American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 461 Final Battle 3 The battle is deadlocked, and the Hulk is furious

On the battlefield, Jill and Spawn fought each other crazily, but because this was Jill's territory and Spawn had lost his energy replenishment, he didn't dare to use his abilities at all.

After all, Spawn's magic power was limited. Even if he was the most powerful Spawn, his magic power was only 9999. If he used it up, he would be called back to hell by the devil and become his slave, and everything he did would be in vain.

For this reason, Spawn couldn't use up his magic power. He could only use physical means, and his main focus was on saving energy.

The Laughing Bat watching the show in the sky found that Spawn was restrained, and then he slapped him. A black energy sank into Spawn's body, and Spawn's magic power began to soar wildly, to the point of almost infinity.

After feeling the changes in his body, Spawn showed a ferocious smile, and Jill's expression became solemn, but Yun Qing casually blasted away the dark clouds in the sky, and the sunlight shone down, and Jill instantly got a power replenishment.

It can be said that both of them got power banks, so they came directly into the air and bombarded each other again, but the problem was that Spawn involved a lot of dark magic. Although Jill's Silver Superman template was very powerful, the magic resistance was very low compared to the physical resistance.

Therefore, Jill was suppressed and beaten. When Jill was about to lose, Thor came down from the sky and helped him to knock Spawn away.

"Are you okay, Jill?"

"I'm fine, be careful of him, he's not weak."

"Don't worry."

In fact, if Jill could get the Silver Superman template for a longer time, it is estimated that Spawn would not be her opponent no matter how much magic power he had. In the final analysis, she got the template for too short a time and her strength has not reached its peak.

With the help of Thor, Jill's pressure was suddenly relieved.

The two of them really suppressed Spawn with their combined efforts. Even if Spawn was anxious, it was useless, because the Dark Knights did not have extra manpower to help Spawn, and their legion did not recognize anyone, and they were too lazy to save even their companions when they were in danger.

When they saw their own people in danger, they wanted to kick them twice, because only in this way could the Dark Knights see them. In order to make the Dark Knights remember them, they could go crazy and sell out their own people, just for a chance to let the Dark Knights see them.

Therefore, Spawn could only rely on himself, or wait for others to be free to come to help him, so what he had to do now was to hold them back.

In this way, Richard, Urizen, Jill, Thor and Spawn were all in a stalemate. Unless someone joined, they could only maintain such a weird balance.

At the same time, the Space Marines were still attacking the large number of Zergs pouring in, but with the appearance of the armored Zerg, their battle line kept approaching the Space Marines. When the Space Marines were about to run out of ammunition, a green figure rushed out from their side.

At first, the group of Space Marines thought that the green figure was the Orc boss and almost shot him. It was Guilliman who calmed them down. They realized that the green figure in front of them was not the familiar Orc boss.

"He seems to be a being of this world, such a powerful force, help him!" Guilliman shouted loudly.

After hearing this, the Space Marines immediately opened fire to stop the Zergs who wanted to pounce on Hulk. You know, there are too many Zergs, and even Hulk would be bitten by them.

But as the ammunition ran out, they couldn't call for airdrops. There was no way the Space Marines could only be equipped with a power sword each, and the more advanced ones were enchanted power swords. They rushed towards Hulk's position.

At this time, Hulk was covered by Zergs, countless sharp teeth bit through Hulk's skin, and various toxins were injected into his body. This pain made Hulk furious. With a roar, a strong air wave directly blew away all the Zergs.

Even the Space Marines were almost blown back by this powerful air wave, and they had to raise their hands to block the incoming air wave.

After everything calmed down, they put down their hands, but they saw an incredible scene. They saw a huge figure standing quietly in the dust. You know, the Hulk they saw just now was only more than two meters tall, but now this figure is already three and a half meters tall.

This is nothing. The most terrifying thing is that a pair of green lights appeared. The next moment, the green light was infinitely stretched, and the figure of Hulk disappeared in the dust. Everyone could only see the green light stretching upwards.

Just as the Space Marines were in a daze, a green figure attacked the center of the Zerg from a height of ten thousand meters. With a loud "boom", a hundred-meter pit appeared in the Zerg's belly, and all the Zerg in the pit were directly destroyed by the shock wave.

Even the Zerg with the strongest defense could not withstand such a shock wave, and in the center of the pit was the Hulk who had just fallen.

The furious Hulk walked out of the pit step by step, emitting green steam all over his body. The strong sense of oppression even the Zerg without self-awareness felt the terrifying sense of oppression.

The conscious Space Marines did not dare to get close at all. You have to know that their fear was suppressed. Even if they knew that the mission ahead was a death mission, they would still go forward.

But now facing such a Hulk, they felt unprecedented fear at the first time, and this fear even made them unable to move forward.

It was not until Guilliman's voice sounded that they came back to their senses and rushed to the remaining Zerg.

The furious Hulk walked freely in the Zerg tide as if he was in an empty space. Every punch could destroy the Zerg in a straight line in front of him, but the problem was that there were too many Zerg. Just after clearing a road, it was filled with Zerg again in less than a second.

Hulk was also irritated with killing and rushed directly to the depths of the Zerg. Seeing this, Guilliman quickly let the army form a triangle, and he came to the front position and plunged into the Zerg with weapons in hand.

They followed Hulk closely. As long as the queen was killed, these Zerg would not be a concern.

In this way, under the leadership of Hulk, Guilliman and his men finally saw the Zerg nest, but the internal map of the Zerg nest was complicated. If there was no one to lead, they might get lost inside.

But Hulk didn't care about that and rushed in directly. Guilliman had no choice but to rush in and ordered all the Space Marines to divide into combat teams and start looking for the location of the Queen of Zerg.

Compared with the Space Marines, Hulk seemed more straightforward. When he came to a dead end, he smashed the wall with one punch and walked in a direction that he intuitively followed.

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