In the Hydra Castle, Pierce and several Hydra executives were looking at the huge screen in front of them. The screen was showing the scene of everyone destroying the beverage transport truck.

"How is the progress?"

"It's almost successful, but the bait we put out is almost gone."

"Then continue to produce. It's better to slow down the progress than to let them have any problems. This is our final plan and our trump card for turning over. Even if you pay the price of your life, you have to hold them back for me. Do you understand?" Pierce looked at them coldly and said lightly, his tone full of murderous intent.

"We understand."

"Give the order, remember that you must not let them find out that something is wrong."

With Pierce and his orders, the entire Hydra began to move, and more beverage transport trucks appeared in various cities. Tony and his team couldn't even destroy these beverage transport trucks in time.

At the same time, beverage factories in various parts of the world are also producing these beverages around the clock. Their purpose seems to have never been to put these beverages on the market. It seems that they are hiding a bigger conspiracy.

But Tony and his team don't know all this. They are now very busy.

The number of beverage transport trucks sent by Hydra was just right. How much was just right? That was so many that they had no time to care about other things.

But as time went by, they gradually found something wrong, and Tony immediately contacted others.

"Everyone, this is very wrong!"

"What's wrong, Tony."

"Have you noticed that the number of these beverage transport trucks is wrong? How many have you destroyed?"

As everyone revealed their own numbers, they found that the stronger the people, the more beverage transport trucks they had in their area, and the farthest branches were also. You know, the cities they were in were once first-tier cities in the world. Even if they were changed, they were still first-tier cities, but now the number of transport trucks was so different.

In addition, they stopped and started to think, and they immediately found something wrong. Hydra seemed to be using these beverage transport trucks to delay time.

"So what should we do next?"

"Ignore these transport trucks and look for the source of these beverage factories directly. Can you do it, Clark?"

"Leave it to me."

Then Clark flew into the air and began to scan the entire earth, but when he scanned, the entire earth turned into a beverage factory, and Clark returned directly to the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"They seem to have countermeasures. In my eyes, all the buildings have turned into beverage factories." Clark said with a gloomy face.

"Clark, your eyes." Tony seemed to notice something and stared into Clark's eyes and said.

"My eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?" Clark asked in confusion.

Others then noticed Clark's eyes, and Constantine quickly conjured up a mirror. Clark took the mirror and found that his pupils were covered by a layer of light red energy at some point.

Clark seemed to know what was going on, and his eyes shot heat vision directly into the air, but even heat vision could not erase this layer of red energy, and Clark could only give up in the end.

"Let me try." Constantine had destructive energy in his left hand and life energy in his right hand. After all, destructive energy was too violent. He was afraid that Clark would become blind if he didn't pay attention. It was best to prepare for both.

But even destructive energy couldn't destroy this layer of energy. It seemed that this layer of energy was not in this dimension. For this reason, Constantine could only shake his head helplessly. Fortunately, this energy seemed to only prevent Clark from using his super vision and did not affect Clark's other abilities.

"What should we do next?"

"Sir, I have found all the locations that meet the beverage factory and sent them to your communication equipment."

Soon everyone received a series of coordinates. Looking at the hundreds of coordinates above, everyone knew that they couldn't drag it on. Then they divided into teams. In fact, those who couldn't teleport were divided with those who could teleport. Then they opened the teleport and came to the assigned beverage factories and began to destroy these beverage factories.

Because of the help of the teleport, they quickly destroyed all the beverage factories, and they were also a little out of breath.

"Something's wrong!" Tony suddenly shouted at this time.

"What happened?"

"We seem to be going too smoothly."

The people who were resting were finally able to think. Tony was right. When they destroyed the beverage transport truck, at least there was an army attacking them. But now they destroyed the beverage factory. In addition to the security of the factory itself, no one else, not to mention the army, even a superpowered person, appeared.

"If you say that, we don't seem to feel right."

Just as they were discussing, a beam of red light suddenly appeared in the sky. This beam of light went straight into the sky. Everyone looked at the source of the beam of light. They felt that the source of the beam of light was the source they had been looking for.

They didn't waste any words and immediately opened the portal. Soon they saw the source of the beam of light, inside a factory.

They wanted to get closer to the factory, but the energy of the beam was changing them crazily. Tony let out a wail, and saw that the armor on his body was gradually changing. At this time, Doctor Strange immediately pushed his hands forward, and the powerful time energy stretched out a protective shield, covering everyone.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Looking at the shield that was about to be broken, Constantine also took action, and the life energy reinforced the shield, which also gave Doctor Strange a chance to breathe.

"Let's go, let's see the mastermind behind this." Constantine walked towards the factory.

Others followed closely, and soon they came to the gate of the factory. Looking at the gate wrapped in red energy, Constantine clenched his fist, and purple energy covered his fist. With his concentrated force, the gate was blasted open along with the energy, and then they came to the inside of the factory unimpeded, which was also the source of the beam.

The moment they saw the source of the beam, they were stunned. They thought of many possibilities, but they didn't think of this possibility.

"How is this possible!"

On the other side, in the Hydra Castle, they looked at the beam and knew that the plan had succeeded. They raised their glasses and drank them all. Even if Tony and the others corrected everything, their plan would not be affected.

After drinking the wine in their hands, the Hydra members lost their lives one by one. They actually committed suicide collectively, so that no one would know what their plan was.

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