The next day

The professors gathered together again, and they continued to discuss the functions of these machine fragments, but these machine fragments were too scattered, and they could not analyze them. Even if they could analyze them, they would be a bunch of machines with similar fragments, which would be completely useless.

"Tony, why don't we ask Boss Li again to see if he can draw the general appearance of the machine. If not, let him check all our cutting-edge machines and let him point them out." Mr. Fantastic suggested.

"Your suggestion is good. I will go to him. Professors, I really trouble you. I have deposited your rewards into your accounts. I will arrange someone to send you back later."

"No need to bother, everyone is for the safety of the earth."

Then Tony put on his armor and flew towards the office. Soon he saw Li Qingyue lying on the stone.

And as soon as he approached, Jarvis sounded the alarm.

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"Detected extremely unstable energy source! Detected extremely unstable energy source! Please leave immediately! Please leave immediately!"

"Jarvis, what's wrong?"

"Sir, Mr. Li Qingyue in front of you has a huge amount of energy in his body. If this energy explodes completely, it will be like the power of 100,000 Little Boy nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. The entire New York City will be razed to the ground at the same time!"

After listening to Jarvis' explanation, Tony subconsciously took a step back. Only then did he notice the difference in Li Qingyue.

"Boss Li, wake up, Boss Li." Tony slowly approached and shouted.

But Li Qingyue just closed his eyes tightly, without any movement to move. At this time, Tony saw a sign on the side, which read: Do not approach, otherwise you will bear the consequences.

"Tony? Why are you here?" Jill asked puzzledly as she walked out of the office.

"I have something to ask Boss Li. What happened to him?"

"He absorbed too much energy and needs some time to digest it. I don't know when he will wake up." Jill looked at Li Qingyue with a worried look and explained.

"Ah, we still want him to recognize those machines. Then trouble you, Jill, when Boss Li wakes up, remember to notify us."

"I will."

Tony left here unwillingly.

After returning to the laboratory, Mr. Magic hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

Tony told Li Qingyue's current situation truthfully. After listening, Mr. Magic sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, let's not worry about these machines for now, let's study this strange metal first." Mr. Magic took out the dwarf star alloy and said.

"That's fine. By the way, have you analyzed the composition of this thing?" Tony walked to Mr. Magic and asked after looking at the dwarf star alloy.

"It can't be analyzed. The atomic arrangement of this thing is very strange, and the connection between atoms is very close, which leads to a very high density of this thing. At the same time, it can completely isolate sound, vibration, radio, etc., but this metal is difficult to forge into what we want. Of course, it may be that we haven't found the right smelting technology yet."

"Let me take a look."

Then the two of them frantically studied the dwarf alloy in the laboratory, but they didn't know that this thing was a top alloy from another universe, and that universe was still on the technological side. The technological content contained in this thing was not low. If they wanted to crack the smelting technology of dwarf alloy, it would take an astronomical amount of time.

Of course, these two people didn't know, they still wanted to study the dwarf alloy thoroughly.

This research took almost half a month, but they could say that they had no progress in this half month. Of course, it was not that they had no progress. At least they had a very thorough understanding of this thing, but they understood it, but they couldn't replicate it.

Just like the theory of the atomic bomb has been announced long ago, but there are still not many countries that can manufacture it now.

"No, this can't be researched at all!" Tony threw the things on the table and shouted.

Not to mention him, even Mr. Fantastic was annoyed. You know, the two of them are not the smartest on the earth, but they are also the top existences. However, the two of them can't crack the metal smelting method together, which makes them very frustrated.

"Sir, Miss Jill called, do you want to answer it?"

"Answer it."

"Tony, Qingyue woke up, don't you want to ask him about something? Come here."

"Okay, I'll come now."

"Go ahead, don't worry about me." Mr. Fantastic said.

Tony nodded, then put on his armor and set off. When he landed at the door of the office, he found that the stone at the door was gone and replaced by a recliner.

"I'm here. I heard from Jill that you have something to talk to me about?"

"Yes, Boss Li. Because the pieces of the machine you gave us are too fragmented, we can't piece together the original machine, so I want to ask if you can draw the machine?"

"Well, although I still remember it, my talent for drawing is really too poor."

"It's okay if you can't draw. I have some machines here. See if you can recognize them."

"Of course."

Tony then showed a lot of pictures of machines. Li Qingyue glanced at them and then selected some of them. He then shook his head and said, "These are the only ones. The rest seem to be made by the turtles themselves."

Tony looked at the machines Li Qingyue had selected and seemed to have guessed what the turtles were doing with these machines.

"Sorry to bother you. I'll leave first."

"Go ahead."

After watching Tony leave, Li Qingyue stood up and stretched.

"Let's go shopping with you." Li Qingyue found Jill and said.


"What's wrong?"

"I just didn't expect you to ask to go shopping with me."

"Isn't this to compensate you? Are you going?"


The two walked out hand in hand, but didn't notice that in the darkness behind them, a pair of eyes were looking at their backs.

Li Qingyue seemed to feel something and turned back suddenly, but found nothing.

"What's wrong?" Jill asked softly.

"It's okay. I just seemed to feel that someone was watching us."

Jill also looked back after hearing this, but saw nothing.

"Could it be those people?"

"Who knows, let's ignore them for now, let's go."

After the two left Hell's Kitchen, a special guest arrived in the office. As soon as he entered the office, he started fighting with Tom and Jerry.

As a result, Tom and Jerry couldn't do anything to this special guest even if they transformed into Uchiha Tom and Senju Jerry. In the end, Tom and Jerry were tied up by it and thrown into a corner.

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