American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 447 The last temporary employee recruitment order

Earth, Li Qingyue returned from the moon with Vision's head and body in his hands. Looking at the wailing earth, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

He returned to the office, threw the two things in his hands in the corner, and sat on the sofa. At this time, Richard came in and came to Li Qingyue like a puppet.

"Richard, what's wrong?" Looking at Richard in front of him, Li Qingyue suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Teacher, please revive my mother." Richard knelt in front of Li Qingyue and cried.

It turned out that Vanessa was also affected. At that time, Kingpin had to resist the temptation in his mind, so he was slow to react. He had no time to rescue Vanessa and could only watch Vanessa jump from a height of 100 meters.

Kingpin was stunned at the time. When he saw that Kingpin was about to jump down, Richard finally rushed over and grabbed Kingpin. Otherwise, Kingpin would probably jump from a height of 100 meters with Vanessa.

Just when Li Qingyue wanted to say something, a large number of people appeared at the door. Most of them were family members of superheroes or local residents. They came here to ask for only one thing, that is, they hoped that Li Qingyue could revive the people they cared about.

Looking at so many people, Li Qingyue was silent, because if he wanted to do this, he could only use his last trump card, but the problem was that the Dark Knights had not made a move because of his trump card.

If he really used the trump card, the Dark Knights would attack, and it would probably be a decisive battle.

For this reason, Li Qingyue was hesitant. After all, if it was a decisive battle, he was not sure if they were opponents. But as more and more people gathered outside, Li Qingyue suddenly thought of something and called Constantine, Connor, Clark and others, whispering something in their ears. They looked at Li Qingyue with surprise.

"Go and do it, Jill, come with me."

Just when Jill was confused, Li Qingyue answered with action. He took out a table and a chair and put them outside. Then he snapped his fingers and said to them: "Everyone, if you want to revive your relatives, just issue a commission to me."

Richard was stunned, and then he was the first to come to Li Qingyue to sign a commission, and then paid the reward, which was not much, only one US dollar.

But don't forget that nearly two-thirds of the world's human beings committed suicide. These alone will be a terrifying number of commissions. When Li Qingyue resurrects these people, he will get a lot of gift boxes.

He is pinning his hopes on these gift boxes. He hopes to open a temporary recruitment card from these gift boxes again. This is a complete gamble, but Li Qingyue has no choice.

In this way, everyone prepared for more than a month, and finally collected all the people who wanted to issue commissions. Looking at the sheepskin scrolls that filled the entire office, Li Qingyue flipped his hand, and the temporary recruitment card appeared in his hand.

As he used the temporary recruitment card, the sky suddenly began to gather dark clouds, and then a green dragon with red eyes appeared in front of them.

"Okay, you can tell me your wish."

"I hope that all the humans who were bewitched by Cthulhu creatures to commit suicide will be resurrected!"

"As you wish." As the dragon spoke, his eyes lit up red, and those humans who committed suicide revived from the places where they committed suicide.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, goodbye." After the dragon said this, the whole dragon turned golden and finally disappeared.

As the commission was completed, one gift box after another appeared out of thin air, and soon there was no room for them to stand in the office. But the most troublesome thing was that the gift boxes were still increasing. Li Qingyue had no choice but to open the door to the office space. The gift boxes immediately found a place to pour and rushed towards the office space frantically.

"Teacher, what's going on?"

Richard had just gone back to check on Vanessa's situation and found that there was nothing wrong, so he hurried back to thank Li Qingyue, but as soon as he opened the door, a lot of gift boxes poured out.

"There are too many gift boxes. Help me push them in!"

"Got it, teacher."

Richard started pushing the gift boxes. With the help of Li Qingyue, he pushed most of them into the office space. Then Richard picked up the gift boxes that were thrown outside one by one, picked up a wooden stick, turned it into a snow shovel, shoveled up the gift boxes, and threw them into the office space. After there was a place to stand, Li Qingyue held the magic wand and swung it hard. The gift boxes floated up and entered the office space in an orderly manner.

"Huh~ Finally done, how's Vanessa, is she okay?"

"It's fine."

"Are you sure she's okay? She died once, so she should be okay emotionally."

"It's really okay, teacher. My mother said that when she committed suicide, she was like a third person watching her body jump down, and she didn't feel that kind of fear. It's just like when we control our own game characters to commit suicide, there's almost no feeling. Others should be similar."

"So that's how it is. Okay, call them back. Next we have to open the gift box. There are billions of gift boxes. I don't know how long it will take to open them."

"I know, teacher. Do you want to notify Leo and the others?"

"Notify them. Call all the children, Wick, Splinter and others. There is strength in numbers."

"I know, teacher."

On the other side, in the Avengers base, after a day of rest, the resurrected Tony immediately began to prepare Vision's new body.

However, this requires a lot of vibranium, and in order to improve Vision's strength, they also need to add more rare metals to it, and they need to upgrade Vision's weapon system.

Then Tony went to find Black Panther and bought a lot of vibranium from him, and then used the Cradle of Life to start making Vision's new body. After Vision's new body was made, Tony put on nano gloves, then gently picked up the Mind Stone and slowly placed it on the chest of Vision's new body.

As the Mind Stone was placed in the groove, a large number of nano robots immediately appeared in the groove, which covered the sunken position.

At this time, Vision's new body suddenly opened his eyes, and two yellow lasers shot out. Tony quickly rolled on the spot to distance himself.

"Vision, can you hear me? You're safe!!!"

Hearing Tony's voice, Vision gradually calmed down. He raised his hands and looked at his new body. He closed his eyes and swallowed his saliva. Then a soft yellow light emanated from his body. As the light faded, Vision had an extra set of clothes on his body. He turned into a human and came to Tony and stretched out his hand.

Tony looked at Vision, stretched out his hand to grab him, and as the two of them exerted force, Tony stood up from the ground.

"Sorry, I was too excited."

"It's okay, I don't blame you. Look at the new body I made for you, how is it?"

"It's pretty good, I like it very much, but I need some time to get used to this new body." Vision said with a smile.

Tony nodded, and then Vision came outside and met them with a brand new body.

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