In Times Square, a van stopped at the entrance of a shopping mall, and then a group of people got out of the van, including men and women. Two men and two women were relatively normal, but the remaining two men were completely abnormal, and could be said to be two extremes.

Because one was less than one meter tall, and the other was more than two meters tall, even taller than some basketball stars.

Such a strange combination walked into the mall together, and not long after entering the mall, one of the men who looked more normal grabbed the dwarf and said, "Rocket, put away your habits, there are surveillance cameras here, and I don't want to capsize in the gutter again."

Yes, these people are the Guardians of the Galaxy. Under Li Qingyue's spell, their transformation can last for half a month, and it will not affect their battle, but just make them change their appearance.

"This is your hometown, which is completely different from the civilization I have seen."

"How is it, does it seem..."

Without waiting for Star-Lord to finish, Rocket added, "Too primitive, by the way, what did you want to say?"

"It's okay." Star-Lord said with a dark face.

Gamora on the side couldn't help but smile, and her smile made Star-Lord stunned.


"Let's go, but still watch." Gamora smiled shyly and grabbed Star-Lord's sleeve and said.

"Oh, oh, oh." Star-Lord shouted after realizing it, but when he left again, he stuck close to Gamora. Although Gamora kept pushing Star-Lord away, Star-Lord just shamelessly leaned on him, and then Gamora didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Everyone went to the supermarket together, bought some things they were more interested in, and then returned to the Avengers base, and then they directly restored their original appearance.

Compared with the human form, they liked the original appearance more.

"How is it, is it okay?"

"Tsk, the local customs and people are OK, but the technology is a little backward."

"This is normal, but we are already vigorously developing technology. Of course, if possible, we also hope to reach a cooperation with you. You provide the technology we need, and we provide what you need. Of course, the premise is that we can provide it and the value is equal." Steve said with a smile.

"Of course, this is possible, but we want to see what you can provide us?" Rocket asked standing on Groot's shoulder.

"How about this, I introduce someone to you."

After a while, Agent Hill came. Agent Hill is actually a member of SHIELD sent by various countries to monitor whether SHIELD abuses the funds and resources they provide.

"Hello, I am Agent Hill. I wonder if you have any technology to provide us?"

"There are many, because you should also have come to know our Guardians of the Galaxy. Because of our duties, we often need to travel between the major civilized galaxies, so as long as they have technology, we can basically get it. It mainly depends on what you have." Star-Lord invited Agent Hill and Steve to come to the public place on the floor where they live and sit down and say.

"Then what do you need?" Agent Hill asked after hearing this.

Star-Lord thought for a moment, looked at Rocket and Groot, and then said, "You know, we are very dangerous because of our duties, so we want items that can enhance our strength, no matter what, as long as it can enhance our strength, whether it is from the biological level or the equipment level, these are all fine."

Agent Hill thought for a moment, then looked at everyone's weapons, then took out the walkie-talkie and said something. After a while, a group of SHIELD agents came over carrying boxes.

Agent Hill opened the first box, which contained a lot of bullet boxes. Star-Lord couldn't help frowning. He didn't think that with the technology of the earth, what kind of bullets could be developed, and the firearms they used were all laser-type.

Just when Star-Lord was about to refuse, Agent Hill spoke.

"What is in front of you now is a spell bullet. Each bullet represents a spell. Some of these spells are harmless to the human body, while others are very harmful to the human body. Do you want to try it?"

After hearing this, Rocket immediately became interested and took out a bullet directly from the inside. The bullet head was white.

"What does this do?"

"This is a healing spell. It can repair some smaller wounds, such as a broken nose, a broken toe, or a split lip. Do you want to try it?"

Rocket nodded, took out his weapon, looked at the size of the bullet, and then modified it on the spot. It only took a few minutes to modify his weapon to the size suitable for the caliber of the spell bullet.

Then he took out a dagger and scratched his arm. When Star-Lord saw it, he almost cried out, but when he saw that Rocket did not cry out in pain, he endured it.

Then Rocket loaded the bullet and pointed the muzzle at himself. As the gun went off, a white stream of light shot into his body, and then a white light flashed across his arm that he had just cut, and then the wound healed. It seems that what they said is right.

"By the way, this is the classification of spell bullets and their functions. You can all take a look at it."

Agent Hill took out a basic booklet and distributed it to everyone. After everyone looked at the dazzling array of magic bullets on it, Rocket's eyes lit up and he said, "I like this very much. Tell me, what kind of technology do you want?"

Agent Hill thought about it and then said, "Can you lend us your spaceship for research?"

"Spaceship? Then this one is not enough, you need to add a little more."

After hearing this, Hill opened the second box, which contained various cold weapons and several necklaces.

"These are the weapons and equipment we made with vibranium. I think you should have heard of vibranium."

"Vibranium? I have heard of it. This is a very high-grade metal. Are you sure it is really vibranium!"

"You can try it. Although I don't know if the vibranium you are talking about is the vibranium I am talking about, you can test it."

Rocket immediately took out a dagger and started testing, and found that the vibranium they were talking about was the vibranium that Agent Hill was talking about.

"This metal is very expensive. With these, you can take the spaceship for research, or even disassemble it, but you must ensure that it can be put back together." Star-Lord said.


"What are these necklaces for?" Gamora asked.

When talking about these necklaces, Agent Hill smiled mysteriously and said, "Please put them on. I will explain their effects to you after you put them on."

Everyone put them on without hesitation, except Groot.

Provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters or disordered chapters. This book is first published on Think Rabbit

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