Jill and Vanessa came to Richard's school, where the door was open, and they walked along the road to the playground. At this time, the playground could be said to be overcrowded.

"Where is Richard?" Jill asked.

Vanessa looked around, then pointed in one direction and said, "It's right there! Let's go there quickly."

The two walked through the crowded crowd and came to the booth where Richard was, and found that there were all his toys on top of Richard, including mecha models, toy guns, yo-yos, remote-controlled cars, remote-controlled airplanes, etc.

But when Jill looked at the out-of-place Barbie dolls on the stall, the furry toys couldn't help but ask: "Are these yours too?"

"How could it be mine? That's Liya's." Richard said quickly.

At this time, Liya ran from behind, threw herself on Richard's back, and handed him the ice cream in her hand: "Richard, ice cream, eat."

Richard reluctantly took the ice cream, and then he noticed something. Looking back, he found that Faylan was staring at him fiercely, biting the ice cream in his hand, as if the ice cream was Richard's flesh and blood.

"Aunt Vanessa, Sister Jill, why are you here?" Liya asked curiously.

"Why, aren't we welcome?" Vanessa looked at Liya and couldn't help but tease.


"No, then why do you call me aunt and her sister? Am I very old?" Vanessa continued to tease.

"No way, it's just because Aunt Vanessa is Richard's mother." Liya explained.

"Okay, I guess you can explain it." Vanessa patted her little head and said with a smile.

Liya smiled, then leaned against Richard and continued eating her ice cream.

Suddenly, Richard felt something. He looked back and happened to make eye contact with someone in the crowd, but that person just glanced at him and left.

"What's the matter, Richard?" Jill asked.

Richard shook his head: "It's okay, I just seemed to have seen my uncle."

"Your uncle?"

"It's impossible. Your uncle has been dead for a long time. Did you see it wrong?"

"I'm not sure, but he really looks like his uncle. Of course, it could be Constantine."

"Why is Constantine involved again? He has been staying in the apartment and sleeping." Jill wondered.

Then Vanessa sighed and explained the whole story clearly. It turned out that Vanessa had an older brother, but this older brother had been restless since he was a child.

One day, the gangsters her brother offended came to the door. He killed the gangsters with his powerful shooting skills. In order to prevent his sister from being put in danger, he went to the gangsters alone to settle accounts. Although he successfully solved the problem, He killed those gangsters, but he also died in that battle.

And she went to collect his body in person, so she could be sure that her brother was indeed dead.

After hearing this, Gill looked back and found nothing, and then put the matter behind him.

As more and more people came in, Richard's stall welcomed more and more customers. After all, Richard's toys are all high-end goods, but now they are almost 10% off or even 0.5% off. For sale, and these toys are basically brand new, some of them have not even been unpacked, so many people want to buy them.

Seeing the busy Richard, Vanessa and Jill had no choice but to join in. With the help of the two of them, all the toys in their booth were soon sold, for a total of more than 1,500 US dollars.

Feren, Liya and Richard put all the dollars into the donation box together. After doing this, they left the school directly. The five of them sat in a car. At this time, Richard saw a car behind him. The Ford Mustang has been following them for a long time.

"Sister Jill, the Ford Mustang behind us has been following us for a long time." Richard said.

"I know, Vanessa drove the car to a sparsely populated place." Jill said, while pulling out a Glock 17 pistol from her waist.

"Wow, sister Jill, are you going to beat up bad guys again?" Liya said excitedly.

Compared to Liya, Faerun looked a little scared. Vanessa saw it through the rearview mirror and comforted: "Faerun, it's okay, we will protect you, don't worry."

"I know, but I just can't control my fear." Fearon muttered.

"Okay, let's deal with him here." Vanessa parked the car in the park, and the Ford Mustang also stopped, but a man stepped out of the car, making everyone stunned.




"Vanessa, I'm back, I'm sorry." The man who got out of the car could be said to be a middle-aged version of Constantine, with a beard and long hair.

"John Wick, you have the nerve to come back, what are you doing here!" Vanessa saw him, ran up to him angrily, and slapped him hard.

But she seemed to have forgotten that her body was strengthened. The powerful force directly slapped the man away, and even knocked him out. Vanessa was stunned.

"I'll drive Richard and the others back in your car, and you can drive his car home." Gill said upon seeing this.

Vanessa had no choice but to do this.

Vanessa put the man in the backseat, drove his Ford Mustang back to Hell's Kitchen, and dumped him on the couch.

Half an hour later, Jill drove Vanessa's car back to the office. Because Kingpin's house was right next door to the office, the car would be the same wherever it was parked.

Richard returned home and saw the man who was still in a coma. He couldn't help but said: "He really looks like Constantine."

"The world is full of wonders. Is your dad back?" Vanessa said angrily.

Seemingly seeing her unsatisfactory brother coming back, Vanessa became irritable, as if she was going through menopause.

"Well, I'm going to call dad back." Richard quickly stayed away from this place of right and wrong. He first contacted Jin Bin on his mobile phone, and then came to the office.

As a result, when I entered the office, I found that everyone in the office was gathered here.

"I was about to call you, but you came."

"Teacher, what's wrong? Is there another commission?"

"Yes, and this commission is quite special. It is to go to another parallel universe to fight against aliens."

"Another parallel universe?"

"Yes, I don't have time to explain the specific matters. I will explain it to you in detail when I get there."

After speaking, a white light enveloped everyone, and then everyone felt their eyes go white. When they could see their surroundings clearly, they found that they appeared in ruins.

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