On a desolate loess plateau, along with a ray of white light, Li Qingyue and others appeared here.

When they just stood up and looked around, Richard suddenly made a surprised voice. Everyone looked back and found that Richard was looking up at the sky.

Everyone looked along Richard's line of sight and found that the sun and moon were together in the sky, but the difference was that both the sun and the moon were half missing.

At this time, Li Qingyue seemed to have thought of something and flew into the universe. When he broke out of the atmosphere, he finally saw the entire earth. Today, a quarter of the earth is missing. Not only that, the universe was originally full of stars, but now there are only There was nothingness, as if only the broken earth, half of the moon and the sun were left in the entire universe.

When Li Qingyue returned to the ground, a group of people surrounded Li Qingyue and asked: "Boss, what's wrong?"

"The stars have disappeared. Now only the moon, the sun and the earth are left in the entire universe. But even they are no longer complete. Only a quarter of the earth is left. You have also seen the sun and the moon. Only Halfway through, but what makes me wonder the most is why there is no change in the gravity of the earth or the air.โ€


Just as they were talking, a man in chemical protective clothing appeared in their field of vision. Everyone hurried over. When the man saw Clark's costume, he was so scared that he wanted to run away, but he was just an ordinary person. , how could they possibly outrun Li Qingyue and the others.

So soon everyone caught the man, and when he saw Clark, he struggled wildly, even if he hurt himself.

"Clark, he seems to be afraid of you. Please leave first."

Clark nodded and soared directly into the sky. After the man saw Clark disappear, he finally calmed down with Jill's comfort.

"Can you speak?" Jill asked softly.

"I can talk."

Everyone did not expect that the person in the protective clothing was actually a girl. Listening to her voice, they guessed that the girl should be no more than twenty years old.

"Can you tell me what happened to Earth? Why are you so afraid of Superman?"

Hearing the word Superman, the girl became very emotional.

"Where is your survivor base?" Gil comforted the girl. After the girl's mood stabilized a little, Gil asked.

Originally, the girl didn't want to tell everyone about the base. After all, they were still with Clark, but in order to solve the problem here as soon as possible, Li Qingyue took out his wand and waved it casually. The girl looked dull and told Li Qingyue and the others the address.

Then Li Qingyue and the others took the girl to the survivor base, while Clark followed everyone in the air.

Soon they saw an oasis covered by glass. The oasis was not big, only 10,000 square meters. It was not very big and it was not considered an oasis because the green plants had begun to wither.

Just as everyone approached the glass cover, the glass cover opened automatically, and a kind and kind voice sounded: "You are finally here, please come in."

Everyone walked in with the girl and found that there were many children here planting and cultivating, but they were just doing useless work, because the soil here was no longer suitable for growing any crops, and there was no water here. , children here will die from lack of water.

But Li Qingyue and the others arrived. Li Qingyue looked at the old man lying on the stone and said to Jill and the others: "Leave the soil, water, and food to them. You go as well, troublemakers, and help them farm. Clark, follow me. Otherwise you might scare them."

"I know." Clark nodded.

Then everyone began to work together. Jill and the others helped these children grow food and place clean water. Walter used some machines to make them machines that were conducive to their planting.

"Hello, distinguished guest, please take a seat." Li Qingyue and Clark came to the old man lying on the stone.

"Who are you?"

"God Most High."

"What's going on! How did you become like this?" Li Qingyue asked in surprise.

"It's the Dark Knights. They used the captured system owners to create a machine that could block my eyes and senses, making me lose the possibility of seeing the multiverse and parallel universes. They destroyed those machines one after another. The universe, when I eventually found out, they had already launched an attack on us."

"Such an attack directly caught us off guard, but with my help, the Zhenglian people fought back and forth with the Dark Knights, but they didn't know what they got, and their strength suddenly increased greatly, and then they I led a group of powerful robots to invade the universe and defeated everyone in the Almighty Universe. Even I was not their opponent. Because too many DC universes were destroyed, my strength was greatly weakened. In the end, I could only reach this limit. Keep them safe."

"I understand, because the DC universe is the source of your power. As long as you keep one seed, no matter how many years pass, you will eventually regain your original strength, right?"

"Yes, so I have been waiting for hope to appear until you arrive."

"What do we need to do?"

"To send us away, we need to transfer to another universe. An ordinary universe is enough." The Supreme God said.

"I know, but it will take me some time to make the shuttle machine." Li Qingyue said.

"You should have enough materials, because I can't help, because the only power I have now can only maintain the current sun, moon and earth as they are. Once I move the power, the balance may be destroyed. I'm really sorry."

After listening, Li Qingyue nodded to show his understanding.

Suddenly, Li Qingyue and Clark seemed to sense something, and they stood up and looked up at the universe.

"What's wrong?" The Supreme God asked.

"Someone is coming, your enemy, a group of supermen and ravagers, the earth is no longer suitable for fighting, let's stop them." Li Qingyue stood up and said.

"No problem, but remember what I said, if possible, you must kill the ravagers." The Supreme God reminded.

After listening, Li Qingyue nodded. Although he didn't know why the Supreme God said this, Li Qingyue knew that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. No matter what, if he could, he would definitely stay with the ravagers.

Then the two of them left the glass cover, soared into the air, and flew directly into the space. In their sight, a group of supermen in green battle suits and their leader, the Ravager, appeared.

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