
Tony came again. Li Qingyue couldn't help yawning when he saw them and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something that hasn't been dealt with cleanly? Do we need to take action?"

"No, Boss Li. All the members of Hydra have disappeared. I suspect they have a bigger conspiracy behind the scenes."

"Conspiracy? Since you have provided so much business, I can tell you, do you remember that beam? Where did the beam shoot to?"

"You mean, they have laid out in the universe?"

Li Qingyue shrugged his shoulders and then took out the parchment scroll. Tony rolled his eyes at Li Qingyue and then left directly. Now that he has figured out the conspiracy of Hydra, he has a way to deal with it.

Looking at Tony's back as he left, Li Qingyue shrugged helplessly.

At this moment, the bulletin board emitted golden light again. Li Qingyue quickly got up and walked to the bulletin board. After clicking on the bulletin board, Li Qingyue was speechless.

"Cross Fire: Giant City Ruins - Please bring all employees into the Giant City Ruins, follow Blade, Fox Spirit, and Swart, use the guns in your hands to resist the hordes of zombies, and finally kill the giant Titan. In the Giant City Ruins, everyone's abilities will be invalid."

"After killing the giant Titan, you can exchange the crystal treasure chest and the gold treasure chest according to the points, and the treasure chest can open the treasures of all things in the world."

Looking at the commission in front of him, Li Qingyue couldn't help laughing, and he immediately notified all members.

After a while, everyone gathered together, and they looked at Li Qingyue.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

"There is a commission, you go and take a look."

Li Qingyue pointed at the notice board, and everyone walked to the notice board, looked at the commission, and frowned immediately.

"Boss, are you sure we all want to go?" Water asked with a frown.

"Yes, we all have to go. What if you get some life-saving equipment or skills from the box? That would be great, right?"

"Okay, when are we going?"


Knowing that they were leaving again, Tom and Jerry immediately ran to Li Qingyue's shoulders and said they wanted to go with them.

But this commission could only be given to employees. As for Tom and Jerry, they couldn't go with them. Li Qingyue persuaded them to stay. Then everyone flashed white light and disappeared instantly.

When the scene appeared in front of them, they found that they had appeared around a car in special forces uniforms.

"Hey, recruits, don't be dazed, hurry up and take your weapons, the zombies are coming!" A voice came, and everyone came back to their senses, looked up, and found a man in leather clothes, short gray hair, gentlemanly demeanor, and cool plastic sunglasses shouting at them.

"Come on, choose the weapons you want."

Then everyone chose a main weapon. Just when Connor was about to take another main weapon, he found that when he touched the second main weapon, the other main weapon on his body would return to its original position.

This means that they can only use one main weapon, so he chose an MG42 general-purpose machine gun, and took a Desert Eagle and a dagger.

After everyone made their choices, before they could say a word, a large number of biochemical ghosts appeared. Everyone now has no ability, but their physical fitness is still far superior to that of the King of Soldiers, so they can still deal with these biochemical ghosts calmly.

And these biochemical ghosts move slowly, and as long as they are headshot, they can be completely killed, so it is very easy for them, especially Li Qingyue, Connor and Richard. They are gun players themselves, but because their physical strength is getting stronger and stronger, they are too lazy to use guns.

Connor is even more so. He is a T800 Terminator, and guns are very handy to him, so these slow-moving zombies are nothing to them.

In this way, everyone quickly cleared out these biochemical ghosts. Blade saw that they were so good at shooting, and couldn't help but praise them.

But he only praised them for a few words. The second and third batches of ghosts appeared, including red biochemical ghosts, extremely fast swift ghosts, and self-destructing ghosts that would self-destruct.

The defense level of these ghosts has been strengthened. Even the bullets of heavy machine guns have to hit their heads four or five times in a row to completely kill them, unless they use the Barrett anti-material sniper rifle, and the weapon used by Jill happened to be this gun.

Under Jill's call, everyone began to walk towards the height of the ruins of Giant City. After all, it was too easy to be surrounded if they stayed below. For safety, it was better for them to stay in a high place.

In this way, everyone survived this wave of attacks again, and the mastermind behind the scenes seemed to have stopped releasing biochemical ghosts. Now everyone had time to rest. Blade took out the nutrients and water and distributed them to everyone.

"Eat, you are all hungry."

Everyone was not polite and took it and ate it in big mouthfuls. They rarely felt tired, which they had not felt for a long time, especially Clark, Constantine, Connor and Li Qingyue. Since they became stronger, the word tired should not appear on them.

"How long will the next wave of attacks take?" Li Qingyue asked after eating and drinking.

"Not so fast, it takes time for Blitz to make these biochemical ghosts, and the number of infected people in the city has been reduced after we cleaned it up. Our target is actually the giant Titan. There are still twelve hours. Whether we can kill it or not, we will evacuate directly, because the defenders have decided to use nuclear bombs to nuke this area."

"Twelve hours?"

"Yes, oh no, that's not right. There are only eight hours left. If we can't kill the giant Titan within eight hours, we will have to endure the baptism of nuclear bombs."

"But the problem is that we haven't even seen the appearance of the giant Titan."

"Don't worry, do you see these two machines? One is used to summon nearby biochemical ghosts, and the other is used to summon giant Titans."

"Why not summon the giant Titan directly?"

"Because we need to clear the nearby biochemical ghosts first, I don't think you want to be distracted by dealing with other biochemical ghosts while killing the giant Titan." Blade explained.

"You're right, let's hurry up, time is running out."

"You're too impatient, I think you should restock your ammunition first, if possible, I think you can use the nearby Vulcan Gatling gun."

After everyone restocked their ammunition, Blade started the machine, and biochemical ghosts gradually appeared from all directions, high walls, underground, sewers, and any place connected to the outside world. Biochemical ghosts emerged.

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