outside a building.

"According to our information, his location is indeed here, but we cannot guarantee it."

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"Forget it, I'll do it myself." Then Li Qingyue used his super vision to look at the building, and found that he couldn't penetrate the building. This made Li Qingyue very confused. You must know that his super vision is Silver Superman's super vision can penetrate everything in the world, even lead.

"What's wrong?" Pietro looked at Li Qingyue and asked cautiously.

"Don't go in. If I don't show up within half an hour, you go find Jill and ask her to lead all the other team members over. Is that clear?" Li Qingyue looked at Pietro and said.

Pietro nodded heavily, but in order to ensure his safety, Li Qingyue took out his own special wand that he had not used for a long time, and cast various protective spells on Pietro continuously. After making sure that he was fine, Li Qingyue walked in in this building.

In fact, when he walked into this building, his sixth sense had already issued a crazy warning. If he continued to go deeper, his life might be in danger. You must know that he carried the resurrection totem and hundreds of golden apples with him. But even like this, the sixth sense still sounded the alarm crazily, which meant that there was an extremely terrifying existence in this building.

But now Li Qingyue has no way to retreat because the door has been closed.

The moment the door was closed, white light emitted from the joint, and then the entire building became a whole, completely a whole, with a whole black rectangular cube standing in place.

Pietro looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help swallowing. He resisted the discomfort and came to the cube and touched the cube with his hand. He found that the cube was very cold, like some kind of metal.

Pietro shouted: "Boss Li! Boss Li! Can you hear me!"

Pietro felt bad and went directly to find someone for help. After a while, a large number of people gathered around the cuboid, including Mr. Fantastic.

Gil and the others immediately attacked the cube in front of them, but no matter whether it was physical attacks, magic attacks, or other energy attacks, they could not shake the cube.

This made Jill panic. Even the destructive energy could not destroy the cube. Of course, it did not mean that it could not be destroyed, but the speed of destruction was too slow. It would take hundreds of years to destroy one cubic centimeter.

"This is a special alloy. The density of this alloy is the highest I have ever seen. It cannot be opened with our current methods. We can only rely on Boss Li himself." Mr. Fantastic scanned the cube and obtained Come to a conclusion.

"No, no, no, there must be a way!" Jill shouted anxiously.

But all that was left for her was everyone shaking their heads helplessly. At this time, Richard held Jill's hand and comforted: "Teacher is not that simple. I believe that the teacher will definitely break this so-called cube."

With Richard's comfort, Jill temporarily stabilized her mood.

At this time, inside the rectangular body, Li Qingyue looked at the wall without any gaps. He touched the wall and found that the material of the wall was very familiar to him. He looked a little panicked.

"Dwarf star alloy! This is impossible. This is a product in Doctor Who, how could it appear in the Marvel universe!" Li Qingyue said in a panic, coupled with the crazy alert coming from his sixth sense, this made him realize, It seemed that he had really fallen into a trap. (Dwarfstar alloy appears in the second episode of Doctor Who's new sixth season, used to trick Silence into building a cell.)

After Li Qingyue took a deep breath, he adjusted his emotions and continued to explore upwards, but it was extremely quiet here, with no sound at all. The only sounds were the flow of Li Qingyue's blood, the beating of his heart, and his own breathing.

An ordinary person would have already suffered a mental breakdown, but Li Qingyue was not an ordinary person.

Finally he came to the top floor, where he saw a figure constantly building something, and he seemed to sense Li Qingyue's arrival. He said without looking back: "You are finally here, from Marvel Studios." The boss is also the owner of the system, so what I said is correct.”

"It seems that you know me very well." Li Qingyue stood at a distance that he thought was safe and said.

"Of course, after all, too many system owners have appeared in the Marvel Universe and DC Universe. We have also captured the system owner and learned from his memory that we are just characters in a story. This has led to a very Many people suffered mental breakdowns, and those who survived united to take revenge on real humans."

"Regardless of reality or story, you are all living beings now. You have your own life. You are all the protagonists in your own life. Why should you care?"

"Of course we won't care if we don't know the truth, but now that we know the truth, we can't pretend we don't know anything." The man said excitedly, while the movements of his hands accelerated.

Although Li Qingyue didn't know what he was assembling, he knew he couldn't continue. He immediately took out his wand and fired a large number of magic spells. Then he directly entered the true demon form and rushed towards the place at the speed of light. people.

But the man paused slightly, and then an invisible force field appeared around him. Li Qingyue also released his biological force field. The two force fields canceled each other out, and finally Li Qingyue's speed became the speed of an ordinary person, but his strength and defense did not change.

And those spells stayed in the air because of the force field released by the man. Li Qingyue surpassed these spells and continued to rush towards the man.

Seeing that Li Qingyue was about to catch the man, the man dodged Li Qingyue's hand with a sideways move and walked quickly to the other side. Li Qingyue could only chase him. At this time, a huge figure walked in and punched the unprepared Li Qingyue, knocking him out directly.

Li Qingyue, who had left his position, immediately resumed his original speed, adjusted his body in the air, and then inserted the Hope Magic Gun into the ground, finally stopping his body.

The man who was debugging the machine also turned off the force field. At this time, Li Qingyue noticed that a three-meter-tall figure appeared in front of the man.

The giant was wearing a black cloak and was completely hidden in the shadows. Therefore, Li Qingyue could not see his appearance clearly, even with his super vision.

"Who are you?" Li Qingyue asked.

But the giant did not speak, but rushed towards Li Qingyue. His speed was not inferior to Li Qingyue at all, but Li Qingyue had a weapon in his hand. After forcing him back, the two stood facing each other again.

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