Marvel Studios

Everyone gathered in front of the bulletin board, and even Lucifer couldn't help but tilt his head to take a look. When he saw the scene inside, he was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

"The world of Miao Police, Thief Detective has suffered an unknown attack. The Supreme God has issued a commission to seek help. If you solve the problem of Miao Police, Thief Detective World, you can get mysterious rewards."

"Supreme God? Is that my old father!!" Lucifer Morningstar asked loudly.

"Yes, that's the Supreme God you think of." Li Qingyue said without looking back.

"Why don't you tell me this!"

"You didn't ask, and what do we do? Do you think we will do something that is not beneficial?" Walter said angrily on the side.

Although Lucifer Morningstar was very angry, he knew how many people he was dealing with. Otherwise, he would have let them know what it means to be the Lord of Hell.

"Can I follow?"

"No, this only supports our own people in the office." Qing Yue said helplessly with his hands spread out.

"I'll issue the commission, so that's it!"

"In this case, it's not impossible. Let's go and follow the process with me."

After Lucifer Morningstar reluctantly followed him through a process, Li Qingyue made him a temporary employee of the firm. This kind of temporary employee is really only temporary and can only complete one commission as an employee of the firm. After completing the commission, you can choose to stay in the commissioned world or return to the original world.

In this way, Lucifer Morningstar followed Li Qingyue to the world of Miao Police and Thief Detective by virtue of his status as a temporary employee.

That's right, this commission is actually not dangerous. Li Qingyue even suspected that the Supreme God specially called him to do this commission.

But when the two landed in this world, they discovered that some changes had taken place in this world.

"You are finally here." The Supreme God appeared beside the two of them and whispered.

"I'll go, scare me, and I'll bring your son here. By the way, why did you call me?"

"Why did you call him here? This world is very dangerous now!"

"What do you mean?" Li Qingyue finally felt something was wrong.

"They found me and invaded this world. I need you to find them and drive them away."

"You should be able to do this kind of thing, right?" Li Qingyue asked with a frown.

"I can indeed do it, but the problem is, if I really do it, then they will be able to lock my location, and even if I escape to other universes, they will find me, so I can't use my power."

"Even if this world is destroyed?"

"Even if this world is destroyed!"

"Then you can't escape? Do you have to stay here?" Li Qingyue continued to ask.

He didn't pay any attention to Lucifer Morningstar, who was shaking into a sieve beside him.

"I have given too much effort to this world. I can't escape. If I keep running away and they keep chasing me, then I will never get back to the top in my life. Are you right?"

"Aren't you hiding well? Why were you suddenly discovered?" Li Qingyue asked in confusion.

"I also blame myself, I blame myself for being too confident. After a long time, no one came to chase me, so I thought they had given up. But who knew, when I was about to make drastic changes in the world, they appeared. Look. Come on, I’m really old, so old that I no longer have the concept of time.”

Listening to his Versailles language, Li Qingyue rolled his eyes and glared at the Supreme God angrily.

"Are you really so scared, my child?" The Supreme God asked softly as he looked at the terrified Lucifer Morningstar in front of him.

"You know what happened, you know it!" Lucifer Morningstar roared at the Supreme God.

"Of course I know, but that's not the reason for your fear."

"I want to go back, take me back! I beg you, I will promise you anything you want, as long as you take me back!" Lucifer Chenxing grabbed Li Qingyue's shoulders and begged.

The Supreme God looked at the once high-spirited Lucifer Morningstar and turned into what he is now. He wanted to say something, but the words only turned into a sigh when he reached his lips.

Even Li Qingyue didn't know what to say when he saw him like this.

"Is it okay? I beg you, send me back, send me back." Lucifer Morningstar even knelt directly in front of Li Qingyue.

"Lucifer, stand up!!" the Supreme God roared.

But Lucifer Morningstar seemed not to hear it and still knelt on the ground.

"I said, stand up!"

The Supreme God roared angrily. At this time, Li Qingyue clearly felt the power of the Supreme God. Even though he was much weaker now, Li Qingyue was not his current opponent.

Lucifer Morningstar was stunned, and then he slowly stood up.

"Lucifer, remember, you are my child. You can die in battle, but you cannot be so spineless. Don't forget, your brother, your younger brother, your relatives, and your lover all died on you. In front of them, but now you don't want to avenge them, but you are running away like a coward, are you worthy of them? Please reflect on it!"

After saying that, the Supreme God put his hand on Li Qingyue's shoulder. Li Qingyue's hand was unconsciously raised, and then pointed at Lucifer Morning Star. A white light hit him, and Lucifer Morning Star covered his eyes with both hands in an instant, and then his body gradually turned into stone, and finally he became a stone sculpture of an angel covering his eyes.

"Stand here and reflect!"

"No, Supreme God, how can you petrify Lucifer Morning Star with my hand!"

"Don't you like it if I give you an ability?" The Supreme God said without looking back.


Li Qingyue felt it carefully and found that he really had an extra ability to petrify. Those who were weaker than him could be petrified permanently, those who were at the same level as him could be petrified for a few seconds, and those who were stronger than him could not play a role.

Don't underestimate these few seconds. In a battle of Li Qingyue's level, a few seconds are enough to kill the opponent tens of thousands of times.

"Ahem, thank you very much, this ability is very good."

Li Qingyue nodded with satisfaction.

"If you are satisfied, then go to work!" The Supreme God seemed to have eaten gunpowder and spoke very aggressively.

Li Qingyue shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and his figure flashed, disappearing directly from the original place and appearing in the city.

The petrified Lucifer Morning Star was constantly repeating everything he had experienced. From the initial fear to the complete numbness now, he no longer knew what mood to use to look at these.

The Supreme God in the orphanage seemed to feel Lucifer Morning Star's heart. He looked up at the location of the stone sculpture and sighed helplessly.

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