After dealing with the resurrected three giants, everyone followed King Kong back to the center of the earth. Then Walter took out a device and put it on the heads of King Kong and Godzilla.

This device was actually created by imitating the translation system in the TARDIS, and it contains some telepathic abilities.

"Can you understand me now?" Li Qingyue looked at them and shouted.

Godzilla and King Kong looked at each other and said, "I can understand."

"OK, I won't talk nonsense with you. We saved you this time, but it's not in vain. At some point in the future, we may need your help. You need to help us win a war."

"I will go."

"I will go too."

King Kong and Godzilla nodded and said they would definitely go. Li Qingyue immediately looked at Clark. Clark immediately flew to their necks and took out a steel cable with a card on it.

"When the card glows, you just need to touch the card and you can come to our world. Snow Demon, do you want to join us?" Li Qingyue looked at the cute Snow Demon beside him.

The Snow Demon immediately cried softly after hearing this, and King Kong immediately relayed the Snow Demon's words.

"It agreed, give it one too."

Clarke also came to the Snow Demon's neck after hearing this, and put on the same necklace on it, with a card hanging on the necklace.

"Remember, when the card on your neck glows, you just touch it and you will be teleported to our world, understand?"

The three Titans nodded heavily, and then they watched Li Qingyue and the others slowly disappear.

After they completely disappeared, the three giants looked at the cards on each other's necks. They seemed to be very interested in this, especially the Snow Demon, who kept touching the card like a child, but was finally stopped by King Kong, and the Snow Demon stopped touching the card on his neck.

After returning to the Marvel Office, Jill looked at Li Qingyue and asked, "Is there any reward for this commission?"

"I have already given them the reward, which is the card. With the card, they can come to our world to help."

"Is this the reward?"

"Yes, I think it is because of the invasion of the Dark Knights that it feels dangerous, so now it starts to help us find allies. There should be more such commissions in the future. You can take your time. If you think you can solve it, just accept it."

"Got it, boss."

"Got it, teacher."

Just as everyone was about to separate, the bulletin board suddenly emitted golden light again. Everyone came forward to look and found that this commission was from a world they had never heard of.

"Hellboy: Help Anu En Rama, defeat the Golden Legion and the Elf Prince, and kill the Elf Prince while ensuring the life of the Elf Princess."

"Complete the commission to get a reward: an aid card."

Everyone looked at the commission, looked at each other, and finally set their sights on Connor. After all, from the name, it can be seen that there is hell in this world, so Connor is naturally the best candidate.

"Okay, I'll take care of this commission."

As Connor disappeared, golden light shone from the bulletin board again. Everyone looked at the bulletin board in surprise. They didn't expect that the commissions would be so frequent this time.

——————Dividing line————————

In the world of Hellboy, Connor just appeared in this world. He was confused for a while, but soon recovered. He felt a familiar energy, and he appeared in front of a door similar to the door of a bank vault in the blink of an eye.

There was a gap on the side of the door. A man with white hair, white skin, leather armor and golden pupils was standing in the gap. The man threw a green bean at a man with red skin and broken horns on his head, a fishman, a woman with white hair and white skin, and a man in strange clothes.

The bean fell into the sewer under the feet of several people. Then, after the bean touched the water, it immediately turned into a huge tree spirit. After receiving the man's order, the tree spirit planned to make a big fuss.

Connor stood aside. Because he hid himself, no one could find him. He wanted to see what was special about the Hellboy in front of him.

As they fought for a while, the white-haired man finally escaped, and Hellboy had to kill the tree spirit. The white-haired man said that this tree spirit was the only existence of their race, so Hellboy couldn't bear to kill him, but seeing that the tree spirit threatened humans, he had to do it.

But when everything was over, humans pointed their guns at Hellboy, which made Hellboy understand what it meant to be different from others.

Connor had been watching Hellboy. When humans pointed their guns at him, the energy in his body began to surge. When he was about to break through, the energy seemed to be suppressed by something, which made him feel a little curious.

Then Connor followed Hellboy and the others to their base. Connor continued to hide his figure and wandered around the base.

Suddenly he noticed that the white-haired man attacked again, and he easily dealt with the people nearby, then went inside, kidnapped the white-haired woman, and stabbed the tip of his weapon, a spear, into Hellboy's heart.

However, in order to force Hellboy and his men to hand over the items he wanted, he did not pierce Hellboy's heart directly, but let the tip of the gun remain in his chest.

You should know that the identity of the white-haired man is actually the prince of the Eldar, and the white-haired woman is his sister, the princess of the Eldar.

The Eldar had a war with humans thousands of years ago. At the beginning, the Eldar were no match for humans, but as they joined the goblins to create 4,900 golden warriors, collectively known as the Golden Legion.

These golden warriors are immortal, and all the damage caused can be self-repaired. With the help of the Golden Legion, the Eldar successfully defeated humans, but the Eldar king also realized the horror of the Golden Legion. For peace, he took the initiative to shake hands with humans and seal the Golden Legion.

And disassembled the crown that can control the Golden Legion into three parts, one of which was given to humans, and the other two were left in the Eldar. The Eldar prince knew that doing so would undoubtedly lead to his own destruction, but he could not stand the identity of the Eldar king, so he exiled himself and left a message that he would appear again when he was needed.

The white-haired man was the prince of the Eldar. He came here to seize the last piece of the crown, but the piece was hidden by the Eldar princess. He was too lazy to waste time, so he kidnapped the princess and stabbed Hellboy, forcing them to exchange the piece for the princess and take away the spear tip in front of the heart.

Just as the other members were thinking about whether to save Hellboy or save humans, Connor finally showed up.

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