American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 366 Helping to Replace the Earth

"Don't worry about that for now. Let's talk about the second way. You hire me to solve the crisis in your universe, and then let all your substitutes return to this universe. Then I will block all your passages to our universe. Choose one of the two ways."

"If there is a choice, we will certainly choose the second way, but the question is what do we have that you are interested in?" Substitute Iron Man asked back.

"What else do you have now?" Li Qingyue asked.

Then Substitute Iron Man listed the resources and treasures that were still available on the substitute earth. After thinking for a moment, Li Qingyue said what he needed. Substitute Iron Man did not hesitate and agreed directly.

After all, being able to live on your own earth is still more free to live on your own earth.

After the substitute Iron Man finished the process, Li Qingyue and the other two walked out of the shelter.

At this time, another Dalek team came. It can be seen that their weapon system has been upgraded again. They said lasers at Li Qingyue and the other two. Clark and Constantine immediately hid.

But Li Qingyue did not dodge, because he wanted to see how far the weapon system of the Dalek had evolved.

As the lightning shot hit him, Li Qingyue suddenly felt a numbness. Although this feeling lasted only a few tenths of a second, in a battle between strong men of his strength, these few tenths of a second were enough to make the difference between life and death.

"Interesting, it seems that you have evolved to a very scary level, but I still want to ask you a question."

"What question!" One of the Dalek said.

"Are you still afraid of that person?"

"Who?" the Dalek asked.


Hearing this name, the fear in their blood made them take a step back.

"Haha, I thought you had changed, but you are still afraid of the Doctor. It seems that you are still the Dalek of the past. In this case, I will give you a piece of advice, that is, leave this universe as soon as possible."

"Dalek never compromise!"

"Really not compromise?" Li Qingyue asked with a smile.

The Daleks responded directly with actions. They were seen shooting at Li Qingyue and his team frantically. However, although their lasers were very fast, they were still easily avoided in the eyes of the three people. Therefore, even if their lasers were woven into a net, they were still avoided by the three people.

"Forget it, I won't play with you anymore." After saying that, Li Qingyue directly broke through their defense field and directly destroyed this Dalek team.

After destroying them, the three set their sights on the dark red planet in the sky.

"Constantine, you stay to protect other humans, Clark, you follow me to destroy that planet."

Clark nodded to Constantine, and then the three of them split into two groups.

Li Qingyue followed Clark into the dark red planet, where he saw thousands of Daleks. Each Dalek here could paralyze two people for almost a few tenths of a second, and with their technology, it was not impossible to use this kind of laser to make a cage, so they must not be hit by any laser, otherwise they might be captured by them.

"Are you ready? Remember, you must not be hit by the lasers, understand?" Li Qingyue said lightly.

"Don't worry, boss."

After that, Li Qingyue arrived at the back of the planet at a super fast speed. The two planned to attack from the front and back, and clear all obstacles at lightning speed.

Little did they know that they underestimated the Daleks. You know, as a race that can fight a time war with the Time Lords, which is a bug-like race, it can be said that they are perfect in all aspects, but they are usually hiding their shortcomings.

So when the two officially attacked, they were horrified to find that they were very fast. Although they could not beat them, they were also faster than most of the superpowers they knew.

Li Qingyue was afraid that Clark would be hit, so he had to leave the back of the planet and reunited with Clark again. The two worked together to destroy a large number of Daleks.

But because the Daleks were shooting lasers crazily, the two could indeed dodge at the beginning, but as time passed, more and more Daleks appeared. As soon as they appeared, they shot lasers crazily at Li Qingyue and the others.

There were so many lasers that the whole sky was covered. The two looked at each other and dived towards the Dalek in tacit understanding. Before they could react, they had already appeared in the group of Daleks.

It must be said that the Daleks were very ruthless. They didn't care about the Daleks in front of them and directly opened fire to cover the range of their activities. The two were not fools. They picked up a Dalek and threw it upwards. Countless lasers were offset by the flying Dalek.

Because the protective force field of the Daleks can be said to be very top-notch, at least their own weapon systems cannot penetrate their own protective force field.

"Rewrite the force field, the Dalek's weapon system can pass through the protective force field!" With the order of the black Dalek, the sky full of lasers appeared again.

"Boss, you can't go on like this. I'll push this planet away, and you can just blow it up!"


Clark immediately flew to the other side and came to the ground with a roar. When he touched the ground, his biological force field immediately covered the entire planet. With his punch, the dark red planet immediately flew into the depths of the universe.

Then Li Qingyue caught up with the planet and rushed directly into the core of the earth. After he hit the core of the earth, the whole planet began to fall apart.

Finally, the whole planet turned into fireworks, but the battle was not over. Although the explosion of the planet destroyed some of the Daleks, most of the Daleks still survived.

The two looked at each other, and Li Qingyue directly entered the magic swordsman state, holding the magic gun of hope, and attacked with all his strength. The speed has reached three times the speed of light.

He began to harvest the Daleks in front of him at a very fast speed. Seeing that the number of Daleks was getting smaller and smaller, the black Daleks were finally afraid. It was no longer persistent and immediately commanded the remaining surviving Daleks to leave the universe.

When Li Qingyue and Clark arrived in front of the black Dalek, its figure began to fade.

Li Qingyue and Clark did not continue to chase it, but watched it leave.

After making sure that all the Daleks had left, the two returned to the alternative Earth.

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