A viscous substance like oil suddenly appeared on Huck's neck. This substance covered the entire broken surface of his neck, and eventually formed a head. Huck became whole again.

"I really want to thank you all this time."

"what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Do you know why I need so many believers? Because their fanatical beliefs can provide me with huge energy, but this belief has a drawback, that is, when they no longer believe in me, this belief will It is precisely because of this that every time I want to obtain the power of faith, I can only kill people and kill them so that their power of faith can be used by me."

"And now, you have taken action and directly let all the faith of 3.5244511932 people pour into my body. Now I just feel as if I have really become a god." , in return, I need to remind you that the sleeping person has become my believer, which cost me a lot of faith. "

After hearing this, Li Qingyue immediately rushed into the office space. The next second he saw Clark grabbing Jill's neck expressionlessly. Seeing that Jill was about to die, Li Qingyue immediately shouted: "Stop!!!"

Clark's face showed confusion, and as soon as his hand was released, Jill fell towards the ground. Li Qingyue came to Jill in just a blink of an eye, hugged her and checked her condition, and found that she was just knocked unconscious. Li Qingyue Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Clark's expression returned to his indifferent look again. He rushed towards Li Qingyue. Upon seeing this, Li Qingyue immediately flew outside. Clark followed closely, and soon the two of them arrived one after the other. In the office.

"Constantine!" Li Qingyue shouted loudly. Constantine immediately used the portal to send Clark to the other side of the earth, but for Clark, this was only a few seconds away.

Then within a few seconds, Li Qingyue settled Jill and began to face Clark, who was rushing back. Li Qingyue punched Clark away with his backhand, and Huck laughed wildly when he saw this scene.

"See? Siblings killing each other, that's exactly what I wanted."

Constantine rushed towards Huck with a dark face, but with such a huge energy blessing, Huck's strength was on par with Constantine's, and neither of them could do anything to the other for a moment.

The battle between Li Qingyue and Clark soon attracted a group of superheroes. They watched the two people fighting in the air. Some superheroes even wanted to step forward to help, but naturally they were stopped by Connor who rushed back. .

"Clark is being controlled by someone now. If you go up to help, Clark won't recognize anyone."

After hearing Connor's words, the superheroes returned to where they were and did not dare to step forward.

At this moment, everyone heard a sound like glass breaking, and then a figure flew out. Clark immediately came behind the figure and supported it.

"As expected of the Demon God of Destruction, he is powerful."

It turned out that the figure was Huck who was fighting Constantine in the mirror space, but now he was covered in wounds, and black blood was even dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"Remove Clark's control, and I can spare your life." Li Qingyue said in an indifferent tone while suspended in the air.

In Huck's eyes, Li Qingyue appeared right in front of the sun. He blocked all the sunlight. That's why he couldn't see Li Qingyue's expression clearly. For a moment, a trace of fear flashed in Huck's eyes.

But soon his fear turned into fanaticism. He waved his palms towards Li Qingyue, and the black energy rushed towards Li Qingyue, but now Li Qingyue had fallen into rage and directly turned into a magic swordsman, a powerful The sense of oppression made even the surrounding superheroes unable to move.

Then Li Qingyue casually swatted Huck's incoming energy to the other side, blasting a building into pieces.

Everyone swallowed, not expecting that the energy thrown by Huck would be so powerful.

"I'll give you another chance to release the control!" Li Qingyue said, while the magic gun of hope appeared in his hand.

But Huck still wanted to resist again. Huck and Clark rushed towards Li Qingyue in the air. Seeing that Huck still dared to resist, Li Qingyue hit them with a casual blow. The gun light hit the two of them directly. The powerful force directly knocked them out. The person flew out upside down.

It wasn't over yet. Li Qingyue swooped down, pierced Huck's body with the tip of his spear, and then nailed him to the ground. Then Li Qingyue raised his fist and punched Huck on the head one after another. Clark got up. He wanted to help Huck, but Connor and Constantine took action at the same time and suppressed him directly.

After Li Qingyue smashed Huck's head, he stood up, pulled out the magic gun of hope, poured the magic power into it, and at the same time, his eyes emitted a frightening golden light.

"Last chance, release the control!" Li Qingyue pointed the tip of the gun at a certain position on Huck's body, as if it would pierce his body directly in the next moment.

And Huck also noticed that the tip of Li Qingyue's spear was resting on his own weakness. He never expected that Li Qingyue could find his weakness, so he could only release Clark's control.

"I'm fine!" Clark said with difficulty towards Constantine and Connor.

The two did not let go of Clark, but looked at Li Qingyue. Li Qingyue nodded towards them. When he nodded, Huck immediately blended into the ground and escaped.

Seeing this, Li Qingyue thrust his magic gun into the ground, and powerful magic burst out, instantly creating a pit several dozen meters deep on the ground.

The superheroes didn't even have time to escape, so they fell into the pit, but they were basically not injured, even though they were a little disheveled.

"Sorry, boss."

"It's okay, Constantine, fix this place." Li Qingyue turned back into a human and said softly.

Constantine nodded, then he took out his magic wand and waved it casually, and the damaged ground and buildings were all repaired, and even the superheroes in the pit were sent back to the ground by the floating spell.

After doing this, they returned to the office, and Clark sat on the sofa with his head down.

"Clark, tell me, what happened?"

"I saw a creature, and then I was controlled."

"What does that creature look like, can you tell me?" Li Qingyue asked immediately.

Clark shook his head: "I only know that I saw it, but I can't describe its appearance, sorry, boss."

"It's not your fault, but you really should strengthen your spirit and magical defense."

"I understand, boss, I will find a way." Clark nodded, and then Li Qingyue came to Jill until Jill woke up.

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