American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 333 The game between the toymaker and the Doctor, the Doctor loses

In a corridor with no end in sight, Li Qingyue kept trying to turn the door handle, but he tried hundreds of doors, but they were all locked.

"Go, toymaker, you can't afford it!" Li Qingyue couldn't help but yelled. He had already determined that the toymaker knew that the card in Li Qingyue's hand could deal with him, so the toymaker simply trapped Li Qingyue, but he wouldn't Make a move on him.

Li Qingyue had no choice but to find a place to sit down and wait for the Doctor and Donna to come to him.

I don't know how long it took, but when Li Qingyue was about to fall asleep, two doors suddenly opened, and Doctor and Donna ran out of the door at the same time, and then the two hugged each other tightly.


It was obvious that what they had just experienced was somewhat unforgettable for them.

But just as the two hugged each other, Li Qingyue suddenly discovered that the environment here had changed. They appeared in a black space, and the only light in this space was a stage not far away. The toymaker seemed to have been waiting for a long time on the stage.

With a sense of loss, the three of them sat on the chairs, and then were pulled to the stage by a force.

"The show has just begun, world premiere!"

As the three finally came to the stage, the toymaker said with an exaggerated expression: "Donna Noble, this is carefully prepared for you. Let me tell you what happened after the doctor left you. He met our Friend Amy Pond.”

The toymaker said while using ropes to control a red-haired female puppet, and she was obviously the person the Eleventh Doctor met when he was first reborn, Amy Pond, who was also the Doctor's mother-in-law.

"He loved Amy Pond, yes, he just liked red hair, and they traveled back and forth in time and space together, but Amy Pond was touched by the Weeping Angel, and she died!" At this point, the toy Takumi took out the scissors and cut all the ropes. Watching the puppet fall to the ground, the Doctor's body trembled, but he soon returned to normal.

"She died of natural causes in the past!"

"Okay, it doesn't matter. Next she met Clara, but she was killed by a bird." The toymaker nonchalantly took out a puppet again, this time it was Clara.

"She lived to the last second of her life." The Doctor continued to retort.

"Okay, that's okay, then the Doctor met Bill, not stupid Bill, but Miss Bill, but she was killed by the wizard, and our dear Doctor also had to kill his best friend the wizard in order to save the earth, Wow wow wow.”

Li Qingyue was a little surprised now, because he didn't expect that Bill would not escape death in the end. After all, he had helped Bill escape from being made into a Cyberman before, but in the end it was foreshadowing that the Doctor took in the mage (Chapter 283, The Doctor trapped the Master in the TARDIS, which led to a series of events that followed.)

"The Navigator saved Bill and took him around the universe!"

"Well, that's okay! Then the Tide came, oh, Donna Noble, poor Doctor, and the Tide killed everything."

Watching the planet puppets falling one after another, the Doctor, who was extremely angry, could no longer bear it and shouted directly to the toymaker: "I challenge you to a game!"

After hearing this, the toymaker's expression immediately became serious. He held up his hand and jumped off the stage. Then he conjured a table and a chair, and the two of them sat down.

At the same time, a deck of cards appeared in the toymaker's hand, and he kept shuffling the cards in his hand.

"I accept your challenge."

"You have no choice."

"I'm very happy to come to this universe, and I've played Doctor all over the universe. I've played with supernovas, turned the galaxy into a top, made a bet with God, turned everything into a doll box, and made your history. Did you like the jigsaw puzzle? When the mage was about to die, he played the last game with me in order to save his life, but after he lost, I sealed him in my gold tooth forever."

Having said this, the toymaker opened his mouth slightly, revealing the gold teeth in his mouth, and the gold teeth also flashed at this time.

"But there is only one opponent I dare not face, the one who is waiting."

"Who is he?" Doctor couldn't help but ask.

"I saw it, hid, and then I ran away."

"What do you mean?" the Doctor continued to ask.

"That's someone else's game. What are we going to play?" the toymaker put the washed poker cards on the table and asked.

The Doctor did not answer, but asked another question: "Tell me, why do humans in the future think they are right?"

"So they could win, I made everyone's opinion count and that's a 21st century game and they were yelling and typing and they canceled each other out, so I fixed everything and now everyone wins."

"Everyone loses, too."

"The game never stops, now please name the game you want to challenge."

"The simplest game, let's cut the cards." Doctor said as he chose the game he wanted to challenge.

β€œThe greatest one-sided victory.”

β€œAec Max”

"It's your choice"

"I'll go first"

As the two were talking, Donna suddenly interrupted and said, "But he will cheat!"

As a result, Li Qingyue, the Doctor and the Toymaker looked at Donna at the same time and said, "No!"

"This is the only thing he won't do. He will never cheat." Li Qingyue explained.

"But those are his cards. He has a lot of tricks. Of course he will cheat." Donna said as a matter of course.

"The only rules that the Toymaker will abide by are the rules of the game. His existence is based on the rules of the game. I win or I lose, that's all." The Doctor added.

"Then let's start."

Li Qingyue and Donna looked at the Doctor closely. The Doctor slowly reached out his hand to touch the poker, then picked up a small stack and turned it over. What came into view was a club 8, which was not too big, nor too small.

The Doctor looked at the toymaker, who raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "It's my turn."

He flipped his hand and a red heart king appeared on the table. Li Qingyue and Donna took a breath of cold air. Li Qingyue even flipped his hand and a temporary recruitment card appeared in his hand.

"I am the king! Now my little Doctor, let me see what my reward is?"

But the Doctor did not panic. Instead, he looked at the poker on the table and said slowly: "1... to 1. Many years ago, I won the game, and you won today, so we are tied. You also know the sacred rules that two players must abide by."

The smile on the toymaker's face gradually faded, and he said reluctantly: "Three games, two wins."

"Three games, two wins."

"Then we'll see you in 2023."

After the toymaker gritted his teeth and finished speaking, he pulled his hand and covered it with a red cloth. When the red cloth fell to the ground, the toymaker also disappeared. The Doctor quickly said: "Donna!"

But Donna has developed a good habit, and she has turned around and started to run away without even the Doctor shouting.

Li Qingyue shook his head helplessly, and took them out of the toy store one by one.

The three people standing outside watched the toy store fold up little by little, and finally turned into a box, and Donna picked it up.

"Did he just say see you in 2023?"

"Yes, let's go back now."

Then the three of them took the TARDIS and hurried back to 2023.

(PS: Why did the Doctor say 1 to 1? Because when he was the first Doctor, he had already met the Celestial Toymaker. At that time, the first Doctor defeated the Toymaker, but he did not get his reward and left directly, so the game was not over. So when this Doctor lost, the Doctor heard the reward from the Toymaker, and then he remembered that he had not received the first reward. Therefore, the game between the first Doctor and the Toymaker had never ended. For this reason, the Doctor said 1 to 1. To really decide the winner, they still need to play a third game, that is, two wins out of three. These explanations are not recorded in the text, and the number of words in the text is more than two thousand)

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