American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 330 Joint Intelligence Task Force (UNIT)

The two stood at the door. After a while, the door was finally opened. Then the Doctor and a woman appeared in front of them. Without waiting for Li Qingyue and the others to say anything, the Doctor directly pushed the two away and rushed towards the robot.

"Stop them, don't let them touch the robot!"

What the two did not expect was that there was an identical Doctor and that woman behind them.


"What's going on?"

"Boss Li, stop him!!!" The Doctor in the cab shouted loudly.

Although Li Qingyue didn't know which one was real, he knew that he needed to stop the Doctor who ran to the corridor first.

Then Li Qingyue flew to the two people running in front and stopped them directly. The two looked at Li Qingyue and opened their mouths to show their fangs. Li Qingyue was sure that they were fake.

Li Qingyue shot out heat vision from his eyes, which directly penetrated the bodies of the two people. What Li Qingyue didn't expect was that the heat vision penetrated their bodies, but they continued to move forward as if they had no pain. Li Qingyue had no choice but to physically make them retreat.

"There are still robots, organizing robots!!!!" The woman in the cab shouted loudly. Li Qingyue looked back and found that the robot was already standing in front of a console, and there was a big red button on the console.

Li Qingyue always felt that this button was wrong, and then shot out a heat vision to directly destroy the robot.

"Oh no, why do you want to destroy the robot!" Doctor said helplessly.

At this time, the two fake monsters stood up, and they still used the appearance of Doctor and the woman.

"Doctor, what's going on?" Li Qingyue and the other four asked as they retreated.

"They come from nothingness."


"Yes, this is the edge of the universe, they come from there, they can copy our memories and appearance, they want to go to the universe through the TARDIS, start a war, and experience blood and fire." The Doctor stared at the two void creatures in front of him and explained.

"So that's how it is. By the way, Walter, let me introduce you. This is the human partner of the tenth Doctor, Donna Noble."

"Do you know me?" Donna said in surprise.

"Haha, I know you a little bit. By the way, Doctor, after my rescue, has your timeline changed?"

"Now is not the time to talk about these. Let's get rid of them first and then talk." The Doctor continued to retreat and said.

"Let me try." Li Qingyue stood up, opened his hand, and the magic gun of hope appeared in his hand. Then he turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the void creatures. Donna only saw a few streams of light appear, and then these void creatures were chopped into pieces, but these pieces of meat fell to the ground and instantly turned into black viscous substances.

Then the viscous substances began to gather. At this moment, the roar of the TARDIS appeared behind the four people. They quickly boarded the TARDIS. Just as they were about to leave, the Doctor thought of something and shouted: "Destroy this spaceship!"


"Destroy the spaceship, otherwise they will take this spaceship into the universe!"

Hearing the Doctor's explanation, Li Qingyue didn't waste any words. He directly summoned the avatar and pierced the spaceship with one shot.

Watching the spaceship explode completely in front of them, the Doctor drove the TARDIS away.

Donna leaned on the railing after surviving the disaster, while Li Qingyue and Walter looked at the interior decoration of the TARDIS in front of them. They never thought that the interior decoration of the TARDIS would become so simple and elegant.

"By the way, Doctor, which term are you now?" Li Qingyue asked curiously.

"It's the fourteenth term." The Doctor replied.

"The fourteenth? No, will you change back to the way you were before when you are reborn?" Li Qingyue asked curiously, looking at the Doctor's appearance.

Not to mention him, even Walter was very curious, after all, they had spent some time with the previous Doctors, so they also knew some of the mechanisms when the Doctor was reborn.

"I don't know what happened, and I just met Donna when I was reborn and returned to Earth, so I think there must be someone behind the scenes to fan the flames."

"Everyone, don't talk for so long, now I just want to go back and see my grandpa." Donna couldn't wait to speak.

"Don't worry Donna, we're here." The Doctor said to Donna.

Seeing this, Donna immediately opened the door and found that Wilfred, Donna's grandfather, was sitting in a wheelchair and looking at them, but with the appearance of Li Qingyue and the others, Wilfred seemed a little excited, after all, he still remembered Li Qingyue. If it weren't for Li Qingyue, the Doctor would probably have sacrificed himself to save him.

"It's you!"

"Haha, I didn't expect you still know me, Will." Li Qingyue walked out.

"Boss, the Doctor is not in good condition."

"What's wrong?" Li Qingyue asked impatiently. After all, he still wanted to catch up with Will, but when he looked in the direction of Walter, the street had become chaotic.

"Doctor, Doctor!" Li Qingyue called out to the Doctor.

"Doctor, you're back just in time, save the humans, they've gone crazy!" Wilfred said.

The Doctor looked at everything in front of him with horror, humans were going crazy on the street, the Doctor ran over and stopped a car and a man in a chef's uniform, after a while of questioning, the Doctor was horrified to find that the humans now seemed to be really crazy, they thought that whatever they did was right, so this led to the current changes.

At this moment, a man in a dress, a top hat and a gentleman's cane appeared, he blocked the Doctor's way, the Doctor had to dance with him for a while before letting the Doctor go.

The Doctor didn't think much about it, just regarded him as a member of the crazy humans.

When the Doctor went back to reunite with the others, a task force from the Joint Intelligence Task Force appeared (the Joint Intelligence Task Force is abbreviated as UNIT, a military organization in "Doctor Who" and was first created in 1971 to deal with unusual new threats to humans).

The appearance of UNIT directly took the Doctor and others away, and brought Wilfred to a safe place nearby.

Under the leadership of these task forces, the Doctor and his team came to the building where UNIT was located. Yes, UNIT is not hiding now, but appears in front of everyone, announcing their existence to all threats.

When the current leader of UNIT saw the Doctor, he ran over and hugged the Doctor and said, "Doctor, we have dealt with snowmen, clones, Daleks, and Cybermen, but how do we deal with humans!"

"Don't worry, I will solve it." The Doctor comforted the leader, and then they walked into the building.

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