A completely dark world, where there is no light, only absolute darkness.

But in such a world, the sound of chains suddenly appeared, and not only that, a ball of dark green energy was suspended in this dark space, and then several figures appeared in this dark world.

Under the illumination of the dark green light, the faces of these people were bleak green.

"Nar, let's make a deal." A sharp voice sounded in this dark space.

"Who are you?" Another deep but weak voice sounded.

As the dark green energy began to unfold, this dark world finally became clear. It seemed that these people were in the stomach of a huge beast, because they were surrounded by black matter, which was still wriggling.

But as long as you look closely, you can see that these black substances seem to have blood vessels and textures. In other words, the black walls around are actually some kind of meat.

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"You don't need to know who we are. You just need to know that we can let you out, but as a deal, you need to help us complete one thing."

"What is it?"

A man with white hair and dark red armor, whose limbs were firmly locked by chains, raised his head and asked back.

"Destroy the earth!"

"Humph, you don't know the importance of the earth, the five gods alone have two spokespersons on the earth, and this is just on the table. No one knows how many spokespersons the five gods have sent to the earth in secret. You asked me to destroy the earth, isn't this looking for death? Then I might as well live like this." After saying that, the white-haired man lowered his head.

"Haha, I'm just joking with you, why do you take it seriously? We don't need you to destroy the earth, we just need you to cause some trouble to the earth, is that okay?"

"What kind of trouble?" The white-haired man raised his head and asked after hearing this.

"Whatever you want, but remember, there is a group of people on the earth who call themselves superheroes. Their favorite thing to do is to protect the earth. If you take action for this, they will definitely stop you, and what you have to do is not to let them stop, and keep harassing them. Of course, the most important thing is him, and you must hold him back."

The man hiding in the shadow waved his hand, and a figure composed of green energy appeared in front of the white-haired man.

"He is very powerful, even stronger than you at your peak, so you have to be careful, and run away if you meet him, but he also has weaknesses, and this woman is his weakness."

Another green figure appeared, and if Li Qingyue was here, he would see that these two figures were actually him and Jill.

"How is it, this deal should be profitable for you."

"Okay, I promise you."

"Well, I hope to hear good news from you as soon as possible."

After that, those people slowly disappeared into the darkness. As the green light slowly dissipated, the space returned to darkness again, but at the moment when it was completely dark, the sound of broken chains rang out, and the white-haired man slowly stood up from his kneeling position, and then the space around him began to shake. As the line of sight opened, it was discovered that the place where the white-haired man was was actually the center of a planet.

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Li Qingyue, who was far away on Earth, suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, as if something was staring at him.

"What's wrong?" Jill looked at Li Qingyue and asked.

"I'm fine." Li Qingyue smiled and said.

"Are you really okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry, are you still unsure of my strength?" Li Qingyue hugged Jill and comforted her.

Jill fell asleep slowly in Li Qingyue's arms. After all, the Earth has encountered too many crises these days, so many that countries have held meetings in succession and started to consider whether to remove all governments and integrate them into an Earth Federation.

But the benefits cannot be evenly distributed, so they need an organization to integrate these resources, so as to minimize the losses of their countries in the next alien invasion war.

And this organization has been established long ago, that is S.H.I.E.L.D. In fact, the previous S.H.I.E.L.D. was only founded by several countries that won the Second World War, but with the recent occurrence of more and more invasions, the organization of S.H.I.E.L.D. has gradually been exposed.

For this reason, other countries have also requested to join S.H.I.E.L.D., at least to be able to obtain first-hand intelligence before the danger comes.

Of course, they did not join in vain, but to provide funds and various resources, so with the joining of these countries, S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately injected a lot of funds and resources. With these, Fury began to expand crazily, of course, the most important thing is various vehicles loaded with heavy weapons.

For example, SHIELD, which originally had only one aerospace carrier, now started to build three more aerospace carriers at the same time. Together with the original one, there are a total of four aerospace carriers, and Fury still thinks it is not enough.

Then there are various Quinjet fighters, transport planes, etc.

Finally, there are all kinds of individual equipment, and whatever high-tech is equipped. Now the SHIELD agents can be said to have completely transformed. Then there is a large number of talents to develop better equipment for SHIELD. Of course, the most important thing is to get a big killer, preferably an interstellar nuclear bomb.

Not only SHIELD, but also various countries have started a technological explosion under this high pressure. Various black technologies have emerged. For a time, the technology of the earth is developing at a very fast speed, and even controlled nuclear fusion has appeared.

Even Tony has to sigh that the potential of mankind is really unlimited. Just when SHIELD began to prepare for war in various countries, the earth seemed to become calm, and even the terrorists became quiet. After all, they can see that the countries are completely hiding their strength. As long as they want, they can destroy them at any time. In order not to be the bird that sticks out, they began to bow their heads one by one.

At the same time, under the promotion of Rota, Iceman has completely become a world-class superstar, with his own fans all over the world, especially in the United States. His fans are almost hundreds of millions, and his fans worldwide are almost more than 2 billion, which is an astronomical figure.

Next, Rota needs his second step, which is to establish a mutant party. The only role of this party is to fight for better interests for mutants. What Iceman needs to do is to become the governor of New York State first, and then participate in the presidential election with the governor of New York State, so as to get to that position, so that the rights of mutants can be truly included in the bill.

But this is very difficult, but Iceman is not afraid, because from the moment he agreed with Rota, he has understood his mission and has long forgotten everything about himself. What he needs to do is to fight for better rights for his own kind.

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