The Guardians of the Galaxy drove the spaceship slowly towards the transparent barrier. What they didn't expect was that the barrier was like a thin film. As they approached, a small force was pushing them out. Seeing this, the rocket increased its horsepower again.

Finally, the film couldn't bear it anymore, and the spaceship broke through the film and entered the interior. At the same time, a blue planet came into view.

"Is this the Earth?" Looking at the planet in front of them, everyone was stunned.

"Impossible, this can't be the Earth."

"I was wondering why it was so familiar. Look, the sun, Mars, Saturn, Venus, this is completely another solar system!" The Destroyer pointed to the sun in the distance and said.

At this time, everyone noticed the other planets here. After the Destroyer said this, they suddenly realized that this was a complete replica of a brand new solar system.

"What should we do? Should we go in and check?"

"Go, why not?"

Then they turned on the optical stealth system and slowly approached the new Earth in front of them. As soon as they entered, they found that the architectural style here was completely different from that of the Earth, and the Hydra flag and the swastika flag were everywhere.

"We have been discovered!" Rocket suddenly said.

Everyone looked forward and saw a figure quietly floating in the air, wearing a dark green tights, and a red cloak fluttering in the wind behind him. He just floated like this, which brought endless oppression to everyone.

"He seems to have really discovered us."

"Outsiders, report your identity, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!" The man said lightly. Logically, they should not hear what the man in front of them said, but the problem is that his voice still appeared in their ears.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally they decided to land.

As the spacecraft landed, the man also fell at the same time, and now everyone was sure that they were indeed discovered.

"Who are you?"

"Guardians of the Galaxy."

"I've heard of you. What are you doing on Blue Star?"

"Blue Star? Isn't this called Earth?"

"Earth was our former home, but we lost in that war, so we migrated to this galaxy and planet similar to Earth. However, we never bothered Earth. Are you going to bother us on Blue Star on behalf of Earth?"

Hearing the man in front of them say this, Star-Lord and the others were stunned. This was completely different from what Tony said.

Just as Star-Lord was about to speak, the man seemed to have heard something and said to them, "Follow me. The Führer wants to see you."

Led by the man, they came to a huge palace. Looking at the guards around them and the laser guns in their hands, everyone looked at each other and thought about how likely it was to break out.

Thinking about it, the man stopped, and they stopped too. They came to a place similar to a meeting room, and an old man sat in the main seat. Although he looked very old, his momentum was still very creepy.

Especially Star-Lord, he knew who the old man in front of him was, but he had clearly died at the end of World War II, why would he still appear here.

"You seem to know me, are you also a human on Earth?" The Führer raised his head and looked directly at Star-Lord and asked.

Star-Lord subconsciously took a step back, which puzzled the other team members. You know, Star-Lord was not scared to retreat even when facing a powerful enemy, but now facing an ordinary old man, he was so scared that he took a step back.

They looked at the old man in front of them with strange eyes, and confirmed that the old man in front of them was indeed just an old man who was about to die.

"Peter, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Star-Lord said with fear, constantly reminding himself that the person in front of him was just an old man. When he cheered up and looked at the old man again, he still avoided his gaze in fear.

"Child, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Yes, I'm from Earth, I know you, and I know everything you do!"

"Then do you think I did something wrong?" The old man looked directly into Star-Lord's eyes and questioned.

Star-Lord didn't dare to answer, so he could only move his eyes away to avoid looking at him.

The old man chuckled and said to the man: "Let them go, but I want you to tell the Earth a message. Now that our grievances are over, if the Earth dares to send people again, we will think that they want to go to war with our Blue Star. As for the result, no one knows. You should know that I am not joking."

"I will tell them."

After that, Star-Lord, under the leadership of the man, took the spaceship and quickly left the planet. At the moment of leaving Blue Star, Star-Lord collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

"What happened to you, Peter? Are you really okay?"

"It's okay, but the oppression that man brought to me is too heavy."

"Who is he, why are you so scared?"

"Dare to say that, there are only two kinds of performances made by people on Earth who see him, one is fanatically worshipping him, and the other is extremely afraid of him."

Then Star-Lord revealed the identity of the old man and emphasized what he had done and the impact on the entire Earth.

"Although he may not be a big deal to you, he is an existence that we humans will never forget."

After listening to Star-Lord's explanation, everyone understood why Star-Lord was so afraid of such an old man.

Then they drove the spaceship away and returned to Earth.

"You are back. How are you? I received your message." Tony hurried to meet them.

"Let's talk about it when we get back." Star-Lord sighed.

Tony felt something was wrong and quickly took them to the resting place in the Avengers base. Star-Lord sat down and drank a can of beer before telling Tony what they saw and heard.

After hearing this, Tony was completely confused.

"Are you talking about them creating a new solar system, and then living on Earth in that new solar system, and renaming Earth to Blue Star?"

"Yes, and they don't know how to resurrect the man from World War II."

"The man from World War II? You mean the mustache!"

"Yes, that's him. I'm sure he's that man!" Star-Lord said seriously.

"I see. Do you have any more information?"

Star-Lord shook his head, because they were stopped by that man as soon as they entered Blue Star, and then they were taken to the president's palace, so they didn't get much intelligence.

"I see."

"By the way, you must not go to investigate without authorization. That person said that if the Earth sends people again, they may regard this behavior as a provocation, and Blue Star will immediately respond, that is, to start a war between the two planets."

"I understand, don't worry, we won't be so impulsive."

"That's fine, then we'll go."

Tony nodded, and after the Guardians of the Galaxy left, Tony immediately contacted the Five Permanent Members, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the leaders of various organizations to come to a meeting.

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