Over New York City, a large number of humanoid robots appeared. Their number reached one million, and their goals were clear. Some robots came to some factories and began to transform these factories.

But more robots flew to crowded places and began to capture humans.

"It's a Cyberman!"


"Don't worry about it for now. I will introduce their origins to you later. The most important thing now is to rescue those humans, otherwise they will be transformed and upgraded by the Cybermen to become new Cybermen!" Walter was anxious! He shouted, after all, he had followed Li Qingyue to the world of "Doctor Who", and no one knew the terror of these Cybermen better than him.

After everyone heard this, they immediately ran to New York City and began to prevent the Cybermen from capturing humans.

But when they really faced off against the Cybermen, they were horrified to find that these Cybermen seemed to be ridiculously strong. Especially Walter, who found that the current Cybermen seemed to have gone through more than a dozen iterations, and even several iterations. Hundreds of updates and iterations.

Because Tony's palm cannon can only repel them, but cannot cause effective damage to them. Even Hulk's fist can withstand it, let alone high and low temperatures.

Only magic attacks can defeat them, but Walter knows that the Cybermen have an upgrade system. As long as the Legion suffers heavy damage, they will upgrade, so they must take this opportunity to completely defeat the Cybermen with magic attacks.

"Constantine, I can only trouble you to find that group of mages. You must use magic to completely eliminate the Cybermen before they have upgraded. Otherwise, when they upgrade, magic attacks will be ineffective against them. "Yes!" Walter shouted in panic.

After hearing this, Constantine also understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately returned to Karma Taj and gathered manpower. Soon a large number of mages appeared around New York through the portal, and they began to massacre the Cybermen.

But in those factories that had been transformed by the Cybermen, a unique Cyberman was staring at the screen, looking at the Cybermen who were constantly being slaughtered by magic. He slowly turned around and said: "Start evolution!"

"Start evolving!"

"Start evolving!"

"Start evolving!"

As more and more Cybermen began to shout, the sound even spread a mile away, and this happened to be heard by the mutants (this character is fabricated, there are no mutants with this ability in Marvel) , Shunfeng Er is a second-level mutant. His ears can hear sounds at different hertz, and as long as he concentrates, he can even hear sounds several kilometers away.

"Professor X, I heard them!" Shunfeng Er shouted loudly.


"In a factory a few kilometers away, but they seemed to be shouting something about starting to evolve."

"Are you sure they are shouting about starting to evolve!" Walter immediately came to him and asked after hearing it.

"Wait, I'm listening." Shunfeng Er said.

After a while, he said firmly: "Yes, they are shouting to start evolving!"

"Blank, Clark!" Walt shouted.

"Leave it to me!" Clark immediately flew towards the factory a few kilometers away, while Walter looked at the densely packed Cybermen in the sky.

For a minute, the Cybermen who were fighting just now seemed to have crashed and fell directly from the air. The blue light on their chests flashed continuously. Walter knew that what he feared most had appeared.

"Everyone listen, those who are fast and can move through space will evacuate the crowd. The others will immediately destroy the downed Cybermen. Remember how fast you have to go!!!"

Hearing Walter's anxious voice, everyone did not hesitate at all, and began to work together to evacuate the crowd, destroy the Cybermen, and destroy the Cybermen.

For a time, apart from the sound of explosions, the entire battlefield was basically filled with the sound of attacks.

This continued for a period of time. Most of the Cybermen had been destroyed. Only a few thousand Cybermen were left. At this moment, these Cybermen began to stand up and everyone attacked. When it falls on them, it has completely lost its effect.

"The evolution is complete, start executing the plan, capture mutants, you will be upgraded!"

"You're going to get an upgrade!"

"You're going to get an upgrade!"

"You're going to get an upgrade!"

Looking at the Cybermen coming towards him, the Iceman immediately released cold air to freeze them, but in just three seconds, the group of Cybermen broke through the ice.

"Retreat! Retreat!" Walter shouted.

The mages immediately opened the portal, and everyone began to enter in an orderly manner, while Iceman stayed behind. After seeing everyone leave, Iceman turned around and entered the portal.

"How much has humanity been evacuated?"

"50% have been evacuated, and 50% have not yet been evacuated."

"Walter, what should we do next?" Tony asked anxiously.

"Mr. Fantastic, and the Tonys, follow me. I'm going to make a miniature anti-matter bomb."

"Micro antimatter bomb?"

"Yes, because unless these Cybermen are destroyed at the same time, they will evolve corresponding measures, so I plan to make a miniature anti-matter bomb specifically targeted at Cybermen. This bomb will only target The Cybermen will not cause any harm to us, but I cannot make a miniature anti-matter bomb in a short time by myself, so I need your help."

"We understand, where to make bombs next?"

"Come with me."

Walter took the two of them to the laboratory in the office space as quickly as possible, but as soon as they entered the office space, Walter saw Hunhun sitting under his body with a dull look on his face. Walter walked over and asked in confusion: "Hunhun, what's wrong with you?"

"Ahhh, oh, you scared me to death."

"How did I scare you? What's wrong with you?"

"This is the photo that the boss asked me to take for you. I'm giving it to you now. I need to have a good rest." After saying that and handing the photo to Walter, Hunhun returned to his body and disappeared after a while. Walter knew that Hunhun had returned to the Soul Tree.

Although Walter didn't know what Hunhun had experienced, he knew that Hunhun must have experienced something, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

"Walter, are you okay? What was that panda just now?"

"Don't worry about it for now. The most important thing now is to make an antimatter bomb. Follow me."

The three came to the laboratory, where there were many instruments made by Walter himself. With the help of these instruments, the three soon entered the state.

However, micro-antimatter bombs are easy to make, but the problem is that micro-antimatter bombs that are only targeted at Cybermen need to be specially made, which takes more time. The mutants outside are no longer able to resist the Cyberman army, and more and more mutants are captured in the Cyberman transformation and upgrading factory.

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