Looking at the sun above their heads, everyone in the office understood that the strange creature had broken out of the seal, and it seemed that it had polluted the sun. In order to avoid greater chaos, Li Qingyue notified people all over the world and asked them to Stay in the house and seal all the doors and windows, and never see a trace of the sun.

At the same time, Constantine joined forces with all the mages of Karma Taj and began to control the temple, turning a large amount of energy into reality and covering the entire earth. With this energy shield, the earth could finally take a breath.

Then Li Qingyue found Walter and asked Walter to control all electronic devices so that everyone could see him.

When Walter nodded towards Li Qingyue, Li Qingyue's face immediately appeared on the screen, and then he exhaled a depressed breath and then said: "Everyone, I think you should have heard a voice just now, and that's what I said. "Some people may know me, or some may not know me. Let me introduce myself first. I am the boss of Marvel Studios."

"Next, I need to talk about something that is related to the safety of all of you. In the battle just now, a strange monster that cannot be named, described, looked directly at, or heard broke the seal. Now he has been contaminated. The sun turns into a blood sun. As long as you see the blood sun, or are exposed to it, you will mutate, your thoughts will become chaotic, and you will no longer be you at that time. "

"So for your own safety and the safety of your family, please seal the doors and windows, all places that can be penetrated by the sun, and be careful of your neighbors. It is no exaggeration to say that we have entered the apocalypse now. I This crisis will be solved as soon as possible, remember to close the doors and windows, don’t be exposed to the sun! At the same time, don’t trust anyone, remember!”

Li Qingyue immediately disconnected, and then he and Clark went to space, looking at the blood-red sun in front of them and a black mist covering the sun. It was precisely because of this that the sun changed.

Not only that, Li Qingyue also saw the Cthulhu creature hidden in the black mist through the black mist. It had countless tentacles, each tentacle was covered with pustules, and there were maggot-like creatures squirming in the pustules. , more specifically, Li Qingyue couldn't see clearly. He was afraid that if he saw too clearly, he would fall into chaos and madness, so he just glanced at it and averted his eyes.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

"Go into the sun first and see if you can restore the sun. And I don't think the five gods will let it mess around."

After saying that, the two people rushed directly into the sun. As soon as they entered the sun, they saw black gauze coming towards them. When the two saw this, they immediately used heat vision, but found that heat vision could actually destroy these black gauze.

"Boss, it seems that eliminating these black veils can restore the sun to normal."

"But this will take a lot of time, but it seems there is no other way. I just hope the four gods discover something is wrong here in advance."

Just as Li Qingyue finished speaking, four illusory figures appeared in the sky above the sun. The Cthulhu creature just raised its head and glanced at them, then continued his actions, constantly polluting the sun and the moon. When these two most powerful creatures After the important star is polluted, even if he is killed, the two stars can continue to pollute the human spirit.

"Foreign gods, it's time for you to stop!"

But the Cthulhu creature ignored them and went about its own operations. They suddenly felt that their majesty had been violated, and immediately moved towards him, but a black light directly forced the four of them back.

"Four of you, you might as well worry about the barrier. If I guessed correctly, gods from other worlds have already begun to attack the barrier. Are you really not going to help?" The voice of the Laughing Bat sounded, and he was seen coming from Walked out of the void.

The four figures were slightly stunned. It seemed that he was right, but they still couldn't let go of the Cthulhu creature. The four of them joined forces to attack. The Laughing Bat and the Cthulhu creature joined forces to resist, but were eventually defeated. He was seriously injured. Although he was not killed, he was also seriously injured.

"There's only so much I can do, and you can only rely on yourself from now on." When the Laughing Bat said this, his throat felt sweet and he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then left.

The Cthulhu creature also became sluggish, but it still held on to its body and continued to pollute the sun and moon.

At this time, a group of superheroes on the earth received jewelry that could resist mental pollution from Karma Taj and took it with them. At this moment, Constantine and Connor received a conversation from Li Qingyue, and they immediately raised it. He looked at the moon and found that the moon was turning red a little bit. For this reason, the two looked at each other and said to Tony and the others: "Then the earth will be left to you. We need to go to the moon to prevent the moon from being polluted. "

"Don't worry, we will keep an eye on him."

Then the two came to the moon, and saw the black veils that could be seen everywhere on the moon wandering in the air. The two used their energy attacks to continuously break up these black veils.

As the two men clean up more crape, the moon becomes polluted slower. In addition, the Crusu creature is seriously injured, and it can only watch them clean up the crape on the moon.

Although the Crusu creature was very unwilling, it had no other choice. For this reason, it could only start its second plan. It began to whisper in the ears of countless people, and the whisper spread throughout the world. On the earth, many people who were not determined, or who wanted to destroy the world, walked out of the room one after another, completely bathed in red sunlight or red moonlight.

In the midst of bursts of murmuring, these humans were eventually corrupted. Their eyes were full of madness, and they began to burn, kill and loot. They would even forcibly break into other people's houses and force them to bathe in the bloody sunshine or the bloody moonlight.

Although the superheroes came to stop them quickly, they still underestimated the number of them. Such things were happening all over the world, and they had no time to stop them.

As the world becomes more and more chaotic, even the superheroes have no time to take care of themselves. For this reason, Jill, Richard and Walter have to come forward. With their joining, as well as the joining of mutants and aliens, the three parties have finally Barely suppressing these riots that corrupted mankind.

But even if they were suppressed, their impact would be indelible, because their riots caused one hundred and one hundred human beings to die in this crisis.

And if Li Qingyue can't solve it as soon as possible, even if the Crusu creatures don't take action, humans won't survive long because they don't have much food.

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