Marvel Studios

Li Qingyue and Clark continued to absorb enough solar energy, and then lay on the stones on both sides of the gate to digest the energy. This was basically seen once every few days, so everyone passing by had become accustomed to the existence of these two people. , and even regarded them as door gods.

Originally, this was just an ordinary day, and for some reason, the Dark Knights had not appeared recently, and the day was even somewhat peaceful. However, Li Qingyue and the others knew that this was just the calm before the final battle.

So even if nothing big happened, he went to absorb the sun's energy regardless of the weather. Even Clark did the same. Connor and Constantine were also looking for ways to enhance themselves.

They have begun to wander in various dimensions, but the dimensions that can survive are basically very powerful. If they want to absorb them, they will have to waste some time, so they can only continue to search.

And Walter continues to develop various Time Lord weapons. Some of these weapons involve cause and effect, such as the anti-material gun, and some involve time and space, such as the time prison. Time in the time prison is forever frozen for one second. It is inside, and this shell cannot be opened unless a specific key is opened. If it is opened forcefully, the time inside will be destroyed, and the creatures locked inside will be eliminated by time.

Although Walter has only acquired basic knowledge of the Time Lords, with these basic knowledge, he can still increase his knowledge through learning, thereby gaining more knowledge of the Time Lords.

Richard and Gil choose different ways to enhance their strength. For example, Richard constantly uses his mutant abilities to master his own abilities and enhance the increase brought by his own abilities.

Jill is the simplest, just holding the soul and strengthening her own soul, so that the moves she transforms will be more powerful.

"Boss, next time you may have to go out to bask in the sun alone. I want to accompany Louise to meet her parents."

"It's all fine."

Just when Li Qingyue wanted to say something else, there was a "bang" and the Red Devil appeared with Mystique.

"Hey, we have a guest, Jill!" Li Qingyue shouted.

After a while, Gil walked out with Soul in his arms and shouted to Mystique and the Red Devil: "You two, please come in."

Do you need to issue a commission? "

"Of course, you can really accept any kind of commission here, right?" Mystique asked.

"Of course, we can accept any commission. As long as you can't think of it, there is nothing we won't accept."

Seeing Jill who was so confident, Mystique stopped talking in circles and quickly informed Jill of their demands.

After listening to this, Jill couldn't help but frown and said: "Ms. Mystique, I need to remind you that this kind of commission is not permanent, it is for one year at most. If you want to continue publishing next year Such a commission requires another contract renewal, you can understand this.”

"I understand, that means you can accept such a commission, right?"

"Of course, but the price won't be very low."

"Ten mutant ability enhancement potions. Although this enhancement is limited, I think it is still worth the reward. What do you think?" Mystique placed the silver box in her hand on the table, opened it and said.

"Yeah~ Okay, let's just think of it as giving you a discount, but I have to make it clear to you in advance. Tomorrow's reward won't be so low."

Mystique nodded to make it clear.

Immediately afterwards, Jill took out the parchment scroll. After going through a process, the commission officially took effect, and Mystique and the Red Devil also left here.

In Hope Town, Deadpool, who saw Mystique and the Red Devil appearing, immediately understood that they had found someone from the agency, so he directly contacted Stryker.

"Strike, I'm sorry, the mission failed. There were too many of them. I was caught before I could even take action. You should think of another way."

After finishing speaking, Deadpool didn't give Stryker a chance to speak and hung up the phone directly.

When Stryker heard this, he immediately threw the phone away in anger.

"What's wrong?"

A cold voice came. When Stryker heard the man's voice, he immediately lowered his head and said respectfully: "It's okay, Master Hunter. It's just that the mercenary mission I sent failed."

"William, I told you that if you want to do something big, you must hide all your emotions and not let others see your flaws. Look at you now, do you still look like a soldier!"

"I'm sorry, Master Hunter, to disappoint you."

"Forget it, tell me what you need, and I'll see if I can get it for you."

"The blood of a mutant, Mystique, with her blood we can completely perfect our plan."

"Leave it to me, I will take care of it." The young master Hunter said calmly.

Stryker nodded. After the footsteps were far away, he dared to raise his head. If Professor He never lowered his head when facing a life-and-death crisis, but now he not only lowered his head, but his tone was still so humble, it was hard to imagine what he had gone through to change him into what he is now.

"I hope Master Hunter can go well, after all, there are all mutants on the opposite side." Stryker said with a sigh.

At the same time, the Hope Hotel in Hope Town was finally built, but due to a shortage of funds, they could only decorate up to the tenth floor for the time being. As for the remaining thirty floors, they could only wait until the funds were sufficient to decorate them, but it was enough.

But in order to avoid being seen, they blocked the eleventh floor to ensure that no one could enter. Magneto found Rogge and asked Rogge to call those people over. Rogge didn't waste any words and directly notified those businessmen who were interested in mutant technology to come. What everyone didn't expect was that Rogge actually found almost a hundred businessmen.

And each businessman's net worth is not less than one billion US dollars, and there are even billionaires and 100 billionaires here. Even some families with a long history have sent people here.

Soon they gathered in the auditorium of the Hope Hotel. It must be said that this auditorium can be said to be magnificent. The businessmen who came here all felt very good.

Some businessmen who were quick-witted approached Roger and asked him if they could invest in the company. Roger had already asked Professor X and his friends, but they said no, because they wanted to ensure that Hope Town was ruled by mutants. Of course, the word "rule" is not very nice, it should be "management".

As the sky got darker, the first auction came as scheduled. Iceman was the host, Roger was responsible for the live broadcast, and the X-Men were responsible for maintaining order. Of course, the entire Hope Town was also on alert. After all, this involved the future of Hope Town and mutants, so they were all mobilized.

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