American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 419 The Laughing Bat's First Appearance - The Laughing Bat's Gift

Marvel Studios

Li Qingyue and Clark were lying on the stone at the door. They noticed the changes in Lucifer Morningstar and quickly said, "Lucifer, what's wrong with you?"

"They're coming, they're coming!"

"Them? You mean the Dark Knight..."

"He should be talking about us." A sharp, harsh, yet bewildering voice sounded. Li Qingyue and Clark immediately looked back, only to see the Laughing Bat standing ten meters away from them.

Li Qingyue immediately stood up from the stone bed, and his movement was too big, causing a huge hole to appear at the door, which also implicated the office, but the office can repair itself.

"You actually dare to show up. Aren't you afraid that I will directly use my trump card to eliminate you?"

"You know? I can't be killed, so I'm not afraid, and this is just a clone of me." The Laughing Bat put his hands in his pockets, leaned down slightly and said.

Li Qingyue was too lazy to tell him so much, because he knew that with the current strength of the Laughing Bat, the more he told him, the more likely problems would arise, so he took action directly, but the Laughing Bat was faster, and he He dodged Li Qingyue's attack.

"I want to see how long you can hide!"

Then Li Qingyue flew at full speed and even transformed into a magic swordsman. His speed was increased again. Soon he caught up with the speed of the Laughing Bat and punched him. When he touched him, he Seeing the Laughing Bat's smile grow bigger, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be some trick, and finally decided to let him go.

He switched his fists to his legs and kicked the Laughing Bat away.

The Laughing Bat flew upside down and hit the wall directly, but not only was he fine, but he pulled his hand out from behind the wall, and then let out a classic wild laugh.

"Haha, did you see that? Even if I stand here to kill you, you still don't dare to kill me? Haha, hahaha!!!!"

Seeing such a rampant Laughing Bat, Clark couldn't help but want to take action, but was stopped by Li Qingyue. At this moment, a mushroom cloud rose in the distance. Li Qingyue and Clark looked into the distance, and then turned their heads to look at The Laughing Bat asked: "What did you do!"

"It's nothing, it just stirred up the darkness and sin in their hearts."

"You turned all of New York into Gotham!"

"No, no, I turned the entire earth into Gotham. I know you are very powerful, but will you really kill all humans?"

"Why should I kill all human beings? Human beings have become evil. Then won't my office receive more commissions?" Li Qingyue said with a sneer.

"Really? But does the person in power really think so? This is an appetizer I gave you." As he spoke, the figure of the Laughing Bat gradually disappeared.

After the Laughing Bat left, Li Qingyue's expression changed. He looked at the entire earth with a stern face, and found that the earth had become chaotic. Everyone was holding weapons and shooting at other innocent humans. Even high-level officials from various countries were shooting at other innocent humans. In a heated discussion, they were not discussing whether to start a nuclear war, but how many nuclear bombs to use to fight World War III.

Especially China, their missiles have been aimed at chickens, South Vietnamese monkeys and the space country. As long as they give an order, China will launch nuclear bombs and directly annihilate these countries.

Countries without nuclear bombs are trembling one by one, and even want to be the first to start a war. It can be said that they are short of a fuse. As long as there is a fuse, then mankind will usher in the Third World War, and there will be Most likely a nuclear war.

"Boss, we have to take action, otherwise if we really launch a nuclear war, mankind will be destroyed, and our office staying here is just in vain." Clark persuaded.

"I understand that you take Constantine and Connor with you and suppress them with great strength. Since the sin and darkness in their hearts have been seduced, then I will use greater darkness and sin to suppress them. When necessary, I can Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, by the way, and Louise, if you want to protect her safety, let him enter the office space. "

"I see."

"You guys too, if your girlfriend wants to go inside and take refuge, feel free to go in, is that clear?"

Constantine and Connor nodded, and then they brought Hermione and Naya over first and placed them in the office space. However, their situation was not good and they seemed to be affected. But they kept resisting.

"Jill, take care of them and restrain them if necessary."

After doing this, Li Qingyue arrived at the Avengers base. At this time, all the Avengers were struggling to fight against the darkness in their hearts. As long as they are human beings, unless they are newborn babies, there will be darkness in their hearts. It's just that years of moral education and human ethics suppressed them until the Laughing Bat detonated them.

Li Qingyue landed directly in front of Tony and Captain America. Among them, Captain America was the easiest, because he himself had experienced the baptism of the super soldier serum, and the darkness in his heart was long gone. He was a pure man. Representative of good.

So he has been traveling back and forth between the various Avengers in order to take good care of them.

Li Qingyue landed in front of Tony, with his eyes looking through him, and began to check his condition, but after a while, he couldn't help shaking his head, because from a physical level he couldn't see any problem with Tony, which meant that the hands and feet of the Laughing Bat were not done on their physical level.

"I hope it's not what I think."

Then Li Qingyue closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his pupils had turned golden, and he also saw Tony's soul, which was half black at this time.

"It seems that the thing I fear most has been born."

"What do you mean, Boss Li?"

"Their changes come from the soul, I can help him clear it now, but the process will be very painful, do you think he can bear it?"

"I, I, I don't know." Captain America looked at the painful Tony and lowered his head.

"I can bear it, come on!" Tony raised his head and said with difficulty.

Seeing this, Li Qingyue's eyes were gradually filled with golden light, and then two small golden beams shot directly at Tony. The indescribable pain made Tony wail. Seeing Tony in such pain, Captain America couldn't bear it.

This lasted for ten minutes, and Li Qingyue slowly put away the thermal vision. You know, he didn't know that he needed to control the output of the thermal vision, otherwise Tony's soul would be destroyed if he didn't pay attention.

"How is it, is it better?"

Tony lay on the ground, gasping for breath, and after a long time he said in a hoarse voice: "Okay, okay, much better."

"That's fine, you rest first, next I'm going to Mr. Fantastic, and then I'll let you go to Kamar-Taj and work with Doctor Strange to study how to remove the attachments on other people's souls."

After that, Li Qingyue left, and Tony couldn't hold on any longer, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

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