Washington DC, on the rooftop of the Vienna Hotel, a group of people in black cloaks sat around a long table. There were about dozens of them, and they sat quietly in their respective seats.

At this time, a person sat in the main seat, and when those people saw that person, they stood up and bowed to the person.

"Sit down."

Everyone dared to sit down, and then the person sitting in the main seat said: "Everyone, how far has the infiltration plan been implemented?"

"China has been implemented!"

"Russia has been completed."

"The United States of America has been completed."

"Germany has been completed."

"England has been completed."

"France has been completed!"

"The island country has been completed."

"Spain has been completed."

As the last person finished speaking, the person in the main seat nodded with satisfaction, and then took off his hat, revealing the face of Ade, and he was the replacement Mr. Magic who had been hiding.

"In that case, the infiltration plan will be implemented. Remember, the safety of everyone on Earth depends on us. We can only win, not lose!"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted: "We must win!"

At the same time, governments began to issue various strange laws and regulations. Ordinary people had no idea what was happening, but people with super powers could feel the surge in the dark.

Especially the mutants. The only one who entered the top government, Iceman, was suddenly transferred to a deserted city by the sea with a transfer order. He was completely away from the center of power. It was also said that the city was handed over to Iceman to test whether the mutant city was feasible.

Although Iceman was very reluctant and even forced the government officials through mutants, they were tough. It seemed that as long as they dared to say "no", they would immediately mobilize the power of the entire high-level government to suppress them. There was no way for Iceman to suffer this loss.

But it was okay. Although the city was deserted, it was near the sea and rich in mineral resources. If Iceman could manage the city well, he might not be able to make it the first mutant city.

As Iceman left, a large number of mutants followed him with their families. They wanted to follow Iceman to that city and build a city that belonged only to them.

After sending away the mutants, governments began to send away the Inhumans, using various excuses to transfer the Inhumans to major cities.

Although it seemed that there was no problem, Tony still found out.

"Jarvis, what's going on?"

"Sir, it has been confirmed that someone is guiding all this behind the scenes. Now the Inhumans and mutants have been taken away from major cities. Now in the major cities of various countries, only ordinary humans and superpowers are left."

"Can you find out who did it?"

"Do you want to search?"


The next moment, a name appeared in front of Tony, but this was just the beginning. As the dense names appeared, Tony was shocked.

"Are you sure?"

"Sir, sure, these are the names of officials who promoted these changes, and according to calculations, 99% of them are in the same group, and 80% of them are likely to be substitutes."

"You mean they are determined by the substitutes, right?" Tony asked with his head down.

"Yes, sir."

"I understand, pass the message to Fury, remember that only Fury can open the message."

"Received sir, sent to Mr. Fury." Jarvis said.

Fury, who was far away in the Triskelion Building, received Jarvis' message. Although he was puzzled, he still opened the message. When he saw the content inside, he stood up suddenly.

At this time, Fury's body couldn't stop shaking. He looked at the dense list in front of him. He knew that the earth was in big trouble now, but he still resisted to let others see the flaws.

He sat back in his seat, and his brain was frantically thinking about ways to break the deadlock, but now even he couldn't think of a way to break the deadlock, because he had to face the top leaders of various countries.

Moreover, he could not tell the truth to the public. Not to mention whether they would believe it, the most important thing was that these people were high-level officials from various countries. In other words, Fury had to face the entire earth, so he really couldn't think of any way to break the situation, and it could even be said to be a complete dead end.

At this moment, a figure appeared in his mind. Fury no longer hesitated, stood up directly, and walked out of the door. As a result, as soon as he entered the elevator, several special agents entered the elevator.

After they saw Fury, they nodded slightly to him, and then greeted him. Then they came to the underground garage without saying a word. Fury waited for them to leave before coming to his car. He carefully recalled the appearance of the special agents just now in his mind, and he knew that he was being targeted.

But now he had no choice. After getting in the car, Fury immediately planned several routes and contacted Agent Hill, asking her to secretly find someone to assist him.

Although Agent Hill didn't know what was going on, she knew that Fury must have encountered a big trouble and there was a problem in the bureau, otherwise Fury would never contact her for help.

After hearing this, Agent Hill no longer hesitated and quickly found some mercenaries and began to act according to Fury's request.

As Fury's car drove through a tunnel, the people monitoring in the air could not monitor it, so they could only use drones to monitor the surrounding entrances and exits. They did not lift the surveillance of other entrances and exits until Fury's car appeared in front of them again.

But they did not see clearly that the person in the car had been replaced long ago. After confirming that the drones had left, Fury drove another car out of the tunnel and drove towards Hell's Kitchen.

When those people found that Fury had been replaced, Fury had already arrived at the office.

"Why are you here again? We have thought of a way, but it will take a little time."

"No time!" Fury said to Li Qingyue.

"What do you mean?"

"The top leaders of various countries have been infiltrated. Now you must find those top leaders and find a way to ensure their safety. The most important thing is to get a machine that can distinguish them as soon as possible, otherwise we will lose."

Li Qingyue's face suddenly changed. He never thought that things would turn out like this. But now the most important thing is to find those who have been replaced. Otherwise, after solving this incident, there will be no top leaders in various countries, and the country will be in chaos.

"I know, let's go through the process, I will take action."


Fury nodded, and after going through the process, Li Qingyue found Clark. Just as the two were about to take action, Constantine and Connor, who had not appeared for a long time, finally appeared.

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