"Professor X, we meet again." Li Qingyue greeted Professor X and the other three.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that one of our invitations put your employees in danger."

"It's okay. This is what I promised after all. I can't blame you, but do you know who is behind this?" Richard stood up and said.

"Sorry, we did not collect relevant intelligence, but we have sent everyone out."

Li Qingyue couldn't help but smile when he heard this. Everyone couldn't help but look at Li Qingyue when they heard the laughter, especially Magneto. They could clearly hear the ridicule in his laughter, but he also knew how powerful Li Qingyue was, so I can only endure my displeasure.

"Sorry, I've been professionally trained. Unless it's really funny, I won't laugh. The people behind Professor The Earth is five hundred light years away, and the atmosphere of your Hope Town has been maintained with the same composition as the Earth. How long do you think it will take to kill you with their technology?”

"It's not that I look down on you, but you think that mutants are very powerful, especially your so-called Omega mutants, who can freeze space and time, control magnetic fields, become immortal, emit lasers, absorb the sun, emit sound waves, etc. But you seem to have forgotten that everything you have comes from the X gene in your body. If nothing else, just by studying you a little, Walter can create a force field in less than a month with his technological level. "

"A force field specifically targeted at mutants. In this force field, your X gene will turn invisible, making all your abilities ineffective. By then, you will be ordinary people, and you will be an old man. , let alone fighting, staying here is just a hindrance. Don’t deny what I said, their technological level is fully sufficient to achieve this level.”

After listening to what Li Qingyue said, everyone fell silent, because they knew that Li Qingyue was right, and for a while they didn't know how to refute.

"I'm not here specifically to undermine your confidence, I'm just here to remind you of their danger. For this reason, call your people back, wait quietly for their appearance, and follow a process with me."


"Ah, what, then they really show up later. Do you want me to take action? It's better to take precautions and go through a process with me first. This can also ensure your safety and kill two birds with one stone."

In this way, Professor X was deceived by Li Qingyue and issued a commission to Li Qingyue. After completing the process, Professor

"Okay, don't sigh, just think of it as a trump card." Li Qingyue patted Professor X on the shoulder and said.

Professor X rolled his eyes at Li Qingyue angrily and left here immediately.

Li Qingyue smiled when he saw this and followed him out. At this time, all the X-Men who were called out came back. Professor

However, Li Qingyue who followed him seemed to have discovered something and stopped one of the mutants directly.

"What's wrong, Boss Li?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Li Qingyue said while looking at the metal headphones on the ears of the mutant he stopped.

"What do you mean?" Professor X trembled inwardly and asked tremblingly.

"He is already dead. I am really sorry." Li Qingyue said helplessly to everyone.

"It's impossible. He can still talk and move around, so why is he dead?" Wolverine asked.

Li Qingyue did not speak, but grabbed the metal earphones by his ears. As he pulled out hard, the metal earphones came with a long white worm-like object.

As the long object was pulled out, the mutant collapsed directly to the ground, completely losing his breath.

"I seem to know who is behind this!"

"Who is it?" Professor X asked.

"Cyberman!" Li Qingyue said.

Everyone frowned slightly, and Magneto couldn't help but ask: "Are they those metal men?"

"Yes, it's them. The situation is very difficult now." Li Qingyue took a breath and said, because they had all been wiped out in that battle, why did they appear again now? Wasn't it cleaned up at that time? Li Qingyue had no idea how these Cybermen came.

If they had been hiding on the earth, there was no reason why Li Qingyue couldn't see it, so he was very confused now.

"Now that we know it's the Cybermen, can we deal with them?" Magneto asked.

"I can't find them." Li Qingyue shook his head and said helplessly.

"How come we can't find them?"

"I am not omnipotent. Their technology is very powerful. They are completely hidden and I cannot find them." Li Qingyue explained.

"That means we can only wait for them to show up, right?"


Professor X looked at everyone and sighed helplessly.

"Then I'll trouble you next, Boss Li. Please be careful and don't die again. Do you think that's okay?"

"Of course, that's my duty."

At the same time, problems also occurred on Earth. A large number of Cybermen appeared all over the world. They seized the opportunity at lightning speed and captured a large number of Inhumans and some superpowers.

When the Avengers and others reacted, these Cybermen disappeared again. It can be said that they came and went in a hurry. According to the calculations of the Avengers and others, they found that the appearance of these Cybermen abducted thousands of Inhumans and superpowers.

Although they didn't know what they abducted these people for, the Avengers knew that their fate would be very miserable.

"Can you find them?" Tony looked at Mr. Fantastic and asked.

"It's difficult. They seem to have some kind of teleportation device. This teleportation device is far superior to the technology on Earth, and even far superior to the technology we have seen. It is very difficult to find them, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless Watt can help us."

"Go find Watt." Tony said.

Mr. Fantastic nodded, and then immediately found Watt and asked for Watt's help.

When Walter heard that it was the Cybermen who appeared, he immediately followed Mr. Fantastic to the place where the Cybermen left. Here Walter detected a large number of teleportation factors. This kind of thing can only appear in "Doctor Who". For this reason, Walter immediately began to analyze and planned to reverse the teleportation device.

However, the sonic screwdriver in his hand was too low-level, and it would take a lot of time to analyze it. There was no choice but to wait for the sonic screwdriver to finish the analysis.

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